1.09Mb (722 downloads)
Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane panel.
By Lasse Lindh. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
2.17Mb (812 downloads)
Pro alternative panel for David Friswell's superb Pilatus PC-9
series tandem trainers.
Made with Ed Struzynski's Panel Studio for HIGH RESOLUTION ONLY
- designed for 1280 x 1024 and larger monitors. Features several
display modes and a nice night lighting effect. Not intended
to be a representation of the real layout, but works very well
with this aircraft in the simulator. Highly functional, no fake
instruments except radar. By Gary Smith. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

5.20Mb (1189 downloads)
Pro Panel--MD Super 80.
Captain's prespective panel with recently photographed interior
cockpit veiws. Gauges by Paul Golding and various authors. By
Aurelio T. 5.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
2.19Mb (1927 downloads)
Fighter Jet Panel for FS2002.
This panel can be used for almost all jetfighters, like the
F-16 and the F-14. This version includes a GPS, AP, and an GPWS
warning indicator. This panel has also a specail light system
(for night)! Check also my newest website! www.elfert.nl. By
Frank Elfert. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

3.17Mb (1988 downloads)
Douglas MD-80 Series Control Panel for FS2002 PRO.
This is a remake of an FS 98 Control Panel for FS2002 Pro. Some
new features have been added and some gauges have been changed.
Features are Rob Barendregt Taxi Speed and Pushback gauges (latest
version). Coyote Garmin Avionics Radio Stack (with users guide).
A complete repaint of the main panel. FS2002 SIMICONS, Chuck
Dome's mini GPS, and the YG-7500 Radar Altimeter (also with
documentation) 64 Gauges in all on the main panel alone. Tom
Dennis. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
0.86Mb (2473 downloads)
Fighter panel for
FS2002. This panel is designed for advanced fighter/interceptors.
I have removed the original panel's AIMap gauge and included
some more advanced looking gauges. There is also a pushback
gauge included, which was designed by Roger Blanc. This is great
for fast, advanced fighters or other high-speed aircraft. Modified
by Travis FitzPatrick. Original panel designed by Eric Marciano.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

1.16Mb (500 downloads)
B60 1974 panel.
An FS2002 Standard version photorealistic panel. I've made every
effort to match this as closely as possible to a photograph
of a 1974 B60 panel. Features include a removable yoke with
ATC and autopilot master thumb switches. Ideal for use with
Chuck Dome's excellent FSDS B60 and also his forthcoming FSDS2
version. J.Consterdine. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

1.10Mb (986 downloads)
58 RTW 2003 Panel.
An FS2002 Pro only replacement panel for the Beechcraft Baron
58. This panel includes a yoke with working ATC and Autopilot
Master buttons. Also there's an overhead panel. Both are removable
via simicons. TCAS, Fuel computer, Garmin Radio stack and
a wealth of other custom features adorn this panel. Panel.cfg
files for both FSD modified Baron's and standard versions.
J.Consterdine. 1.1MB
58 RTW 2003 Panel Update. An
update for the Baron58ProPanel.zip file which includes the
missing clock gauge and fssound.dll. It also correct the fuel
gauges so that they refer to the correct tanks.(They were
previously both hooked up to the left tank). Finally, the
panel.cfg has been amended to show the audio and autopilot
gauges in the radio stack. J.Consterdine. 138K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

0.96Mb (551 downloads)
B60 1974 panel.
An FS2002 Pro only photorealistic panel. I've made every effort
to match this as closely as possible to a photograph of a 1974
B60 panel. Features include a removable yoke with ATC and autopilot
master thumb switches. Ideal for use with Chuck Dome's excellent
FSDS B60 and also his forthcoming FSDS2 version. J.Consterdine.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

0.92Mb (2251 downloads)
F-15J Series Panel /
F-15J (Advanced type of F-15C) series are special edition for
Japan Air Self Defense Force. Noraneko(Kouzou Maki) manufactured
original(FS98 model) of this FS2002 F-15J Series Panel. This
panel was adjusted and became FS2002. MSFS2002 BMP Texture remake
and panel configuration file edit by Martin Marquis. 946K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive