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FS2004 > Page 346
F-111F version 2.0
F-111F version 2.0
7.27Mb (3165 downloads)
Updated F-111F for FS9 Features include: Extensive clean-up and rework of the textures graphics. The graphics are sharper and more detail has been added. Panels have been redone. The aircraft has the missing Nav, Tail and Beacon lights added. A new afterburner effect has been added. Flare effect added. Original aircraft by Mike Stone. Includes 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Apr 11, 2011 19:25 by Steve Hess
F-111C version 2.0
F-111C version 2.0
6.44Mb (1346 downloads)
Updated F-111C for FS9 Features include: Extensive clean-up and rework of the textures graphics. The graphics are sharper and more detail has been added. Panels have been redone. The aircraft has the missing Nav, Tail and Beacon lights added. A new afterburner effect has been added. Flare effect added. Original aircraft by Mike Stone. Includes 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Apr 11, 2011 19:21 by Steve Hess
FB-111A version 2.0
FB-111A version 2.0
6.45Mb (1306 downloads)
Updated FB-111A for FS9 by Steve Hess Features include: Extensive clean-up and rework of the textures graphics. The graphics are sharper and more detail has been added. Panels have been redone. The aircraft has the missing Nav, Tail and Beacon lights added. A new afterburner effect has been added. Flare effect added. Original aircraft by Mike Stone. Includes 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Apr 11, 2011 19:17 by Steve Hess
KSLC-KPVU Western US Tour
KSLC-KPVU Western US Tour
0.62Mb (1203 downloads)
Take a Cessna 172 across the country (well, half the country). Here is a Western US Tour, which will take you through the Western United States. Just some of the many states are Utah, California, New Mexico, and Arizona. I have included the file to start you flight, the flight plan file, and scanned images of the flight plan information. The scanned images include flight time, fuel burn, and more! The aircraft you will start in is a Cessna 172, so you may want to change it if you want to get to the waypoints faster (WARNING:THE INFORMATION ON THE SCANNED IMAGES WILL NOT BE APPLICABLE IF YOU CHANGE YOUR AIRCRAFT FROM A CESSNA 172). So, pack your bags, and prepare for the virtual vacation of your life! THIS FLIGHT AND FLIGHT PLAN IS FOR MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2004 ONLY.
Posted Apr 9, 2011 22:17 by Kayden
FS2004 Auburn University C-172 Textures
FS2004 Auburn University C-172 Textures
3.58Mb (602 downloads)
Two repaints of the default Cessna 172. Auburn University uses several Cessna Skyhawks sporting the school's orange and blue colors, two of which are represented here. One repaint is an update of my original Auburn Cessna 172. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Apr 9, 2011 03:17 by R.E. Wyman
FS2004 JustFlight Beech 76 Auburn University Textures
FS2004 JustFlight Beech 76 Auburn University Textures
10.87Mb (561 downloads)
Repaint of the JustFlight FS2004 Beech 76 Duchess in the colors of Auburn University. Requires the payware JustFlight Duchess. Painted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Apr 8, 2011 14:45 by R.E. Wyman
FS2004/FSX VA-81 Sunliners texture for IRIS A-7 freeware
FS2004/FSX VA-81 Sunliners texture for IRIS A-7 freeware
2.99Mb (1412 downloads)
This is for the Iris A-7E. This is the textures for VA-81 Sunliners nose #403 BuNo 160714. I've included an updated vc cockpit. It will work in FS2004 and FSX. Enjoy, and remember this is freeware.
Posted Apr 5, 2011 11:24 by Kelly McKErnan
RAM Royal Air Maroc Boeing 787-8
5.57Mb (1501 downloads)
FS2004 RAM Royal Air Maroc Boeing 787-8 V2. Versions 2 includes aircraft design improvements plus new animations. This CamSim Version 2 is also includes three aircraft with different Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). No VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Apr 5, 2011 08:02 by Camil Valiquette
FS2004/FSX Orlican L-60 Agricultural version
FS2004/FSX Orlican L-60 Agricultural version
10.92Mb (2543 downloads)
L-60 Brigadyr is Czechoslovak multipurpose aircraft, the XL-60 prototype first flew on 24th December 1953. For problems with stability and engine flew in 1954 a modified prototype. The first L-60 were used for agriculture, had 300 litres tank chemical dispenser and spreading equipment. Version K-60 for military purposes was fitted in the rear of the cab with a machine gun MG-15 7.92 mm caliber and two bomb racks under the fuselage. A total of 273 aircraft were produced in all versions. Works in FS2004 and FSX
Posted Apr 4, 2011 16:38 by Pavel Karasek
FS2004/FSX Orlican L-60 Brigadyr
FS2004/FSX Orlican L-60 Brigadyr
10.43Mb (2490 downloads)
L-60 Brigadyr is Czechoslovak multipurpose aircraft, the XL-60 prototype first flew on 24th December 1953. For problems with stability and engine flew in 1954 a modified prototype. The first L-60 were used for agriculture, had 300 litres tank chemical dispenser and spreading equipment. Version K-60 for military purposes was fitted in the rear of the cab with a machine gun MG-15 7.92 mm calibre and two bomb racks under the fuselage. A total of 273 aircraft were produced in all versions. Works in FS2004 and FSX
Posted Apr 4, 2011 16:36 by Pavel Karasek