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FS98 > Page 352
                  Chance Vought F4U-5NR Corsair, ARA (Argentine Navy).
1.49Mb (992 downloads)
FS98/CFS Chance Vought F4U-5NR Corsair, ARA (Argentine Navy). The F4U Corsair was operated by the Argentine Navy during late 50´s and 60´s from the light carrier Independencia. Model with moving parts and CFS style prop effect by Alain L'Homme. Original F2K textures by Osvaldo Martinetti. Revised FD by Shlomo 'Slo Mo' Hakim. CFS DP by Osmar Calixto Jr. Textures reworked (backdated) for use with FS98. Includes updated edition of Chuck Dome's FS98 PANF4U Corsair Panel (with additional gauges by Chuck Dome, Glenn Copeland, Brian Kostick, Jay Crawford, Paul Schwerdtfeger, and John Hirsch). Sound by George Csillag and Dean Mountford. Checklist by Josh Van Stavern. Demo Video by Paul W. Gay. History file by George Gobel. Flight music included. Package compiled by Derek 'Deke' Wakefield of Indianola Flightcraft. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                  Chance Vought F4U-5NR Corsair KD345
1.38Mb (1039 downloads)
FS98/CFS Chance Vought F4U-5NR Corsair KD345 of the 1850sqn of the Fleet Air Arm 'RN130'. Model with moving parts and CFS style prop effect by Alain L'Homme. Original textures by Carl Huxted. Revised FD by Shlomo 'Slo Mo' Hakim. CFS DP by Osmar Calixto Jr. Includes updated edition of Chuck Dome's FS98 PANF4U Corsair Panel (with additional gauges by Chuck Dome, Glenn Copeland, Brian Kostick, Jay Crawford, Paul Schwerdtfeger, and John Hirsch). Sound by George Csillag and Dean Mountford. Checklist by Josh Van Stavern. Demo Video by Paul W. Gay. History file by George Gobel. Flight music included. Texture rework, panel build, and package compliation by by Derek 'Deke' Wakefield of Indianola Flightcraft. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                  Curtiss Hawk 81A-3
0.98Mb (1135 downloads)
FS98 Curtiss Hawk 81A-3 flown by Erik Shilling of the 3rd Squadron ('Hell's Angels'), American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers), based at Kunming China in spring 1942. The Hawk 81A-3 was the export version of the P-40C. This plane is painted in the colors of the Hawk 81A-3 of the Chino Air Museum; the only airworthy 'small mouth' P-40 known to exist. Model and original textures by Eric C. Johnson. Revised with minor texture changes and animated prop, flaps, and landing gear. Includes updated edition of Chuck Dome's Hurricane panel (with additional gauges by Chuck Dome, Glenn Copeland, Brian Kostick, Jay Crawford, R.L. Clark, Paul Schwerdtfeger, and John Hirsch). Sound by George Csillag and Dean Mountford. Checklist by Josh Van Stavern. History file by Joe Baugher. Package compiled by Indianola Flightcraft. 999K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                  De Haviland Hornet F Mk.3, Royal Air Force
2.80Mb (1305 downloads)
FS98 De Haviland Hornet F Mk.3, Royal Air Force, 45 Squadron based at Tengah, Singapore 1948/9. The Hornet was conceived as a long range fighter for use against the Japanese. Derived from the famous DH Mosquito, it was the fastest piston-engined airplane to be placed in production for service. Developed too late for WWII service, it's dazzling performance led to it's continued use by both the RAF and RN (as the Sea Hornet) into the early 50's. FS5 Model and FD by Mike Hill. Converted for FS98 with animated prop, flaps, and landing gear. Includes updated edition of Chuck Dome's CFS P-38H panel (with additional gauges by Chuck Dome, Glenn Copeland, Brian Kostick, Jay Crawford, Paul Schwerdtfeger, and John Hirsch). Merlin sound package by Mike Hambly/Dan Hapgood. History file by George Gobel, Demo video by Paul W. Gay. Appropriate flight music (midi) included ^_^. Package compiled by Derek 'Deke' Wakefield. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                  Bell P-39C Airacobra, bare metal, USAAC early 1941
1.44Mb (892 downloads)
FS98 Bell P-39C Airacobra, bare metal, USAAC early 1941 (FULL PACKAGE). Originally designed as an interceptor, the US Army requested that Bell redesign the P-39 as ground attack fighter. This led to the removal of it's Allison V-1710's turbosupercharger and enlarging the plane; leading to a marked reduction in performance. The C model was the first production variant. However it was soon learned it was not suited to combat; lacking armor and self-sealing fuel tanks. Only twenty examples were built and all were relegated to training duties. FS5 Model/AFX by Eric C. Johnson. Converted for FS98 with animated prop, flaps, and landing gear. Includes FS98 rebuild of Dan Griffin's CFS P-39 v2 panel (with gauges by Chuck Dome, Glenn Copeland, Brian Kostick, Jay Crawford, R.L. Clark, Paul Schwerdtfeger, and Andreas Jaros). Custom FD by Christoph Ruhtenberg of EYA - Enjoy your Aircraft. Sound by George Csillag and Dean Mountford. Checklist by Josh Van Stavern.History file by Joe Baugher. Appropriate flight music (midi) included. First of Fourteen sets of Airacobra packages; compiled by Derek 'Deke' Wakefield of Indianola Flightcraft. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                  Sopwith Camel
1.00Mb (962 downloads)
FS98 Sopwith Camel F1. Model by Andrew W. Hall, Panel and Sound by Andre Kemner.Repaint by Miguel Angel Duarte Lobo. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                  Corsair KD345
2.31Mb (3560 downloads)
FS98/CFS Corsair KD345 Aircraft by Alain L'Homme Panel re-colored by Carl Huxted Sounds by Aaron R. Swindle Damage Profile by Osmar Calixto Jr Modified Air file by Danny Busch. 2.6.MBK
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                    FAP T-6 Harvard Mk.IIA Portuguese Air Force
0.14Mb (1136 downloads)
FS2000/FS98/CFS1/CFS2 FAP T-6 Harvard Mk.IIA Portuguese Air Force T-6 Harvard Mk.IIA The PoAF used the Harvard and other versions of the T-6 in large scale, over 200 T-6 of several versions were used. Full moving parts. Original Aircraft :Unknown. Repainted by: João Corredeira. 143K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                    Achgelis FA-223 "Drache" for FS 98
0.27Mb (2852 downloads)
Focke Achgelis FA-223 "Drache" for FS 98 The first real cargo-helicopter. Needs Flight-shop-converter. Can be fly as fixed-wing aircraft or with the standard FS-98 Bell 206 flightmodel. By M. D. Anderle. 280K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive
                  98 De Havilland DH-4B
                  98 De Havilland DH-4B
1.89Mb (1700 downloads)
FS98 98 De Havilland DH-4B airplane as operated by the U.S. Mail service in the early 1920's. The aircraft is basically a remodelling of Andrew W. Hall's Dayton-Wright DH-4 "Liberty Plane". Modified visual model, moving parts, accurate textures, custom sound files, realistic flight model. Authentic panel provided by J.L. Stubbs. View the readme.txt file for more detailed information. Creation : July 2001 Creator : Charlie Rousseau. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:19 by archive