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FS2004 > Military > Page 12
G91 Freece Tricolori Pony 2 Textures
G91 Freece Tricolori Pony 2 Textures
2.00Mb (100 downloads)
This is a repaint(textures only) for Kazunori Ito's G91R1A available on this site. The aircraft is representative of the Freece Tricolori Pony 2 from 1963 to 1967. Original model by Kazunori Ito, repaint by Ron Wildman Gillam
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Posted Dec 6, 2014 21:12 by Ron Wildman Gillam
G91  Freece Tricolori Pony 1 Textures (revised)
G91  Freece Tricolori Pony 1 Textures (revised)
1.78Mb (213 downloads)
Textures only for Kazunori Ito's G91R1A available on this site. The aircraft represents the G91 Gina flown by the Freece Tricolori from 1963 to 1967. Original aircraft and textures by Kazunori Ito, repaint by Ron Wildman Gillam.
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Posted Dec 6, 2014 00:36 by Ron Wildman Gillam
FS2004                  Lockheed TF-104G Starfighter Belgian Air Force
7.20Mb (2825 downloads)
FS2004 Lockheed TF-104G Starfighter Belgian Air Force This is a repaint and modification of the Lockheed TF-104G Starfighter Models and textures included. Original package by Kazunori Ito, Simone Pratticò, Erick Cantu, JR, Manolo Machuca Medina, Jim Johnson, and Gianfranco Michele. Panel Version 1.0 Zach Smith (Saratoga) Repainted and modification by Martin Standaert. The TF104G is not a aircraft for the beginner, but you can try, speeds are essential to make your way in to the air but even more to get back on the ground. Set your crash detection to on and learn to fly it. Include afterburner,flaps,tailhook, airbrakes, Radar, autopilot, nav,sound ect.. no VC. 7.3MB
Posted Nov 23, 2014 14:28 by archive
AN-2 China Air Force Textures
AN-2 China Air Force Textures
1.84Mb (583 downloads)
China Air Force textures for the Antonov AN2 by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy
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required file
Posted Sep 8, 2014 18:33 by Liao Yitong
Boeing P8-A Poseidon
11.41Mb (2457 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing P8-A Poseidon. Developed by Tenkuu Developers Studio (TDS). Model features high resolution textures, dynamic flexing wings, nose gear steering, rudder lock, ground spoilers, low speed aileron locks at high speed, fully animated control surfaces, fully independent suspension, trim animation, opening passenger doors, rolling wheels, animated thrust reversers with reverser block doors, detailed textures, full night lighting, ground service vehicles and more. Package contains model and all files necessary for immediate flight. Model design by Hiroshi Igami. Flight dynamics and textures by TDS team
Posted Sep 8, 2014 05:01 by chris E
M.Dassault-Breguet Atlantic 1, model Version 2.2,"French Marine"
M.Dassault-Breguet Atlantic 1, model Version 2.2,"French Marine"
12.85Mb (1752 downloads)
FS2004 M.Dassault-Breguet Atlantic 1, model Version 2.2,"French Marine". The present aircraft model had been completely reworked with this version 2.2 as regards to the original model released many years ago and now it has an animated 3D virtual cockpit. The package contains a specific version of the Atlantic as that used by French marine in two different liveries, the old colors and the new one . The model with older livery carry the badge of the 24F navy squadron , the example with new livery carry that of 23F navy squadron both based at Lann-Bihoue. Full package includes: Aircraft model: Masimo Taccoli Textures: Massimo Taccoli with help by Gilles Devismes. F.D. files : by D.G. Seeley Panel and Gauges: by Jean-Pierre Langer and Arne Bartels Sound: By Mike Hambly
Posted Aug 31, 2014 04:07 by Massimo Taccoli
FS9, M.Dassault-Breguet Atlantic 1, model V.2.1,"Italian Airforce".
FS9, M.Dassault-Breguet Atlantic 1, model V.2.1,"Italian Airforce".
16.60Mb (1110 downloads)
The present aircraft model had been completely reworked with this version as regards to the original model released many years ago and it has now an animated 3D virtual cockpit. The model is painted in two different liveries of Italian Air Force examples. Enclosed two other special commemorative paint schemes. Massimo Taccoli
Posted Aug 22, 2014 02:27 by Massimo Taccoli
FS9 PC7 Astra MKII
24.70Mb (2888 downloads)
FS9 Pilatus PC7 Astra MKII The model was designed with FSDS 3.5.2 building for FS9 using MakeMdl. It is a major re-design of a previous model,as well as major changes to the Aerodynamics based on the real life PC7 manual. The aircraft features drooping gear doors and flaps when engine is off,an animated pilot and normal animated parts, flaps, gear, etc. It also features clickable switches in the VC and a realistic 2d glass cockpit with PC7 specific new XML gauges . Thinus Pretorius.
Posted Jul 25, 2014 03:35 by Thinus Pretorius
 Alpha Mig-25 Update for FS2004
 Alpha Mig-25 Update for FS2004
7.96Mb (3181 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the Alphasim Mig-25 Foxbat. I have added the other wheel, updated the flight dynamics, added a few gauges and changed the autopilot. This is for FS2004 only. See my other update for FSX.
Posted Jun 24, 2014 16:58 by Bob Chicilo
Alpha F-107A Updated
Alpha F-107A Updated
4.28Mb (1287 downloads)
This is an update for FS9 of the Alphasim F-107A. I have updated the flight dynamics, changed a few gauges and added a few gauges, changed the smoke effect and made it manual instead of automatic, changed the afterburner effects, and added the fourth wheel. This is for FS9, see my other update for FSX.
Posted Jun 15, 2014 12:13 by Bob Chicilo