FS2002 > Page 342
2.35Mb (170 downloads)
Wilderness Camps for FS2002 Tasmania has some of the most
bueatiful Mountain and Lake areas in Australia and I have attempted
to bring some of these areas to life for you to all enjoy!!
Includes 3 camps with full textures and sound files for those
that have "LAGO's FSSoundScape". Ian Thatcher. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

0.19Mb (236 downloads)
file for KNGZ (enabling AI-Traffic) KNGZ - Alameda NAS
Alameda Point Naval Air Station is located between Baybridge
and Oakland in the San Francisco Bay Area. While driving by
car to SFO via the baybridge, one can easily see the runway
13/31. Closed in April 1997, the airport is still part of FS2002-Standard-Scenery.
Of course, without any Airport-Facilities, no AI-Traffic is
possible. Now, utilizing AFCAD to enhance AI-Traffic on my machine,
I decided to re-open runway 13/31 of KNGZ Alameda NAS, including
various ramp-parking-positions.. Requires
the use of AFCAD available here. By Klaus-Peter Trogisch.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

3.22Mb (539 downloads)
New Orleans Helicopter Scenery #6 by C.Young. Every installment
is stand alone. This installment includes a representation of
the town of Grand Isle, La., offshore rigs off Grand Isle, two
"camps" with helipadss north of Grand Isle, an oil rig fire,
heliports for Leeville, La. and Lafayette, La. as well as the
Chevron Dock in Venice, La. 3.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

1.46Mb (379 downloads)
Army Air Field (KDAA), US Army Virtual Training Base V1.0.
This package contains a fictional representation of Davison
Army Air Field, Alabama, a small auxillary airfield used by
Ft Belvior, Virgina, near Washington, D.C. The airfield has
hangars, fuel pits, vehicles, water, radar, and radio towers,
administration and living quarters. There is a snack bar with
picnic tables near the tower to grab a bite, and a couple of
jet training aircraft stopping off for on a cross country flight.
Watch out for construction on the field as well as wildlife.
Kyle Ramsey. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

0.86Mb (318 downloads)
Faleolo Int. Airport, Apia, Samoa NSFA Island of Upolu By: Bill
Melichar This scenery adds a new Terminal and hangar area to
the Faleolo International Airport in Samoa. It also includes
improved turnout areas which are night lit, tropical landscaping,
parking areas, and a couple of static aircraft which can be
removed by running the scenery on the dense setting. 885K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

1.99Mb (368 downloads)
AHF US Army Virtual Training Base V1.0
This package contains a fictional representation of Lowe Army
Helicopter Field, Alabama, a small auxillary airfield used by
Ft Rucker, the home of training for the US Army Virtual, a new
VA flying the missions of the real world US Army Aviation Branch.
The airfield has hangars, fuel pits, shops spaces, vehicles,
water, radar, and radio towers, administration and living quarters.
Grab a Coke or Pepsi from the machines by the tower, and watch
out for the snorkling Fire Service water bombing heavy helicopter
working the lake NE of the field. Second in the US Army Virtual
series by Kyle Ramsey. 2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.17Mb (386 downloads)
Upgrade Version 1.0a for FS2002 By Rob Diebold November
10th, 2002 File to replace the old Tampa Stadium with a representation
of Raymond James Stadium. Works with all forms of Tampa scenery,
from default, to my TPA, to Chris Gilbert's excellent TPA scenery.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
3.54Mb (201 downloads)
Commuter #9: North Alaskan Skies 2002 Lago SoundScape
Files These files are only for pilots who have installed Lago's
Soundscape addon. It adds many sounds not included with Lago's
Soundscape to each of the 50 airports in Alaskan Commuter #9.
Airstrips come alive with environmental sounds like wind, birds,
wolves, coyotes, and more domestic sounds like dogs, hangar
operations, and occasional logging operations. You will hear
flybys at larger airports, vehicle sounds, and distant boat
activity near seaports. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

8.41Mb (429 downloads)
Commuter #9: North Alaskan Skies 2002 For FS2002.
Enhancements to 50 land-based airports in Northern Alaska. Includes
static aircraft and additional airport structures as well as
easy to install landclass files. These landclass files add small
villages and stands of conifers that blanket the surrounding
areas. The experience can be further enhanced with autogen tree
replacements by either Ed Truthan or Gerrish Gray (download
separately). This will greatly improve the look of autogen conifers,
and multiply their numbers significantly. The results are realistic
approaches over thickly forested areas into bush airports with
small nearby communities, and it is fairly gentle on frame rates.
If you download this scenery, and if you are not using these
replacement trees, I recommend (no, I insist) that you download
one of those utilities now. Look for "conifers.zip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false"> by Ed Truthan
or "MSTrees2.zip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false"> by Gerrish Gray. By Dave Erickson. by Dave
Erickson. 8.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive

2.10Mb (493 downloads)
New Orleans Helicopter Scenery #9
by C.Young. This is the last installment. This installment is
of the suburban area of Marrero with many LZs, a mall, two large
department stores, and also includes the Woodland West Golf
Course in Harvey. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive