CFS1 > Modern Aircraft > Page 2

1.52Mb (699 downloads)
CFS Mirage 50CN Pantera FACH Upgrade
Fuerza Aérea de Chile - Chilean Air Force
Now with refueling probe and accurate colors on non textured parts.
Original FS5 Cheetah Model by: Anton Coetzee.
Panel By: Michel Polski
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Feb 26, 2010 06:01 by Edmundo Abad

3.00Mb (325 downloads)
Grumman HU-16 Albatross for FS98/CFS1 Second upgrade Chilean Version.
Now with improved moving gear and accurate non textured colors.
Original Model by: Marcel Ritzema & Udo Entenmann
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad
Posted Feb 26, 2010 05:57 by Edmundo Abad

0.25Mb (356 downloads)
Eurocopter EC135 for FS98/CFS1 Upgrade.
Carabineros de Chile - Chilean Police.
Now with accurate colors on non textured parts.
FS98 Model by: Wolfgang Kulhanek 2000
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean police markings: Edmundo Abad Jan 2010.
Posted Feb 26, 2010 05:52 by Edmundo Abad

1.60Mb (339 downloads)
De Havilland DHC-6-100 Twin Otter for FS98/CFS Camouflaged Version with low visibility markings.
Original Model by: John de Miranda
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad
Posted Feb 26, 2010 05:51 by Edmundo Abad

2.69Mb (299 downloads)
FS98/CFS CASA/ENAER A-36 Halcón Upgrade.
Fuerza Aerea de Chile - Chilean Air Force.
Now with accurate colors on non textured parts.
Original by Oscar Pedrosa, first chilean textures by Harald Huber.
Panel, damage profile for CFS1 and new repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad (2009)
Posted Feb 26, 2010 05:44 by Edmundo Abad

0.25Mb (313 downloads)
CFS1/FS98 Alouette III Chilean Navy Upgrade.
Now with accurate colors on non textured parts.
Original aircraft by: W.Kulhanek.
Damage profile for CFS1 and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Feb 26, 2010 05:44 by Edmundo Abad

1.59Mb (1545 downloads)
Chilean Army - Ejercito de Chile
The CASA/IPTN CN-235 is a medium-range twin-turbo-prop aircraft developed jointly between CASA in Spain and IPTN in Indonesia as a regional airliner and military transport.
It is used by Chilean Army for troops and skydivers transport, cargo and light vehicles transport.
Original design by Daniel Biosca.
First chilean textures by Javier Barros S.
Damage profile, moving parts, sound and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad.
Posted Feb 18, 2010 06:34 by Edmundo Abad

1.69Mb (326 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Chilean Air Force de Havilland DHC-3 Otter Upgrade.
Now with moving parts and complete set of gauges files.
Original Model by:Fred Banting
Damage profile, moving flaps, propellers and repaint with chilean markings: Edmundo Abad
Posted Feb 18, 2010 06:32 by Edmundo Abad

0.34Mb (1129 downloads)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG 21 Fishbed in North Vietnam's Air Force Livery.
The MiG-21, which initially achieved renown during the Vietnam War, in which it saw extensive action, was designed for very short Ground Controlled Interceptor (GCI) missions, which is precisely the type of missions that it was employed for in the skies over North Vietnam. The first MiG-21s arrived directly from the Soviet Union by ship in April 1966, and after being unloaded and assembled, were transitioned into North Vietnam's oldest fighter unit; the 921st Fighter Regiment, which had been established on 3 February 1964 as a MiG-17 unit.
I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of GSh-23 twin barrelled 23mm cannon, rockets and bombs, and repainted in two textures of Vietnam People's Air Force:
-MiG 21, # 5020, 921 fighter regiment, all silver.
-MiG 21, # 5015, 921 fighter regiment, green spots camouflaged.
FS98 Aircraft Designer: Mike Hill.
North Vietnam's textures, moving parts and damage profile: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.
Posted Feb 15, 2010 06:04 by Edmundo Abad

2.59Mb (1042 downloads)
The MiG-17 was the primary interceptor of the fledgling Vietnam People's Air Force in 1965, scoring its first aerial victories and seeing extensive combat during the Vietnam War, the aircraft frequently worked in conjunction with MiG-21s and MiG-19s. Many historians believe that some North Vietnamese pilots, in fact, preferred the MiG-17 over the MiG-21 because it was more agile, though not as fast; however, of the 16 NVAF Aces of the war, 13 of them attained that status while flying the MiG-21. Only 3 North Vietnamese Airmen gained Ace status while flying the MiG-17.
I have included a damage profile for use with CFS1, with armament of 2x 23 mm, 1x 37 mm. cannons, rockets and bombs and repainted in three textures:
-MiG17 Fresco Vietnam People's Air Force # 2533, all silver.
-MiG17 Fresco Vietnam People's Air Force # 5020, tan/green spots camouflaged.
-MiG17 Fresco Vietnam People's Air Force # 1905, green/olive/tan camouflaged.
To add drop tanks, turn on instrumental panel lights.
To activate air-brakes, set full spoilers.
FS98 Aircraft Designer: Chris Lampard.
North Vietnam's textures and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2009
Posted Feb 15, 2010 06:01 by Edmundo Abad