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FS2004 > Page 275
SAAB 340 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures
SAAB 340 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures
2.83Mb (473 downloads)
FS2004 Aerolineas Argentinas textures only for the FFG Saab 340. Repaint by Jorge Selandari.
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required file
Posted Jun 11, 2012 15:00 by Jorge Selandari
FS2004 Extra-300L SP/HA
1.38Mb (724 downloads)
FS2004 Extra-300L SP/HA The Walter Extra Factory's tandem seater aerobatic plane. The main gauges builted in the model V.C. MSFS model designed by Michael Garbers. Livery, fixed FD mods by George Csillag.
Posted Jun 11, 2012 12:46 by George Csillag
FS2004 Cessna Skymaster Alice Blue Textures
FS2004 Cessna Skymaster Alice Blue Textures
0.13Mb (420 downloads)
For use with the C337 by Mike Stone are these textures in a white with two tone blue scheme. These are the textures only, you need to use. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Mike's paintkit.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 11, 2012 12:27 by Don Brynelsen
FS2004 Skymaster RNC "Sky Ninja" O-2 Textures
FS2004 Skymaster RNC "Sky Ninja" O-2 Textures
0.12Mb (395 downloads)
Inspired by the Ben Dunn comic book "Ninja High School" are these textures for the Cessna O-2 by Mike Stone. In the comic RNC is a Japanese Mega Corporation bent on world Dommination. To this end they employ a variety of equipment ranging from APCs to giant mecha. An aircraft such as this might be equiped with such things as Radar and Communications Disruption gear, Survailance equipment, even EM pulse generators! These are the textures only, you will need Mike's O-2 (Found in his Skymaster package to use. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Mike's paintkit.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 11, 2012 12:23 by Don Brynelsen
Beech Baron 58 Aerolineas Argentinas Textures
0.43Mb (556 downloads)
FS2004 Aerolineas Argentinas Beech BE58, registration LV-JHS. Aerolineas Argentinas new color (ficticial) textures only for the default Beechcraft 58. Repaint by Jorge Selandari.
Posted Jun 11, 2012 08:42 by Jorge Selandari
FS2004 Cessna Skymaster Blue Textures
FS2004 Cessna Skymaster Blue Textures
0.14Mb (393 downloads)
A repaint of the Cessna 337 by Mike Stone in a white and dark blue scheme. These are the textures only, you will need a copy of Mike's aircraft ( installed to use them. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Mike's paintkit.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 8, 2012 22:21 by Don Brynelsen
Mi-2 Helioca YV 1628 Textures
Mi-2 Helioca YV 1628 Textures
4.64Mb (206 downloads)
Helioca YV 1628 Texture for the payware Nemeth Mi-2. By Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S FS2004/FSX
Posted Jun 8, 2012 02:09 by Jose Armando Yanez
Vickers VC-10 RAF VC-10 101 SQn 2007 50th Anniversay Textures
3.46Mb (1087 downloads)
RAF VC-10 101 SQn 2007 50th anniversary textures for the 101 sqn VC-10 of XR808 which celebrates 50 years of the VC10 Requires Dave Maltby's VC-10 for FS2004. Textures by UKMil.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 7, 2012 09:02 by UKMIL
FS2002/FS2004 Fokker D.XXIII.
3.44Mb (1236 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Fokker D.XXIII. This is a fighter of the Netherlands developed just before World War II. The layout that arranges two engines before and behind the body is taken. Though the test was begun in May, 1939,The low output of the engine it, and cooling a back engine became problems. The Netherlands surrendered by the Netherlands invasion of German army in May, 1940, and development was discontinued. Only one-plane prototype was destroyed afterwards or is said being confiscated to Germany and having been made to the research material. by Kazunori Ito.
Posted Jun 6, 2012 15:48 by k ito
Flight 1 MD82 Aeropostal YV253T Textures
Flight 1 MD82 Aeropostal YV253T Textures
2.16Mb (390 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Flight 1 MD82. McDonnell-Douglas MD-82, (cn 49392/1272), registration number YV253T, ex-Spirit Airlines registration N822NK untill September 2005, starting with Aeropostal in October 2005 untill 2008. Lather as Venezolana YV191T from 2009 and remains in service today. Flight Dynamics by Jerry Beckwith, Aircraft Model & Texture by Terry Gaff. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Jun 6, 2012 12:36 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza