0.31Mb (2971 downloads)
Hong Kong Intl Kai Tak Airport VHHX (Now
disused). Runways 31/13: ILS, Length: 9000 ft, Tarmac, Full
Night Lighting. 04/22: ILS, Length: 3100 ft, Grass, Full Night
Lighting. 32/14: Length: 2000 ft, Sand, Semi Night Lighting.
Made with AFCAD 313K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
1.97Mb (6533 downloads)
USS Stennis,
modified to allow the carrier to be "moved" from San Diego,
California to the southwestern shores of Chile. I wish to
thank this man because he not only say "go for it", he did
the beta checks and final analyis and small tweaks needed
before the compilation took place. Without him this project
could not have succeded. Paul adjusted some items in the file
and explained details using AFCAD22 and BGLcomp with XML sheets.
It was VERY educational. A few minor definitions fixed, He
flight tested the setup and thought it was great. After that
first review by him, I added the NAV-AIDs, with his great
caution on many areas of AFCAD22. Original carrier created
by Paul Clawson. Revised by Steve Hinson. 2MB
CV-74 USS NightHawk-Stennis Fix. The "NightHawk" This
is an update USS Nighthawk-Stennis. It will fix the entire
flight deck and repair the hollow parts in front of the LSO
cube at Cat 3/4 near the Bow. I finally found a way to harden
ALL of the FLIGHT DECK! The lights are still OFFSET to the
rear towards the stern due to the MODEL configuration of the
carrier. Steven D. Hinson. 17K
Fix for a fix that was still needed. 'Ken the aviator'
told to me about it last nite. I got the good BGL mixed up
with one that had no ship model, dummy me! SORRY! It is now
fixed. Any wider or longer runway will tear texture of ship.
There are no more rev's or updates. This is it. Thank You
all! Steve Hinson. 429K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
4.07Mb (5282 downloads)
Aeroflot AI traffic.
This adds Aeroflot traffic to your flight simulator. There are
many flight plans from different airports in Russia to the biggest
Cities in Europe and Asia, and also to America! There are many
flights only between russian airports, which orginally didn't
have any traffic! Many of the flight plans are based on those
which can be found at www.aeroflot.com! By Artur Krause &
with credits enclosed for aircraft designers. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive

4.45Mb (2161 downloads)
RAF Hawkinge 1940 Scenery.
RAF Hawking was a frontline airfield during the Battle of Britain.
The airfield itself was the nearest Royal Air Force station
to enemy-occupied France and only some ten minutes flying time
away from the Luftwaffe fighter airfields. Not for nothing was
Hawkinge known as "Hellfire Corner". 4.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
2.38Mb (1635 downloads)
Dunkeswell Airport, Devon, UK.
This airport has two runways and one with lights. The land has
been flattened out and there is AI traffic included. This scenery
is an exact match to the real airport as I have been there flying.
Included with this download is some pictures of the real airfield
and a video of a stunt plane landing. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
0.25Mb (1215 downloads)
The Holy Island Breakwater, Wales, UK.
Information & Images on the history of the Breakwater can be
seen at the following web site, well worth a read!! http://www.holyheadbreakwater.com/history.htm
By Dyl Roberts. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
0.10Mb (1085 downloads)
Cutler Field, Powell OH-
this is a file of my home airport, Cutler Feild. This scenery
requires rwy12, here. It has 2 hangers, tower and ground radio,
a flaming ring to fly through, and a barn to fly through. Also
inclueds afcad files. By Robin O"Donnell. 101K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
2.65Mb (8160 downloads)
TreeGen V 1.0
The default FS9 trees are over-sized and too sparse. As a result,
they never create a believable tree-line, or give you the sense
of mass and density. I've reduced the size of the trees down
by 40%, and increased their numbers. There is no performance
hit at all. In fact, you should get better performance because
these files are at half the size compared to the original. I've
reduced the quality down slightly to help increase fps, but
you shouldn't notice any difference once airborn at 200 feet
and above. All seasons are included. By Feng Zhu. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
0.03Mb (425 downloads)
Kermanshah Airport, Iran AFCAD update and traffic.
By Shahin Najafi. 27K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive
3.90Mb (8595 downloads)
USS Carrier John Glenn.
The USS John Glenn is making it's first "Port o' Call" in Tahiti.
100% solid deck. Runway A-OK. Added MEATBALL VASI: TCRV at "PORT
AMIDSHIP". Complete CL-III ILS/NAV system. Included is the "Carrier
Zone" data for the "Cat's" and the "Trap". Planner Airport ID:
"GLEN". Located in Tahiti Bay, French Polynesia, S17 W149. Use
MAP for Nav. Info. Flight plan capable using ILS, VFR, & GPS.
100% functional COMM's. ArresterCables.dat file for FS9 included.
Steve Hinson. 4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:24 by archive