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FS2004 > Helicopters > Page 34
FS2004                   Hind Sounds (Corrected to include the acual 'sound' files..).
11.62Mb (6700 downloads)
FS2004 Hind Sounds (Corrected to include the acual 'sound' files..). New sounds for Tim Conrad's Hind (here)! Sounds by Jiri Masnik, David Všetícek, with help from Dobro of Hovercontrol. Compiled by Jeff (JordonJ) Jordon. 11.9MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
                  AH-1 Cobra "Flying Bulls"
2.37Mb (4105 downloads)
Fs2004 AH-1 Cobra "Flying Bulls" The Cobra is the newest addition to the Flying Bulls. Original by Kim BoHyun, repaint by Sebastian Hecker. 2.4MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
                  Sikorsky S76C Aviate Search & Rescue.
22.35Mb (11138 downloads)
FS2004 Sikorsky S76C Aviate Search & Rescue. 23MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
                  Eurocopter Ec135 P2 Corporate Livery Package.
33.86Mb (6577 downloads)
FS2004 Eurocopter Ec135 P2 Corporate Livery Package. Celebrating my third anniversary painting activities, I'm honoured to present you the Eurocopter EC 135 P2. Re-mastered textures from A to Z, including external textures, VC cockpit textures and alpha channel effects. 32 bit textures and as precise as possible. The scheme come from a real corporate helicopter in Australia as I've seen in a book. Two months of work were required for these beautiful results. Model made by Heiko Richter, this EC 135 model feature a VC cockpit, opening doors, animated pilots and light. This file is self sufficient. Sound and panel and gauges included. Model by: Heiko Richter Painter: Samy Fay. 34.7MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
                  Eurocopter Ec135 P2 Torino I-TORI Package.
34.06Mb (9306 downloads)
FS2004 Eurocopter Ec135 P2 Torino I-TORI Package. Celebrating my third anniversary painting activities, I'm honoured to present you the Eurocopter EC 135 P2. Re-mastered textures from A to Z, including external textures, VC cockpit textures and alpha channel effects. 32 bit textures and as precise as possible. The scheme come from a real corporate helicopter in Australia as I've seen in a book. Two months of work were required for these beautiful results. Model made by Heiko Richter, this EC 135 model feature a VC cockpit, opening doors, animated pilots and light. This file is self sufficient. Sound and panel and gauges included. Model by: Heiko Richter Painter: Samy Fay. 34.9MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
                  NYPD Aviation Division Bell 206 Package
5.20Mb (5573 downloads)
FS2004 NYPD Aviation Division Bell 206 Package. Two splash screens with NYPD Aviation Division logos, an NYPD Bell 602b by Adrian Cholmondeley, and a saved flight with the NYPD Bell at Floyd Bennett Field. .Mike Hoffman, NYPD Retired. 5.3MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
                  Cobra USMC Textures only
5.85Mb (7152 downloads)
FS2004 Cobra USMC Textures only- A photoreal repaint of Kim "Zeki" BoHyun's excellent AH-1S Cobra in United States Marine Corps colours (required above). Although the Marines dont actually fly the S variant, this is the closest suitable model and looks very close to the real thing. By Kobe Bodjona. 5.9MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
                  Bell AH-1 F/S Cobra ROKA, IAF, JGSDF Package
20.82Mb (36504 downloads)
FS2004 Bell AH-1 F/S Cobra ROKA, IAF, JGSDF Package. The AH-1 COBRA was the world's first purpose-built attack helicopter. Nowaday, the AH-1 F/S COBRA is used by Korea, Israel, Japan and Pakistan. Features 1. To open Cockpit doors press "shift + E" 2. To lower Pilot's visor press "shift + E + 2" 3. To open Engine panels press "Assigned TailHook key" 4. Vulcan Firing or Water Bomb Droping : press "I" 5. Arming TOW missile or Bambi Bucket : press "TaxiLight key" 6. HUD -Torque : Top right -Airspeed : Top left -Heading : Lower right -Radar Altitude : Lower left. Kim, "Zeki" BoHyun. 21.2MB
Posted Jan 24, 2009 13:01 by archive
 	 FS2004 Alouette III Securite Civile Package
4.14Mb (12234 downloads)
FS2004 Alouette III Securité Civile Package. Includes 4 models. Original GMax model by Benoit Dubé/ Aurélien Terriere.
Posted Jan 24, 2009 12:58 by Aurélien Terriere
AI Puma
1.73Mb (9016 downloads)
AI version of the Puma Helo for AI use. By UKMil
Posted Dec 26, 2008 04:53 by UKMIL