FS2004 > Page 291

0.84Mb (569 downloads)
Textures for the default B747. The new livery for ATG was introduced last year on its european based aircraft, and is now being phased in on all stateside planes as they come in for their scheduled overhauls. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Rob Smith's paintkit.
Posted Mar 17, 2012 12:23 by Don Brynelsen

0.97Mb (1729 downloads)
FS Recorder For FS9 With Full HD 1080p. FS Recorder is an add-on module for Microsoft Flight Simulator available for FS2004 and FSX. It allows recording and playback of flights, similar as the instant replay and video recorder built into FS, but with a lot more features. The recorded flights can be played back either using the user's aircraft or as AI traffic, which allows you to fly formations with yourself. A number of settings allows to customize FS Recorder to your needs. Matthias Neusinger.
Further details from http://www.fs-recorder.net/
Posted Mar 17, 2012 07:39 by Shahzeb

0.52Mb (407 downloads)
For FS9. The St. Peter-and-St. Paul Archipelago is made of a few rocks that poke above the surface in the Atlantic Ocean, just nort of the equator. The rocks ("penedos"), are Brazilian territory, permanently occupied by scientific research groups of several Brazilian universities. The local facilities are powered by solar energy. There is no fresh water available, so there is a very small de-salination plant. There is almost no vegetation at all, but there are lots of bird poop, and the solar panels must be washed constantly. The Archipelago is located approximately 960 km from the city of Touros, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte, in direction of 46 degrees True. You'll have to find the rocks yourself. There are no airports. The islands were used by the Portuguese aviators Sacadura Cabral and Gago Coutinho as a waypoint when they crossed the South Atlantic by aeroplane (Fairey F3D) for the first time in 1922. I made the rocks because my friend Rob decided to re-enact the crossing and the rocks are missing in FS9. Done by Fern Marques. For free distribution only, in whole or in part. To be uploaded only to sites that have a legitimate free downloading process.
Posted Mar 16, 2012 16:31 by Fern Marques

0.82Mb (419 downloads)
Textures for the default FS2004 Boeing 737-400. The newest livery for ATG, introduced on their european fleet and scheduled for all stateside aircraft during regular maintainance overhauls. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Rob Smith's paintkit.
Posted Mar 16, 2012 03:02 by Don Brynelsen

2.78Mb (245 downloads)
Replacement textures for Eric Cantu & Kevin Sparkuhl's FS2002/2004 Boeing 737-800. Figuring typical passenger airlines worldwide. Series
1. In that File: Europe, Japan, USA, Philippines, Middle East. need some
text editing. With french text too. Freeware. by G. Guichard
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 15, 2012 18:32 by G. Guichard

0.86Mb (385 downloads)
A Princess always travels aboard a specially fitted out Royal Jet like this 747, which has plenty of room for all her luggage and her entourage. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Rob Smith's paintkit.
Posted Mar 14, 2012 15:00 by Don Brynelsen

0.85Mb (203 downloads)
Krusty the clown has got his hand in just about every other business venture you can think of, so why not the air freight business? A treat for all my fellow SIMPSONS fans out there, these textures are for use with the default 747 in the sim. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Rob Smith's paintkit.
Posted Mar 14, 2012 14:56 by Don Brynelsen

1.92Mb (225 downloads)
The air freight arm of American Trans Global, these textures are for use with the default Boeing 747 from the sim. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Rob Smith's paintkit.
Posted Mar 14, 2012 14:52 by Don Brynelsen

0.85Mb (287 downloads)
Sporting ATG's new livery, these textures are for use with the default Boeing 777-300 from FS2004. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using Rob Smith's paintkit
Posted Mar 14, 2012 14:49 by Don Brynelsen

9.52Mb (3173 downloads)
Emirates Boeing 737-800 package. Model by Project Opensky/Skyspirit. Textures by Aziz Palas.
Posted Mar 13, 2012 08:23 by Shahzeb