34.02Mb (1106 downloads)
"FS9_2SF v2.1e" Package contains Jaw Dropping sun mod for FS9 that
lens flare and is replaced with a stunning glare with sun rays. Also
contains defined realistic cumulus cloud texture, universal splash,
taxi/runway textures with tattered taxi markings, revised life like
color spotlight with high and low chroma, sunset and detail textures,
revised vector Halo/strobe Texture created from real life. Includes
natural color lightning, lightning flash, artistic exhaust flame effect
textures with smoke for propeller craft (C182/DC3/D18s/C47) for FS9 and
FSX, also contains FX_2 texture with nav light resized for various
aircraft. Plus breathtaking reflection textures and envmaps...including
" puddle jumpers " plus revised detail texture with tenuous mower tracks
for FS9. A must have for hard-core simmers.
Posted Aug 30, 2020 00:08 by Brian Neitzel

10.29Mb (779 downloads)
"FS9_2SF" Package for FS9 contains remarkable sun mod that removes lens flare and is replaced with a stunning glare. Also contains low burn-in universal splash, tattered taxiway (2 styles, light or dark) and markings, life like color spotlight, vector Halo Texture generated from real life. Includes natural color lightning, lightning flash, artistic exhaust flame effect textures with smoke for propeller craft (C182/DC3/D18s/C47) for FS9 and FSX, also contains FX_2 texture with nav light mod resized and Trajectorized for various aircraft lights. Plus breathtaking Dusk ENV Textures for FS9. A must have for hard-core simmers. Intended for and created by HARD-CORE FS ENTHUSIASTS!
Posted May 23, 2020 00:01 by Brian Neitzel

62.11Mb (241 downloads)
Pensacola Heliports for FS9.
Is anyone else still doing this?
There aren't enough helicopters in the FS world for me, so I've added some to the Pensacola area. It's a little lonely out here, too, so I've added some more traffic to keep me company.
Pensacola Reg'l Heliport now has three helipads (two for AI use). Ferguson Heliport has two helipads, (one for AI use). Pensacola NAS Heliport now has three 600 ft STOL runways (two for AI use), and lighting for night operations.
Create a flight at any of the Pensacola, Florida area Heliports, there is a start position on the empty helipad at all three. All the traffic patterns begin at 1:05 pm local time. Radio frequencies for the Heliports have been coordinated with their respective Airport Towers. Don McComb
Posted Feb 21, 2020 09:15 by uploader
58.42Mb (285 downloads)
Key West Heliport for FS9
AFCAD files add Heliport QX3L to Key West NAS (KNQX) Airport, and helipad KWH3 to Key West Int'l (KEYW). also adds runways and parking to 6FL5 (Gulf of Mexico) and 61FD (Chalk's Key) seaplane runways.
traffic files add helicopter and fixed wing traffic to both airports.
Posted Feb 6, 2020 16:55 by Donald S McComb
45.19Mb (198 downloads)
Meigs Heliport for FS9
AFCAD file adds Heliport X36R to Meigs KCGX Airport.
2 traffic files add helicopter traffic to both airports.
Posted Feb 6, 2020 16:48 by Donald S mCcOMB

136.14Mb (546 downloads)
In 2009 the late Garry J. Smith did a volunteer project for the Heritage Flight Museum, at the time located in Bellingham, WA. He rebuilt BLI was it was during WW 2 using the original blueprints (with a few liberties, since it was basically a single paved and 2 crosswind dirt runways), and repainted freeware aircraft in the colors of the museum’s real aircraft. Thus, visitors can sit in the sims and virtually fly the priceless real aircraft located only a few feet away. In addition, just for fun he built Anders Field on a nearby island, and created the Pete Conrad Spaceport, complete with a Saturn V launch pad (MANY thanks to Nigel Booth for the awesome model!!). Heritage Flight Museum has since relocated to Skagit Airport (KBVS), and with Garry’s passing I decided it was long past time the project be released to the general simming world. Note that for those with frame-rate limited computers, Garry included a couple .BAT files to reduce some of the extra effects and make it run faster. Heritage Flight Museum is owned by Apollo 8 astronaut Major General William Anders, and is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization. http://heritageflight.org/ If you’re in the Puget Sound area, please stop by and visit!!! Many thanks to all the model creators, full credit is included in the readme file. Boring legal stuff - Copyright and ownership of this compilation resides with Garry J. Smith, all appropriate model developers and the Heritage Flight Museum – this file may ONLY be distributed as FREEWARE, and may not, in whole or in part, be included in any “for sale” flight sim package.
Posted Sep 29, 2019 01:12 by Steve Kess

28.01Mb (1851 downloads)
This FS2004 project reproduce the south-italian "Trapani Birgi Airport" (Iata: TPS, Icao: LICT) located on the east coast of Sicily. If you are a Ryanair, charter flights or military pilot, this scenery is a “must have” ! In the scenery you'll find almost all airport buldings (civilian and military), hundred of custom made detailed objects, static and animated vehicles and a photoreal airport background. Each scenery part and object (frame-rate friendly thanks to the hi-performance design) has day and night photoreal textures and everything is placed in the right position (which has been seen on summer 2018 at the real airport). English extendet handbook is included. Watch the screenshot inside this zip packager or on the Albysim Website and enjoy all scenery features (in this free/demo edition some features are limited).
Posted May 9, 2019 11:28 by Albysim Scenery Design (Alberto Di Bolzano)

34.53Mb (797 downloads)
FS2004 Comalapa Int. Airport
scenery of the Airport COMALAPA International of San Salvador, now AVIANCA (TACA before)
airline´s hub for all flights. Includes Terminal maintenance hangars as company AEROMAN
and American air base, Animated Jetways, 3D PAPI lights, Warning lights to Runway access
Animated vehícles, Night ilumination in all airport, Photo real airport plane.
Development and donated as freeware By VIRTUALCOL FS SOFTWARE
Posted Apr 5, 2019 03:37 by uploader

14.11Mb (964 downloads)
FS2004 Panama Tocument Airport
scenery of the Airport TOCUMEN International detailed that includes
the northern extension of the terminal, Moving jetways and some catering service
for your plane, Moving stairs at the South Ramp, Moving vehicles, Night lights over all scenery
Development and donated as freeware By VIRTUALCOL FS SOFTWARE
Posted Apr 1, 2019 10:18 by uploader

1.24Mb (574 downloads)
Each of these three sky sets are one single sky, spread throughout all of the 10 days of displaying in FS2004. This is precisely what payware add-ons such as Flight Environment, FEX, and REX all do after a sky set is selected and installed into the sim. All texture bitmaps are completely re-worked default FS2004 sky textures, not a single one of any of them remain as the default ones. There is no performance hit, as the bitmaps are of the same size and weight class as the original 140 default bitmaps. The nighttime sky textures have also been completely re-worked for the 3rd time. Package includes 3 seperate sets of sky textures representing higher altitude condition skies. Each is a different and realistic set designed for better immersion in like conditions.
Posted Nov 21, 2018 22:01 by David Walker