61.54Mb (591 downloads)
Russia-Tomsk region
HBE4-Napas, HBO9-Prokhorkino, HBZ8-Tymsk, HC0B-Ust'-Tym, UNCK-Kedroviy, UNIZ-Kataiga, UNLA-Druzhniy, UNLB-Kievskiy Egan, UNLD-Kurolino, UNLF-Ust'-Chizhapka, UNLG-Kurzhino, UNLI-Molodezhniy, UNLK-Kargasok, UNLL-Kolpashevo, UNLM-Sredniy Vasyugan, UNLP-Parabel', UNLQ-Belyi Yar, UNLR-Negotka, UNLS-Stepanovka, UNLW-Nov.Vasyugan, UNLZ-Makzyr, UNSA-Aleksandrovskoye, UNSN-Novikovo, UNSP-Pionerny, UNSS-Strezhevoy, UNTB-Bakchar, UNTT-Tomsk Bogashevo, XNNG-Tomsk Golovino, ZD2V-Kolbinka, ZDG6-Ozernaya, ZE0Y-Beregayevo, ZE10-Teguldet, ZE11-Turuntayevo, ZE12-Tuyla, ZE1F-Baturino, ZE1H-Klyukvinka, ZE6J-Osipovo, ZE6K-Kozhevnikovo, ZE6L-Suiyga, ZE6N-Dalneye
Andrey Anta
Posted Dec 27, 2014 15:41 by Andrey Anta

13.27Mb (329 downloads)
FS2004 Scenery Russia-Kemerovo region
UNWI-Tashtagol, XNET-Tanay, XNKM-Kemerovo (Severniy), ZB2W-Mikhailovka, ZBH8-Leninsk-Kuznetsky, ZC7U-Muryuk (Novaya Pokrovka), ZCT5-Kemerovo (Borovoy), ZD0U-Mezhdurechensk, ZDR2-Novokuznetsk (Sosnovka), ZE0M-Saltymakovo, ZE0N-Kiya-Shaltyr, ZE0P-Tsentralnyy, ZE0Q-Chumaiy, ZE0V-Yaya, ZE0W-Izhmorskiy, ZE0X-Ulanovka, ZE12-Tuyla, ZE13-Taezhno-Alexandrovka, ZE14-Verkhnyaya Chebula, ZE15-Mariinsk, ZE18-Tundinka, ZE1B-Tyazhinskiy, ZE1R-Novokuznetsk (Abagur-Lesnoi)
Posted Nov 12, 2014 09:38 by Andrey Anta

25.01Mb (1037 downloads)
Rovaniemi Airport,
EFRO, Finland. Rovaniemi airport is located at the arctic circle in North Finland. It is also known as The official
airport of Santa Claus and has become a popular airport for charter flights during the
Christmas time.
This scenery adds most of the buildings to the airport. The Finnish Coast Guard and Finnish Air
Force areas at the airport remain untouched except some hangars as dummy objects. Included
are also many landmarks, buildings and bridges in the city, as well as the biggest hospital in
Northern Finland with a helipad. The Rovaniemi 4.1 introduces an expanded photoreal city
scenery with all the seasons, nightlights and autogen. This is an old scenery uploaded. Please read docs for further info.
Posted Nov 9, 2014 11:50 by Tatu Kantomaa

8.17Mb (265 downloads)
Russia-Republic of Khakassia - Includes airports -
UNAI-Shira, UNAS-Sayanogorsk, UNAX-Ust'-Byur', UNAY-Tashtyp, ZB30-Kryl'ya Khakassiyi and ZE0K-Abaza
Posted Oct 31, 2014 16:01 by Andrey Anta

0.00Mb (397 downloads)
President Obiang Nguema International Airport
Oyala / Mongomeyen Airport
Ecuatorial Guinea in Africa
Posted Oct 29, 2014 16:08 by Alberto Thomas

1.02Mb (347 downloads)
A new airport for FS2004. The real airport apparently does
not have an ICAO code - but the code FGAB is used by AI flight plan writers.
These files add the airport to your FS2004 world and setup the airport for
AI traffic - specifically the World of AI packages.
Location - FGAB/ Annobon Island is located about 220 nm west of the coast
of Africa, and about 110 miles southwest of Sao Tome Island. The island is
only about 4 miles by 2 miles. The island population is about 5,000.
The airport has minimal air traffic - often only one to three flights
per week.
Posted Oct 28, 2014 00:23 by Reggie Fields

15.63Mb (381 downloads)
Created airports in the Altai Krai are of Russia. List of airports:
UNBI-Biysk, UNBM-Volchikha, UNBR-Rubtsovsk, UNBW-Petropavlovskoye, UNBZ-Soloneshnoye, XNBJ-Aleysk, XNBK-Kamen'-na-Obi, XNBN-Lesnoy, XNBP-Panfilovo, XNBR-Sibirskiy (Borovikha), XNBS-Slavgorod (Severniy), ZA2B-Charyshskoye, ZAJ8-Slavgorod (Yuzhniy), ZAK0-Shadrino, ZDE1-Ust'-Kalmanka, ZDL7-Burla, ZE0J-Zonalnoye, ZE0L-Tselinnoye, ZE29-Starobelokurikha, ZE47-Kur'ya, ZEC3-Mikhaylovskoye
Posted Oct 26, 2014 17:18 by Andrey Anta

11.53Mb (723 downloads)
Russia-Altai Republic
UNBA-Kosh-Agach, UNBD-Aktash, UNBG-Gorno-Altaysk, UNBT-Dzhazator (Tal'menka), UNBU-Ust'-Koksa, ZD1L-Souzga, ZE27-Aktash, ZE2A-Karasuk, ZE98-Barantal
Posted Oct 12, 2014 01:54 by Andrey Anta

10.47Mb (356 downloads)
Russia-Republic of Tyva
UNAG Mugur Aksy, UNKD Kyzyl Mazhalyk, UNKY Kyzyl, UNYA Khamsara, UNYE Saryg Sep, UNYH Khovu Aksy, UNYK Kuznetsovo Kungurtuk, UNYR Erzin, UNYS Severny Arzhan Solnechny, UNYT Todzha, UNYX Yuzhny Arzhan Dolgy Most, UNYY Yrban.Shishmarevo. Achinskaya, XNKY Kyzyl, ZC4K Handagaity, ZDE0 Shagonar, ZE04 Dus Dag (Torgalyg), ZE07 Chadan, ZE08 Khut
Posted Oct 2, 2014 09:07 by Andrey Anta

3.56Mb (503 downloads)
The Official Tourism site for Mansfield and Mount Buller region in Victoria's (Australia) High Country.
This is a very challenging airstrip, but lots of fun!
Easy copy and paste Install with instructions. Includes AI traffic, objects, barn-storming barn and exclusion map.
Posted Sep 8, 2014 22:47 by Spike