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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 140
FS2004                     Sunnyside Municipal Airport, Washington State (Fictional)
0.38Mb (390 downloads)
FS2004 Sunnyside Municipal Airport, Washington State (Fictional)(1S5) This is a part fictional airport (I`ve just added to the original airport). It is located in Washington. This is my first scenery compilation using both AFCAD2 and Rwy12 - hope you like it ! By Steve Caine. 389K Sunnyside Municipal Airport (1S5) Update: e My apologies! I should have mentioned in my original Readme note that this scenery requires that Rwy12 needs to be installed (here)otherwise it will not Steve Cain. 3K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  2004 "TVSV" Airport of Saint -Vincent, Caribbean Island.
3.16Mb (2527 downloads)
FS 2004 "TVSV" Airport of Saint -Vincent, Caribbean Island. Location: ( N13* 08.66' W061* 12.65') This scenery is extremely complexe, I recommend to the non power computer users decrease the FS scenery complexity in their: FS9 OPTION. Author: Delblond Christian. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Canadian Rockies Terrain Mesh
53.49Mb (5167 downloads)
FS2002/2004 Canadian Rockies Terrain Mesh. A new version of my terrain mesh files of southeastern British Columbia and south- western Alberta. N48*30' to N53*26' and W113*30' to W120*. These files are based on the latest version of the GeoBase CDED1 source data and have been compiled at LOD9 (~76-m resolution). Also included are LOD8 (~153m) and LOD7 (~306m) files to prevent "texture tearing". By Holger Sandmann. 55MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Southwest Airlines AI Traffic v3.9.
2.34Mb (5892 downloads)
FS2004 Southwest Airlines AI Traffic v3.9. These flight plans may not be the original flight plans from Southwest Airlines. This package contains the flight plans of the 2005 summer flight scedule. Below I have included the aircraft that comes with this package. "Boeing 737-300" "Boeing 737-500" "Boeing 737-700" David Hayes. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Madeira Islands (Portuguese) Improvement Pack.
1.28Mb (13022 downloads)
FS2004 Madeira Islands (Portuguese) Improvement Pack. Includes realistic features for Madeira Islands scenery by PTSIM, such as: * White factory under “GELO” reference point; * PAPI system moved to its real position (RWY-05 and RWY-23); * Improved photoreal Fixed Distance Markers; * Improved textures for the viaduct and the hill before RWY-05; * Photo texture for yellow-black arrows on top of the hill before RWY-05; * Visible high road from the approach, on the left side of the RWY-05”; * New runway texture; * New waterclass for more realistic deep water at the shores; * Madeira blue-yellow big flag over the viaduct; * Small buildings nearby the viaduct; * Pier at Vila Baleira beach, Porto Santo (for Porto Santo island VFR). By Pedro Oliveira. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Landscape Enhancements for UT.
3.43Mb (2592 downloads)
FS2004 Landscape Enhancements for UT. This is a re-issue of my previously published landscape enhancement packages for parts of Southeast Alaska, British Columbia, Alberta, and Washington State, edited and adjusted to be fully compatible with FlightOne's "Ultimate Terrain: Canada/Alaska" product. Also includes adjustments to some of UT's lake and river elevations to better fit third party add-on mesh files. By Holger Sandmann. 3.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  KMAX Seattle Municipal Airport
0.35Mb (1340 downloads)
FS2004 KMAX Seattle Municipal Airport - Features: 2000x40 foot runway 1 Small gate 2 Medium Ramps 15 Small ramps Traffic and ATIS radio No FPS hit Steep 4 degree down ILS Fairly tricky approach And AI KMAX is located in Seattle, Washington State. Daniel Coburn. 363K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Lufthansa AI Traffic v1.0
5.43Mb (12326 downloads)
FS2004 Lufthansa AI Traffic v1.0 The Lufthansa AI Traffic includes the whole fleet and the 2005 Summer flight plans of Lufthansa. I hope you have enjoyed this package as much as I did. You can go to EDDF to find a lot of Lufthansa traffic in your FS. David Hays. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                  Alaska Airlines (ASA) AI Traffic v1.3
4.93Mb (6525 downloads)
FS2004 Alaska Airlines (ASA) AI Traffic v1.3 The ASA package is based on the on the real flight plans of the Alaska Airlines. They include the 2005 Summer scedule with the following aircraft: Boeing 737-200 Boeing 737-400 Boeing 737-700 Boeing 737-800 Boeing 737-900 McDonnell Douglas MD-80. David Hays. 5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
                    Australian Vintage AI Scenery.
0.87Mb (857 downloads)
FS2004 Australian Vintage AI Scenery. This is my first attempt at creating' any type, of scenery addon to my 2004 sim. After flying around in the sim world' very few of the vintage aircraft where encountered. So' here they are. I have kept the zip small. this makes for easy downloading. plus its framerate freindly Country: Australia. the aircraft can be found in all states. The airports' all except one. can be found in 'go to airport' that one you will have to fly to. Not to difficut. It's on the gps and the map. 870K Fix. 19K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive