2.09Mb (1418 downloads)
panel for FS2002.
Features highly accurate guage placement as well as the radar
guage and variable HUD guage by Eric Marciano. The HUD has four
different brightnesses for all times of day. The radar can be
used to chase AI aircraft and then escort them. Panel created
in CfgEdit by Craig White. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

0.77Mb (1152 downloads)
VIEW (air refueling operating station) (ARO) for KC-10 Tanker.
Addon 'rear cockpit view' which puts you in the Boomer's seat
for air refueling. Bud Engel. 787K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

5.32Mb (1286 downloads)
Pro Panel North American F86.
by Ken Mitchell. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

9.90Mb (763 downloads)
/ FS2002 North American T-6T6pnl-v3.zip Texan / Harvard / SNJ
Reworked version of my previous photorealistic T-6 panel, seven
different additional photorealistic views are added. By Johan
"VIPER" Lemmers. 10.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

0.84Mb (283 downloads)
2000/2002 and CFS II HH-43B Husky Panel.
. Created by W. Wright. 856K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
1.46Mb (862 downloads)
Beech 1900D Panel.
This panel was designed using XML and is for use exclusively
with FS2002. It includes several sub-panels (overhead, pedestal,
etc) and features numerous systems such as an EFIS with a display
selector panel and cabin pressurization. Can be used with Mike
Stone's excellent Beech 1900D aircraft. By Matt Laurita. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
3.25Mb (1288 downloads)
2D and 3D Panel for G-Max Alouette III by
Alan Devins (original here)This
is a combinated VIRTUAL COCKPIT with a complete fotorealistic
2D Cockpit replacing the default Minipanel, based on the Alouette
III Sécurité Civile Panel. Easy installation with self installer.
Typing the "W"-key, you will see the 2D Cockpit with the new
"freeview" system moving the Coolie-hat forward and back.Feautures
a radio-stack and a default gps typing shift+2 and shift+3.
This panel is released as copyrighted freeware. By Peter Salzgeber,SWISS
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

5.67Mb (1198 downloads)
Panel for Beechcraft B1900D by
Tom Kellner Made For the Fantastic B1900D Model from Mike Stone
but will suit any B1900D. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive
5.02Mb (3195 downloads)
2002 Pro BOEING 747-200B.
Best displayed at 1024x768 resolution. Featuring: Near photographic
Main Panel and fully photographic F/E Panel with working gauges
in Alitalia configuration ; GPS; FMC; Altitude warning; Altitude
calls during approach and much more. Coupling this panel with
Project Opensky 'os742alitalia02.zip' or 'osb747-200_alitalia_cargo.zip'
aircrafts is highly recommended. Public Domain Built by Capt.
I. D'Attomo. 5.1MB
Pro Panel--Boeing 747-200B Upgrade, for use with B7474AZ2.ZIP.
Includes new sounds (by Tom Corson). Also includes changes
to make the autopilot more readable (but now requires the
FS2K concorde.gau -
here). By I. D'Attomo. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive

1.94Mb (1453 downloads)
Pro BOEING 777-300 Panel.
(jr777pan.zip). Very life-like, high resolution, photo-based
panel offering switchable overhead panel (lights/fuel/engine
start), moving yoke (with A/P on-off switch), pushback, GPS,
etc. It has a realistic perspective centre console. My original
design used Real CRT gauges, but this version has been simplified
to use mostly standard FS2K2 Pro gauges. Other extra gauges
are included in the download. I have endeavoured to make this
panel match the high standard set by my much-praised ERJ-145,
Blenheim IV and Twin Otter panels. By John Rushby-Smith. 1.9MB.
for BOEING 777-300 FS2002 Pro Panel j777-pan.zip. Revised
panel.cfg corrects a wrongly named gauge. Mea culpa! John
Rushby-Smith. 3K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:32 by archive