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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 131
                    Lost in Space Crash site scenery.
7.68Mb (1221 downloads)
FS2004 Lost in Space Crash site scenery. Located near Torna Pinacles, California where original location shots were filmed. by Irwin Allen Productions. This scenery includes, seasonal display objects. Optional Mix and match time of day display forcefields, and choice of objects displayed. Optional scenery files for advanced users. Also contains static Jupiter 2, B9 Robot, Force field generator, Laser Drill and Fractional still. Heli pad spawn only. By R.C.Reddin and Ronnie Pendercraft 7.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Western Michigan University FlightPlans
0.04Mb (513 downloads)
FS2004 Western Michigan University FlightPlans Flightplans to add C-172 flights for Western Michigan University's College of Aviation based at Kellogg field (KBTL) in Michigan. Includes AFCAD2 file for KBTL. Requires TTools. By Matt Magner. 41K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Quixadá Hangliding & Thermal Scenery, Brazil.
7.21Mb (868 downloads)
FS2004 Quixadá Hangliding & Thermal Scenery, Brazil. . Scenery of Quixada City, that is located in northeast of Brazil in South America (staty of Ceara). (S 04º 58.83' - W 038º 58.97'- (SB0R) Region spotted with monoliths os rare beauty. From November 20th to 27th, Quixadá will, once again, be the "World Cross Country Capital", receiving pilots from all over the world for the great XC challenge through the Brazilian free flying paradise. The event XCeará, is a Cross Country event, getting pilots together trying to brake their own records and also local, continental and worlds records. It is, above all, a meeting of pilots from all over the world, flying together with the same aim: fly as far and as fun as possible. The friendly atmosphere is the “trade mark”of this big fun event. For more information, please visit World Records: Hang-glider - 423 km (Betinho Shimidt) Paraglider - 214 km (André Fleury e Mailcar Oliveira) Tanden flight World record - 337 km - (Frank Bronw) Soon i will add thermals, Paraglider e Hang-gliders. 7.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  AUKSP- Kemble V1, EGBP, UK
1.78Mb (1435 downloads)
FS2004 AUKSP- Kemble V1, EGBP, UK - By AUKSP Kemble Airfield is an ex-RAF base & home to the Red arrows for many years. It's now a thriving general aviation airport & still home to the same fast vintage military jets. Created using mainly FS9 XML based tools. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Pula AB, Croatia (LDPL) AFCAD2 File
0.05Mb (1064 downloads)
FS2004 Pula AB, Croatia (LDPL) AFCAD2 File Adds parking to Pula AB, Croatia. Pula is used by the Croatian Miitary for Pilot training and Joint U.S. Exercises. Although no Aircraft are stationed here. I have set it the base up similar to what it would look like during one of those exercises. I have made accomadations for the Croatian AF's Mig 21's and USAFE F-16's. I tried to make this file as accurate as possible. By Ryan Loper. 53K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Dyess AFB, Abilene, Tx (KDYS) AFCAD2 File
0.07Mb (1122 downloads)
FS2004 Dyess AFB, Abilene, Tx (KDYS) AFCAD2 File Adds parking to Dyess AFB, TX. Dyess is the home of the 7th Bomb wing and the 317th Airlift Group. This AFCAD is for the Default scenery ONLY! Adds parking for over 40 B-1B's and 20 C-130's. I tried to make this file as accurate as possible. By Ryan Loper. 70K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  North Bay, Ontario, Scenery, Version 2.
9.30Mb (1306 downloads)
FS2004 North Bay, Ontario, Scenery, Version 2. This scenery includes modifications to the North Bay airport (including the tower and terminals plus the Canadore College aerospace campus, Sundridge, Parry Sound and a landing strip in Sturgeon Falls. It also includes the waterfront park with carousel and bateau mouche (both seasonal), marina and, of course, the most important monument in the world. Traffic is increased, with a Bombardier 415 doing test flights to Parry Sound, planes doing circuits and flying to Sundridge. Have fun. Made by Fern Marques. 9.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  United Airlines AI Traffic v1.3.
4.94Mb (10556 downloads)
FS2004 United Airlines AI Traffic v1.3. These flight plans include the summer of 2005 flight scedule from United but they still might not be the original flight plans from United Airlines. Below I have included the aircraft that comes with this package. "Boeing 737-300" "Boeing 737-500" "Boeing 747-400" "Boeing 757-200" "Boeing 767-200" "Boeing 767-300" David Hays. 5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Song AI Traffic v1.0
1.26Mb (4580 downloads)
FS2002/2004 Song AI Traffic v1.0 is based on the real Song. I am not sure that this package will work on FS2002. This package includes the flight plans of the summer of 2005. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                    Southwest Airlines AI Traffic v3.5.
2.90Mb (4877 downloads)
FS2004 Southwest Airlines AI Traffic v3.5. These flight plans may not be the original flight plans from Southwest Airlines. This package contains the flight plans of the 2004-2005 winter scedule. Below I have included the aircraft that comes with this package. "Boeing 737-200" "Boeing 737-300" "Boeing 737-500" "Boeing 737-700" "Boeing 737-700" David Hays. 2.9MB Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-300, 500 Replacement Textures These textures are replacements for the Boeing 737-300 and 500. This is made for version 3.5 of Southwest Airlines AI Traffic. 3.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive