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FS2004 > Page 258
FS2004 AI Aircraft. English Electric  Canberra's
33.13Mb (814 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. English Electric Canberra's B2, PR3, T17A, TT18 and PR9. PR9's comprise 5 individually numbered aircraft for my retro RAF Marham scenery available in Paint kit included. Separate pack in FSX native code is in: By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:51 by mike
AI Aircraft. NASA Martin WB-57F
2.16Mb (430 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. NASA Martin WB-57F AI Canberra's. Features the two aircraft operating from Ellington Field Houston Texas, plus the earlier paint scheme. Separate pack in FSX native code is in: By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:49 by mike
FS2004 AI Aircraft. Handly Page Victors
24.30Mb (872 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. Handly Page Victors: B2 white+camo, with and without Blue Steel, K2(Hemp+Camo) and SR2. K2s are 11 individually numbered aircraft for my new RAF retro Marham scenery that is available in K2 model included that deploys hoses at 18,000 ft and above. Separate pack in FSX native code is in: Paint kit included. By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:34 by mike
FS2004 AI Aircraft. Martin B-57 AI Canberras.
33.79Mb (602 downloads)
FS2004 AI Aircraft. Martin B-57 AI Canberras. Features 18 aircraft of the 134th DSES, Vermont ANG, circa 1981, one aircraft of the Kansas ANG and one from the 13th TBS. AFCAD for Burlington(KBTV)with flight line hangar is included along with a circuit traffic file for the 18 aircraft based there at the time. A separate pack in FSX native code is in: By John Young, Airfield Construction Group.
Posted Oct 20, 2012 11:12 by mike
Cirrus Vision SF 50
1.71Mb (6297 downloads)
The Cirrus Vision SF50 is a single-engine, low-wing, seven-seat, very light jet aircraft under development by Cirrus Design. The aircraft was initially developed under the project name "The Jet", but Cirrus announced the final marketing name of "Vision SJ50" on July 9, 2008. In March the aircraft was redesignated as the "Vision SF50". The prototype aircraft was first shown publicly at the annual Cirrus Migration on June 26, 2008 and first flown on 3 July 2008. The SF50 is intended to be a step up aircraft for pilots who have flown the Cirrus SR20 and SR22. Model by Kazunori Ito. Textures by Zach Gloss.
Posted Oct 19, 2012 15:08 by Zach Gloss
Japan Airlines "Ghibli Jet" Boeing 787-8 v4
3.46Mb (1006 downloads)
FS2004 Japan Airlines "Ghibli Jet" Boeing 787-8 v4. This CamSim version 4 features an improved aircraft wing root design, new wider pax doors with revised window shapes, additional animated air ducts, additional comm and satellite antennas, increasingly more Animated Ground Servicing (AGS), including additional animations featuring trucks hooking and unhooking trailers and static displays. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Oct 19, 2012 08:39 by Camil Valiquette
Boeing 747-8F V4B  Korean Air Cargo
19.38Mb (1359 downloads)
Boeing 747-8F V4B Korean Air Cargo. Model by Project Opensky. repaint by Mathieu Vos
Posted Oct 19, 2012 07:39 by Chris E
FSX/FS2004  DHC2-MK3 Harley Special Edition Textures
FSX/FS2004  DHC2-MK3 Harley Special Edition Textures
1.20Mb (711 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Premier Aircraft Design DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver Amphibian ver2.7 Repainted as a Harley Davidson Special Edition. I customized the interior by putting the Harley logo on the seat backs. Also has custom running boards and I added to the prop blade graffix & more. This repaint is purely fictional. Textures only! Requires the model by Premier Aircraft Design. Repaint By : Dwayne Frye (Blaze)
Posted Oct 17, 2012 09:37 by Dwayne Frye
AI Philippine Air Force C-130H
AI Philippine Air Force C-130H
2.84Mb (3384 downloads)
AI Aircraft Philippine Air Force Lockheed Martin C-130H PAF has been utilizing a versatile and proven workhorse in humanitarian & recue missions, troop logitical & combat transport. This AI aircraft includes the flight plan in the Philippines major air bases. *** Please note! This is an AI aircraft and is NOT flyable *** Model by Henry Tomkiewicz This Repaint by Gerard G. Olvis
Posted Oct 16, 2012 19:02 by Gerard G. Olvis
Queen Mary 2 visits Hamburg
Queen Mary 2 visits Hamburg
2.34Mb (1393 downloads)
Tis scenery brings you the cruise ship Queen Mary 2 to Hamburg. The route goes from Hamburg-Finkenwerder to the cruise ship terminal. It is adapted to Aerosoft Scenery Germany 2 and my scenery Ship Traffic in Northern Germany. Model of Queen Mary 2 is included (Original by Mitsuya Hamaguchi). By Ingo Schwan.
Posted Oct 16, 2012 08:54 by Ingo Schwan