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FS2004 > Vintage > Page 94
                  B-29's of the 509th CG addon pack.
17.04Mb (9481 downloads)
FS2004 B-29's of the 509th CG addon pack. Superfortresses of the 509th Composite Group were operating the first nuclear bombs in the history of mankind. Package contains one specific 3D model of the Silverplate builds, used by the 509th, built at Martin-Omaha; a specific flight model, seven various liveries of Enola Gay, Bockscar, The Great Artiste and Straight Flush. Package does NOT contain gauges, 3D effect files, panel and sounds. Those are included/aliased in/to the base package of Superfortress 'Mania'. 'B29B_910.zip' (above) is required. By Tom Kohler. 17.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  Boeing B-29B Superfortress (mania) ... lite MDL & AI extension
17.23Mb (5941 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing B-29B Superfortress (mania) ... lite MDL & AI extension package. Adds various lower resolution VC options for slower computers as well as two different AI built MDL's. All MDL's are built from GMAX and are of type multi-resolution for maximum frame rate friendlyness. File 'B29B_910.zip' (above) is required! By Tom Kohler. 17.6MB See patch below
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  Boeing B-29B Superfortress Base pack.
27.64Mb (33590 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing B-29B Superfortress Base pack. The Boeing B-29 Superfortress was very close to every aviation engineers dream back in the late thirties and early forties of the 20th century. She was designed to fly higher, farther, faster, safer for their crews and with more damaging payload than any other plane before in the history of mankind. And she did those tasks well. Visual model by Tom Kohler based on previous freeware source from various designers - huge credits included! Accurate, 'hand flyer' Flight Model by Tom Kohler, built using Flight Model Workbook version 2.84.40 from mudpond.us and based on the 1% B-29A flight model from Gregory Pierson from avhistory.org. An Installation 'Wizard' will help you install the Multi-resolution GMAX model, including clickable virtual flight deck - NEW with flight engineer compartment, fully animated. Reflective textures with dynamic shine also in the VC, gauges from Microsoft CFS2, backlighted VC gauges, custom effects, HTML Checklists and Documentation. Sound package originally from Skysong Soundworks (b24snz.zip by Aaron R. Swindle). By Tom 'Gnoopey' Kohler, Graham of VB planes, Christophe Rosenmann, Gregory Pierson & Jerry 'Sparks' Beckwith (base flight model and tools), Kirk Longendyke (2D panel bitmaps), Troy Corwin (textures), Hermann 'Krazy' Boltz (3D effects) and finally 'Sir' Milton Shupe himself (tutoring and custom radial engine startup effects). 28.3MB. Filename: B29B_910.zip
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  N.A. T-6 F-AZBE Textures only
0.85Mb (1048 downloads)
FS2004 N.A. T-6 F-AZBE Textures only . Repaint of RanchoJEN North American T-6G. Requires NAT6G.ZIP. By J.E.Narcizo - RanchoJEN. 870K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  N.A. T-6G Esquadrilha da Fumaca Textures only.
0.75Mb (1420 downloads)
FS2004 N.A. T-6G Esquadrilha da Fumaca Textures only. Repaint of RanchoJEN North American T-6G. Requires NAT6G.ZIP above. By J.E.Narcizo - RanchoJEN. 772K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  North American T-6G Texan Package.
                  North American T-6G Texan Package.
10.30Mb (10163 downloads)
FS2004 North American T-6G Texan Package. All moving parts, Virtual Cockpit, 3 LOD visual models and two liveries. Panel by Johan "VIPER" Lemmers. By J.E.Narcizo - RanchoJEN. 10.5MB Filename: nat6g.zip
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  Curtiss P-40Q Racer/Sport Aircraft
                  Curtiss P-40Q Racer/Sport Aircraft
2.35Mb (3144 downloads)
FS2004 Curtiss P-40Q Racer/Sport Aircraft Post-war civilian version of Curtiss's last attempt to improve the famous P-40 series. Although Curtiss did a fine job, the P-51's and others were already proving themselves. This post-war version is based on the one which flew at the '46 National Air Races, and appears as it might in the '60s or '70s. Model includes Virtual Cockpit, reflective texturess, and full FS2002 ani's. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  Yakovlev 52 "a Damn Fine Red" Textures only
0.82Mb (1629 downloads)
FS2004 Yakovlev 52 "a Damn Fine Red" Textures only. This is a repaint is of a YAK-52 built by Redstar Aviation including nose art.(redstaraviation.com.au). Owned by Peter Bernardi. Repaint by Mick Sinclair. Requires John Carter's original aircraft here. 885K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
FS2004                  PBY-5A Catalina - Petrobras Textures only
0.14Mb (1426 downloads)
FS2004 PBY-5A Catalina - Petrobras Textures only. This is a repaint of Mike Stone's excellent PBY-5A CATALINA in the colors of Brazilian Petroleum company: PETROBRAS. It contains only the texture files. You need Mike's PBY-5A CATALINA here. Repaint by Carlos Marques. 147K
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive
                  Travel Air Package.
                  Travel Air Package.
17.98Mb (6674 downloads)
FS2004 Travel Air Package. The first production Travel Air B established such a good reputation in the First National (Ford) Air Tour in 1925 that the company sold 19 the same year. In 1928 the model B was designated the Model 2000. Orders increased until 1930, when Model 2000 production ceased, with 1,550 built. One of the classic aircraft of the late 1920s it is not surprising that the Travel Air was a good airplane considering that Walter Beech, Clyde Cessna, and Lloyd Stearman were all involved in its design and production. This resource of talent produced an aircraft that was known for reliability, ease of maintenance, and a delight to fly. With a range of 425 miles, barnstormers could hop passenger rides in and out of small fields all day. Notice the huge balanced ailerons giving the plane the nickname Old Elephant Ears. By Lynn and Bill Lyons. 18.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:23 by archive