FS2004 > Helicopters > Page 5

30.16Mb (3402 downloads)
Eurocopter AS350 B3e RP-C6828
Ecureuil (Squirrel)
Skyline Aviation - with base of operation at Mactan Cebu International Airport (RPVM) providing helicopters charter and air ambulance services.
The Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil (Squirrel) is a single-engined light helicopter originally manufactured by Aerospatiale (now part of Eurocopter Group). The AS350 is marketed in North America as the AStar.
AS350 B3- Higher gross weight version powered by one Arriel 1D1 engine over the B2 version with aerodynamic strake fitted to tail boom along the starboard side and angled engine exhaust duct for better yaw control.This is one of the most popular light utility helicopter due to its proven design and effective multi-role chopper.
The sim model aircraft has very accurate flight dynamics and controls.
MODEL by Aurelien Terriere (aurelien@fsfrance.com)
Repainted by:
Posted Aug 10, 2013 06:47 by Gerard G. Olvis

42.00Mb (15929 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66 COMANCHE.
An advanced Reconnaissance and Attack Helicopter designed for the US-Army.
The RAH-66 program was canceled in 2004 and only two prototypes were built.
The Model features a VC-cockpit, opening doors, extracting weapons and gears.
Model and textures by: Gernot W. Rueppel
Posted Jul 6, 2013 13:38 by Gernot W. Rueppel

1.28Mb (1058 downloads)
Magnum PI texture for the ALPHA_Hughes_MD500 in FS9 (& FSX version).
This is just for fun. The Hughes MD-500 is a newer model than
used on Magnum PI back in the 70s. But what the heck...It still
looks great flying around Honolulu and the islands.
Fixed the dark landing light and added light reflections to the probe
below it by changing the light maps. Now when the light is
turned on, it and probe shine. Added cfg lines in the readme.txt
so you can add Shockwave Lights if you have them.
Posted Jul 2, 2013 20:17 by Roger Rathnow aka. Oldgunner

9.60Mb (199 downloads)
Austrian Police OE-BXM and OE-BXG textures for the freeware FS2004 Nemeth AS350.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 15, 2013 03:33 by Daniel Logar

49.14Mb (2525 downloads)
Bell 210 Fuerza Aerea Colombiana FAC 4523 (Colombian Air Force). Model by George A.Arana. Textures By Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S.(model included in this pack)
Posted May 16, 2013 08:42 by Jose Armando Yanez

0.14Mb (1143 downloads)
Configuration update for the Eurocopter EC-135 by ICARO and Heiko Richter.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 4, 2013 09:14 by Michal Lubiscak

10.60Mb (1262 downloads)
DRF Medicopter textures for the Icaro BK117 package for FS2004/FSX
Required files:
required file
Posted Mar 6, 2013 07:45 by Daniel Logar

9.54Mb (1106 downloads)
Sperber 1 + 2 texture pack German Police "Rheinland Pfalz" for the Icaro EC-135 package.
Basepack required.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 1, 2013 18:41 by Benedikt Fröhlich

11.72Mb (7325 downloads)
The Tiger ARH (Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter) is the version ordered by the Australian Army to replace its OH-58 Kiowas and UH-1 Iroquois-based 'Bushranger' gunships.[2] The Tiger ARH is a modified and upgraded version of the Tiger HAP with upgraded MTR390 engines as well as a laser designator incorporated in the Strix sight for the firing of Hellfire II air-to-ground missiles. Instead of SNEB unguided rockets, the ARH will operate 70 mm (2.75 in.) rockets from Belgian developer, Forges de Zeebruges (FZ).
Posted Jan 11, 2013 11:30 by Andreas Meyer

17.02Mb (1523 downloads)
Bell 212 Helistar HK-4025 textures. Model By Jordan Moore. Textures By Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S. (model included in this pack)
Posted Jan 7, 2013 19:05 by Jose Armando Yanez