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FS2004 > Page 325
FS2002/2004 Skylane Textures
FS2002/2004 Skylane Textures
0.90Mb (239 downloads)
Repaint textures for the default Cessna 182s. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Andrew van Sickle
Posted Sep 10, 2011 13:16 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Barbie's Pink Skyhawk Textures
0.99Mb (178 downloads)
New Textures for use with the default Cessna 172. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Mark Rooks
Posted Sep 10, 2011 13:13 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Barbies Pink Skylane Textures
0.92Mb (89 downloads)
Now you can be a Barbie girl (or guy), in a flight simulator world with these textures for the default Cessna 182s. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Andrew van Sickle
Posted Sep 10, 2011 13:10 by Don Brynelsen
Jinnah International Airport, Pakistan
Jinnah International Airport, Pakistan
4.68Mb (2722 downloads)
Jinnah International Airport (previously Quaid Azam INTL Airport)is Pakistan's largest airport.
Posted Sep 10, 2011 05:52 by Shahzeb
FS2004 Boeing 737-700 IranAir Textures only
FS2004 Boeing 737-700 IranAir Textures only
3.40Mb (1494 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 737-700 Iran Air Textures Only. Requires the 737 Experience v1.1 by Moach. Repaint by amin heyrani nobari.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 9, 2011 00:27 by amin heyrani nobari
Libyan Arab Airlines NC, Bombardier CRJ-900 (5A-LAD)
Libyan Arab Airlines NC, Bombardier CRJ-900 (5A-LAD)
11.96Mb (2797 downloads)
I am proud to present this CRJ-900 in the excellent Project Opensky CRJ-900 V3 model in the beautiful Libyan Arab Airlines livery. This airframe, bearing registration 5A-LAD, is one of 5 CRJ9's in the Libyan Arab fleet and occasionally makes flights between Tripoli International (HLLT) and London Heathrow (EGLL), attesting to the range capabilities of this narrow-body aircraft handling Libyan Arab's low volume international routes. This is a detailed repaint with custom textures. All logos including the Arabic rendition of "Libyan Arab Airlines" are hand painted. The repainted textures in this package are 32-bit with no mipmaps for best clarity and quality. This is a complete installation package; version 2008.1.1 of the Project Opensky CRJ-900 V3 model is included. A special thanks to Chris Conrad, a fellow simmer who inspired this project.
Posted Sep 8, 2011 14:54 by Jeffrey S. Bryner
Animal World Scenery - Asia
Animal World Scenery - Asia
27.81Mb (1825 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - Asia Animal, mountain and jungle life. Contains obver 600 animals, reptiles, birds and mammals from the land and mountains of Asia. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Sep 3, 2011 09:28 by Ivar Danielsen
Delta Connection CSeries CS100 V2
5.45Mb (2118 downloads)
FS2004 Delta Connection CSeries CS100 V2. Version 2 includes aircraft design improvements, This CamSim Version 2 is also includes four aircrafts with different new Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Sep 3, 2011 09:11 by Camil Valiquette
FS 2004 Taylorcraft Auster 5 Aeroleshi Kerkiras (Corfu Air Club) Package in 4 Liveries.
FS 2004 Taylorcraft Auster 5 Aeroleshi Kerkiras (Corfu Air Club) Package in 4 Liveries.
14.71Mb (2885 downloads)
One the best trainers you can get. Take off at about 70 meters and glide to approach as low as 30 mph . This repaint of Kerkira Air Club was created especially for my Kerkira and Othonoi (LGOT)Scenery due to Fanari Airport Short runway (1100 ft with overrun of 250 ft). This Scenery will be released soon. Many thanks to Bjorn Bucher for the model. There are four repaints of Red, Sky Blue, Orange and Yellow with Numbers 1-4 in this package. This is a Complete freeware package including fully animated parts VC and 2d Panel and Sound. Textures Repaint for 2004 1n 16 bit bmp Format by: Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Posted Sep 3, 2011 01:20 by One the best trainers you can get. Take off at about 70 meters and glide to approach as low as 30 mph .
Eastern 1961 CV440 Textures
Eastern 1961 CV440 Textures
3.72Mb (592 downloads)
FS9/FSX Eastern 1961 "Silver Falcon" textures for Tom Gibson/ Greg Pepper Convair 440. Textures by Gary Harper. These textures depict N9306 about 1961. Note: Use in FSX will require a panel modification. Add a 2d FSX panel!
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 3, 2011 00:32 by Gary Harper