1.47Mb (642 downloads)
FS2004 Photorealistic panel for Heinkel He 112. This beautyfull, but almost unknown aircraft was in the late 30th a great competitor for the BF-109 with wings like the Spitfire and a canopy like the P-51 Mustang. I was lucky to have a very rare photograph of the cockpit of this He-112. Now I have created a panel, as close as possible to the real one and matching the flightmodel from A.F.Scrub. A new texture for he112b.zip, matching my panel is included. Panel and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 12, 2011 06:14 by Erwin Welker

2.71Mb (2075 downloads)
FS2004/FS2002 Photorealistic panel for Antonov An-22 with the view of the navigator sitting in the glas nose. Panel and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 12, 2011 06:01 by Erwin Welker

1.53Mb (1049 downloads)
FS2004/2002 photorealistic panel for the fighter F-101 Voodoo. Panel provides views to 5 directions. Wingmen views, seen from the cockpit, can been inserted at the numpad just hitting some keys for Left_up and Right_up. Two sets of configuration are included. Panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Jul 5, 2011 04:54 by Erwin Welker

1.66Mb (5100 downloads)
FS2004/FSX option to display a virtual and static wingman for all the variants of F-16 Falcon from Kirk Olsson. Use his names as search key. How to Use: While flying in 2-D panel view-mode, just press, the numeric keys Left Up (5 & 4) or Forward_Left_Up (5 & 7) or Rear_Left_Up (5 & 1) and the same for the right side (keys9,6,3) or Forward Up (5&8) or Rear Up (5&2) to see the virtual wingman.
Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jul 4, 2011 05:11 by Erwin Welker

4.54Mb (2453 downloads)
Photorealistic Panel for Douglas DC-6 for Fs2004 and FS2002. Panel and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jul 3, 2011 06:29 by Erwin Welker

0.78Mb (1830 downloads)
FS2004 Photorealistic Panel for Convair B-36. Panel and configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jul 3, 2011 06:29 by Erwin Welker

4.53Mb (652 downloads)
FS2004 panel with views in 6 directions for the russian VTOL fighter Yakovlev Yak-38. A wingman view is included. Probably the gauges will work also in FS2002, but it is not tested. Panel by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 28, 2011 05:04 by Erwin Welker

1.22Mb (216 downloads)
Astrocompass AK-53
Gauge for MSFS2004
An astrocompass is a navigational tool for determining the direction of north and thrue heading of the aircraft through the
positions of various astronomical bodies.
Posted Jun 21, 2011 07:45 by Alexander Belov

0.16Mb (1439 downloads)
Alternative 2d panel for Brett Henderson's Cessna 210P Turbo. Can be used for any single engine prop.
Posted Feb 17, 2011 13:38 by Scott Brandt
0.00Mb (541 downloads)
At the request of several users, I have edited the xml script for the Airport ID gauge to make the displayed text more easily read. Instead of a Green ICAO code and Red airport name and city, the text is now all Green. Also the icon has been changed to black and white so it blends with the other default icons. This is just a replacement cab file so no further editing to what you may have already installed is necessary however a previous installation of Airport_ID.zip is required. Please unzip to a temporary folder and follow the very simple installation instructions. Compiled for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Feb 10, 2011 20:59 by David "Opa" Marshall