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NOVA                         Docking and odometer systems V1.2 program for CFS2 and                         FS2000.
1.31Mb (2893 downloads)
NOVA Docking and odometer systems V1.2 program for CFS2 and FS2000. This is an utility to add some visual taxing aids to the scenery ,as a docking system, odometers, approach progress bars and a marshaller. The program requires a prior full installation of the NOVA program. NOVA is a shareware program, this utility is free for registered users, for non registered users this addon will only work in demo mode. Help files and file examples are included.By Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 1.3MB
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
NOVA                         GOLD TEXTURES Release 1 for FS2000 and CFS2.
1.24Mb (15415 downloads)
NOVA GOLD TEXTURES Release 1 for FS2000 and CFS2. This file contains a selection of 24 photorealistic textures with night effects of some common objects used in scenery design, as hangars, finger gates and terminals. By Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 1.3MB
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.68Mb (5734 downloads)
ASD Textures ( - required by many scenery add-ons. 702K
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.15Mb (7485 downloads)
Airport 2.02 Textures ( - required by many scenery add-ons. File size 155484
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
Area                         Manager
1.10Mb (1413 downloads)
Area Manager, a scenery file sorter. It helps install new scenery, tidies your scenery folders and allows you to disable scenery easily and quickly. File size 1149407. Update for this (49k)
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
Scenery                           Designers Toolkit v. 1.01
0.67Mb (1334 downloads)
Scenery Designers Toolkit v. 1.01. This program lets you manipulate Airport (APT) files so that you can translate (move) and rotate your scenery. This version lets you choose which objects to manipulate and import/export features are added. by Pelle F. S. Liljendal. 691K
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.14Mb (822 downloads)
FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2000 RUNWAY EDITOR. This program is a Windows utility that will allow you to edit and modify all runway data which are incorporated in FS2000 BGL files. Requires VB 4 runtime files, if you don't have these. By Hervé Sors. 139K
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.13Mb (1398 downloads)
Scenery Disassembler v1.9 for MSFS. SCDIS can disassemble BGL files, which are MSFS scenery files, and convert them into SCASM source files. By Takuya Murakami. 137K
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.22Mb (647 downloads)
DOD Static Library Files. ( Dynamic Object Designer Static Library Files for FS98. This is a collection of 200 static 3D objects for scenery design, like hangars, control towers, buildings, terminal and gates, bridges and more. The files are part of the release of DOD v3.0. You will also need the standard VOD textures file VODTEX27.ZIP. By Rafael Garcia Sanchez. DOD Static Aircraft Library Files ( Dynamic Object Designer Aircraft files. Required by several dynamic scenery files & others. File size 986107
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.89Mb (7009 downloads)
Visual Object Designer 3.0 a Windows 95/98 utility for Microsoft Flight Simulator FS5/FSFW95/FS98 and Combat Flight Simulator. A utility to generate a great variety of objects for scenery design, like hangars, towers, control towers, lines, surfaces runways, roads, docking systems and more. Making use of some primitive forms, like cubes and pyramids, you can build simple objects like a new building or complex ones like terminals and gates using the standard VOD textures. The program also generates and uses API macros for use with the Airport program and also generates compatible macros to use with the ASD program from Abacus v1.1 and v2.0. This version comes with a set of 26 macros in API format. This program requires the VOD standard texture file VODTEX30.ZIP.(930k) Part 1 ( File size 2680434 Part 2 ( File size 2369613 By Rafael Garcia Sanchez.
Posted May 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
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