2.09Mb (1883 downloads)
Welcome to Mangaia Airport, in the beautiful Pacific Island paradise of the Cook Islands.
The Cook Islands domestic air carrier is Air Rarotonga, serving all the islands in the group using Embraer EMB110 "Bandeirante and Saab-340 aircraft.
This scenery is designed and built to fit the RBE / Sim Pilot Experience "Cook Islands Scenery" (payware),
by Christian Stock.
It has not been tested in the freeware Cook Islands Mesh that is available, or in FS9 default. Scenery contains some custom items (textures included), but also requires some EZ Scenery Object Sets ( see INSTALL instructions for details ).
Posted Jun 4, 2009 08:13 by Lawrie Roache

0.17Mb (4031 downloads)
Wintery Haze FX.
This program will add a wintery haze on the ground much like
a blowing snow haze much like you would see while driving down
the highway during a snow storm. 176K
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive

5.41Mb (1997 downloads)
Tucson (KTUS) Tower.
This adds a realistic tower too the old tower at Tucson International.
Created with Gmax. By: Ryan Osborne . 55K
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive
20.13Mb (1473 downloads)
Bremerton National Airport (KPWT), WA, Package. This beautiful
Washington State airfield has been recreated from extensive
digital photos and photoreal textures. Features a fully equipped
6200' x 150' ILS runway and ATC. A wide variety of highly
detailed structures include two hangars with full interiors.
Fully animated pilot-operated hangar doors. Compatible with
all known mesh terrains and FS Genesis Landclass. Full seasonal
and night lighting effects. AFCAD2 file, optional AI traffic,
full documentation included. Requires Gerrish Gray Tree Library
(TREES_V3.ZIP) for complete effect. By Mark Smith, MS Scenery.
(See also KPWTUP1.ZIP). 21MB
Bremerton National Airport, Washington (WA), Upgrade 1. These
chainlink fence textures replace the current textures found
at Bremerton National for FS2004 by MS Scenery. These textures
were reworked, recolored, and compressed to a new format by
Mike "Doc" Apsey. They directly replace their counterparts
inside your KPWT texture folder. They look more natural and
have greatly reduced texture shimmering. Requires base install
of MSSKPWT.ZIP. By Mark Smith and Mike Apsey. 147K
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive

5.41Mb (2394 downloads)
USAF A-10's for Davis-Monthan AFB.
-This adds 18 scenery A-10's to Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson.
All A-10's are scenery not AI because, it is easier on poor
graphic cards. By: Ryan Osborne, 5.5MB
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive
0.24Mb (922 downloads)
Comoros Islands.
Corrects the land/sea layout which was wrong in FS2004. By James
Thompson. 244K
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive
0.05Mb (1071 downloads)
Society Islands Scenery.
Other freeware required:- 1. Bill Melichar's 2004 scenerys:-
so far Bora Bora Airport (Bora2.zip - here),
Bora Bora Hotels V2 (below) Huahine (huahine2.zip - here)
and tahiti (tahfs9.zip - here)
Make sure these are layered above my scenery in the FS9 scenery
library 2. French Polynesia mesh for CFS2 by Rolf Keibel and
John Applegate (here)Designed
by James Thompson. 50K
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive

0.50Mb (6120 downloads)
HMS Ark Royal IV, UK Carrier.
, in the straits of Gibraltar. Britain's Greatest warship
last of the Royal Navy "big carriers" By James Smith and Bruce
Baker. 517K
texture and platform fix for HMS Ark Royal. 428K
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive

1.70Mb (1064 downloads)
2004 - American Samoa - Exclude file.
An exclude file ( eliminates undesirable objects from the default
scenery ) which allows the use of Bill Melichar's superb addon
scenery titled "Pago Pago International Airport and City" (here)
initially created for use in FS 2002 until he publishes a FS
2004 version + 2 Acrobat documents. By Marc Renaud. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive

5.58Mb (1230 downloads)
Le Bic Scenery and Airfield, Quebec.
Le Bic region, on the South shore of the St.Lawrence River is
very beautyfull to visit. My rendering of the scenery is fictitious
so is the airfield that I added. This site is loaded with candies,
see pictures. Animated Northern Lights greatly enhances the
scenery. The airfield has no runway. Just land on the grass.
At night, a runway is lit with kerosene torches as it was done
then. Should work also in FS2002. Created by Leon Louis. 5.9MB
Posted Jun 2, 2009 09:16 by archive