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FS2004 > Page 365
Aeropostal McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-51 YV137T "El Neoespartano" Textures
Aeropostal McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-51 YV137T "El Neoespartano" Textures
1.56Mb (1051 downloads)
McDonnell-Douglas DC-9-51,(cn 47771/883), registration YV137T, and renamed "El Neoespartano", an aircraft with the new Aeropostal livery. Real colors, new wings, stabilizers and other details. Files upgraded from the beta version. Textures only for SGA's latest Douglas DC-9 series release, ( By Juan Ernesto Oropeza
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Posted Dec 5, 2010 23:08 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Dornier Seastar CD2 Package
Dornier Seastar CD2 Package
17.24Mb (5113 downloads)
This elegant STOL flying boat amphibian was designed in Germany and is built almost entirely of lightweight, non-corrosive, composite materials. The prototype first flew in 1983 but no production was started at that time. In November 2009 Dornier Seaplane, now based in Florida, USA, announced that production would start in 2011 and the aircraft would be built in Quebec, Canada. The Seastar is powered by two Pratt & Whitney PT-6 turboprops arranged on top of the cantilever parasol wing in a 'push-pull' configuration. Twelve passengers can be carried in the short range high density seating configuration or six in the corporate executive cabin. The Seastar can operate from water or land bases, including short grass fields. Complete package for FS2004 including custom panel and VC with both 6 and 12 seat interiors. Custom PT-6 sounds and full moving parts. Realistic and pleasant flight dynamics. The package includes 3 liveries, the prototype Dornier livery, a fictional Kenmore Air livery and a fanciful Canadian Forces Search & Rescue scheme. By Jean-Pierre Brisard & Bob May- Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Dec 4, 2010 19:50 by
Project Opensky B747 V4 Ground Steering Fix
Project Opensky B747 V4 Ground Steering Fix
0.08Mb (2802 downloads)
This is a New "aircraft.cfg" file for alls Project Opensky Boeing 747-300-400 V4 to fix the difficulty you have to turn with these aircraft when you move on the taxiway.
Posted Dec 4, 2010 16:12 by Delblond Christian
Realistic Runway/Taxiway Lighting System V 2.0
Realistic Runway/Taxiway Lighting System V 2.0
4.17Mb (12603 downloads)
Having tried many different runway/taxiway lighting systems, I decided to re-create a near realistic runway lighting system for the Fs9 (fs2004) Microsoft Flight Simulator. With these lights, when approaching the runway and while on the ground, the lights will give almost a realistic feel to them. I am also including a weathered taxiway markings for your taxiways. I am not attaching any runway/taxiway surface texture files as there are many that are available online. Please always make a backup of your original should you need to revert to them. There is no noticeable frame rate loss at all with these changes. I hope you enjoy it. The changes to the lighting system: 1. Modified the graphics to add some illusion of depth and to make the illusion of atmospherics affecting the lights especially on approach. Try a zoom factor of .75 on approach.. 2. Runway/taxiway lights creates ambient lighting, reflecting lights on the ground (the illusion of it). 3. Each lights have their light holder clearly visible from the aircraft, adding to a greater realism. 4. Modified the amber color to near amber/white for better visibility. Known issue: When flying inverted, the lights will appear inverted due to the way Microsoft flight simulator handles the texture file. This is a complete Version. You don't need the 1.4 Version. Please refer the readme file for installation.
Posted Dec 4, 2010 00:35 by Soul Prana
Aero Commander AC560 Lukla Air Service Package
Aero Commander AC560 Lukla Air Service Package
15.14Mb (4778 downloads)
FS2004 Aero Commander AC560 Lukla Air Service. This is a complete aircraft with 2D and virtual cockpit (VC). Original model by Milton Shupe, Repaint by Ingo Schwan.
Posted Dec 3, 2010 13:02 by Ingo Schwan
Adriatic sea, 1914 - 1918
4.36Mb (976 downloads)
Adriatic sea, 1914 - 1918 FS2004 scenery Scenery includes Kumbor seaplane base and some ships and objects in Cattaro harbor, Teodo harbor and in more distant regions of Adriatic sea as it was during the First World war 1914 – 1918 years. (c) 2010, Alexander Belov
Posted Dec 3, 2010 03:34 by Alexander Belov
RNLN NH90 Textures
2.34Mb (1622 downloads)
Royal Netherlands Navy NH90 TTH Registration Number N-088 Textures only for the AB Simulations NH90 Helicopter. By Aad Schouten
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Posted Dec 1, 2010 05:57 by Aad Schouten
Trivandrum International , Kerala, India
Trivandrum International , Kerala, India
9.57Mb (1411 downloads)
Trivandrum/Thiruvananthapuram International VOTV for FS2004. The capital city airport of Kerala, India. This scenery contains-- the new terminal, old terminal, real fencing, new hangers and animated jetways. Made in gmax except lightpoles and jetways.
Posted Nov 29, 2010 19:05 by Anstin Antony
Iris F-14A VF-103 Sluggers New Textures
Iris F-14A VF-103 Sluggers New Textures
38.03Mb (3002 downloads)
This is the newest paint scheme for the VF-103 Sluggers AA201. I've left the BuNo and nose # alone and repainted the whole aircraft. New stuff, I've painted the entire fusalage, the pilots helmets (even added the sqadron patch to the flight suits), the tail art, squadron designation on the pectoral fins, and added the gull gray numbers to the flaps (just like they were in the '80s).
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 29, 2010 14:54 by Kelly McKernan
Breda BA88 Lince
Breda BA88 Lince
9.30Mb (1057 downloads)
FS2004-ONLY-Breda BA88 Lince-Fighter&trainer Designed as light bomber with high performances became then a heavy assualt fighter,but with combat armament, was a real failure. The first model is an assault fighter based in Libia,in 1940 and the second is a trainer based at Lonate Pozzolo in Italy, in 1936. Model,texture,panel by F.Giuli . Gauges different authors
Posted Nov 28, 2010 06:22 by FRANCESCO GIULI