FS Sounds > Page 10

214.13Mb (7509 downloads)
SkyHigh Audio Simulations is proud to present our new FSX Concorde Sound Package! This add-on will hopefully bring Concorde back to life since the real thing no longer flies and I do not think an Olympus 593 turbojet engine has run since 2003. So to achieve this goal, I have worked to the bone to fine tune this sound and add as many features as possible. The main new feature of this sound is XML Gauge Sound technology, never seen before in a SkyHigh sound release, or on any sound package release for the matter. The XML gauge sounds include a brake sound, sonic boom sound effect, as well as a switch panel that plays various cabin annoucements. 3D Sound Cone Technology has of course, been extensively used in this release, as with our other FSX sound releases. You can even hear the ground trembling from the noise when Concorde flies by. I could go for days explaining the features of these sounds but I'd like for you to hear them for yourself. So please give this download a go if you want to bring Concorde back to life with a very realistic sounding Concorde sound package for FSX! Please visit our website at: www.skyhighflightsim.webs.com for more info and sound packs!
Posted Nov 27, 2013 09:42 by Adam Murphy

40.08Mb (3120 downloads)
Sound files for the Pratt & Whitney R-1830 (Double Wasp) turbo-supercharged compound radial engine.
I compiled these sounds for use on the B-24 Liberator. But, they will work on any aircraft that uses the R-1830 radial engine.
Posted May 19, 2013 16:58 by Kelly McKernan

85.35Mb (7862 downloads)
SkyHigh Audio Simulations is proud to present its first release of Pratt & Whitney JT8D Madness X, a series of what are quite possibly the most realistic sounding freeware Pratt & Whitney JT8D sound packs available! This sound pack is specifically for Boeing 737-200 models with JT8D-9A, JT8D-15, or JT8D-17R turbofans. This sound add-on uses Flight Simulator X's 3D sound cone technology for an optimal exterior sound experience. There are also options for three interior sound environment POV's: Cockpit, Cabin Front, and Cabin Rear. This add-on should work perfect with the freeware FFX/SGA/Vistaliners or Tinmouse II models in FSX. They have not been tested on any other 737-200 add-ons such as the payware Captain Sim or Aerosim models so there are no guarantees that they will work 100% with these models. There will be other specific versions for the DC-9, 737, MD-80, etc. available soon! Please read the enclosed text files in the zip for more information. Thank-you!
By: Adam Murphy and Jesse Casserly - Skyhigh Audio Simulations
Posted Nov 29, 2012 16:49 by Adam Murphy

75.33Mb (5596 downloads)
The CF34 is used on a number of jet airliners, including the Bombardier CRJ series, the Embraer E-Jets, and the Chinese ARJ21 under development.
Posted Nov 24, 2012 22:34 by Jordan Morrow

57.65Mb (18024 downloads)
CFM56-7b soundpack for the Boeing 737NG series aircraft- 737-600/700/800 and 900. By Kris Armstrong
Posted Sep 27, 2012 07:20 by uploader

29.23Mb (13426 downloads)
Airbus A340 Real Sound Pack by Muhammad Ihsan Alfian.
Posted Aug 10, 2012 00:14 by Muhammad Ihsan Alfian
1.92Mb (1147 downloads)
A Boeing 717 Soundset with sounds from JT8D and V2500. even though these sounds are from different engines it still sounds like a BR715! For the A1-30 series ONLY. C1-30 series coming soon!
Posted Aug 1, 2012 18:20 by LM Aviation

64.33Mb (5390 downloads)
Finally, there's a JT8D soundpack with sonecones! This is a must for any pilot of an aircraft powered by the JT8Ds. Enjoy!
Posted Jul 14, 2012 00:14 by Brandon G.

18.46Mb (2929 downloads)
This is a high-quality jet engine reverser sound for those soundpacks with sucky reverser sounds. These are high-quality sounds that I picked up from various other soundpacks and repacked them to make installation simple. :D
Posted Jul 11, 2012 20:35 by Brandon G.

1.07Mb (1344 downloads)
These are secondary rumble replacement sounds that sound awesome when combined with my previous replacement soundpack. Just follow the same directions. :D
Posted Jul 11, 2012 20:22 by Brandon G.