FS Design > Page 70
1.59Mb (1899 downloads)
View Setup Tutorial.
A nice little tutorial on how to prepare drawings
and PROPERLY set up a those drawings in gMax and 3ds
Max. Preparation is the key and this will start you
off right! By Kevin Ryan . 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.11Mb (1573 downloads)
Tutorial: This
tutorial package includes: TXT2ASM.exe A file to assist
the creation of BGLC code, by Christian Stock TMFMacros.inc
A BGLC macro file, by Christian Stock CFS2TMFmacros.inc
A BGLC macro file, by Richard Ludowise README.txt
Obligatory "thank yous" and commercial restriction
notice FileID.txt This document TMF-BGLC Design v1.doc
A FS2002 and CFS2 TMF design tutorial that will help
in the creation of the following TMF file types: water,
mesh-clinging water, land, and FS2002 TMF flattens.
Support macros for BGLC are included. Richard Ludowise.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.43Mb (2981 downloads)
Jamie's painting tutorial This
has been produced at the request of my readers. Kind
regards Jim Oates. 440K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.16Mb (9617 downloads)
to Paint/Repaint Aircraft Tutorial. You will
need to have an acrobat reader in order to read this
file. All work is the property of Jim Oates. 170K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

3.20Mb (2316 downloads)
and CFS Gauge Creation Tutorial Rev.12 Not
for non-programmers but can be used by non-C programmers.
MSFSsound update to both FS98 and FS2K versions. Real
ADF2 now available. Many minor updates and corrections.
FINAL ISSUE. Dai Griffiths, Dragonflight Design..
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.25Mb (1787 downloads)
Ground Polygons Tutorial by Kim Humphreys
This file is the result of my experiments with texturing
ground polygons so that apron lines, numbers, bays
etc can be texured onto ground polygons more accurately.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
2.53Mb (1035 downloads)
DirectMusic and DirectShow SDK/tutorial for FS2000/CFS/FS98
gauges using FS98 and FS2K SDK programming.
The sample gauges demonstrate "clicking" switches
with alternating playback of WAV and MIDI song files,
sound mixing and adjustable relative volume controls,
and playback of embedded resources as well as files
in directories. DirectShow enables playback of a wide
variety of audio files including MP3. Included source
code compiles with VC++6, either from the IDE or the
DOS command line. By R.L. Clark. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.66Mb (1424 downloads)
Light Effects For FS2000 V1.2 This tutorial
includes a detailed discription of the procedure
and example/lesson for adding night light effects
to FS 2000 Aircraft. Requires M98toBgl V3.40, Scasm
2.39 and Source2mdl. Compatibility with FS Night
Light Creator unknown, for it was released after
the completion of this version. This tutorial was
made by Marco Rensen. 680K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive
0.08Mb (1489 downloads)
to design photorealistic terrain for for Flight Simulator
2000 Tutorial by Andras Kozma. 82K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive

0.16Mb (1875 downloads)
get sucesfull copilation for use with the Microsoft´s
SDK IV tutorial tools. Included a tutorial with a
lot of new information, a new version of the grises.exe
program to convert gray scaled bitmap to DEM, and
a terrain bgl of Santander . By Jokin Bedialauneta.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:18 by archive