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FS2004 > Military > Page 25
FS2004/FSX IRIS Tornado F3 25 Years Special Scheme Textures
FS2004/FSX IRIS Tornado F3 25 Years Special Scheme Textures
2.66Mb (2025 downloads)
This is a repaint of ZE791, RAF Tornado F.3 in a 111 Squadron disbandment scheme celebrating 25 years of Air Defence Tornado operations. The Tornado is being phased out so this will be one of the last few special schemes that will ever grace the Tonka, FlickKnife, Mighty Fin, she has been called many things, but the aircraft ALWAYS earned the respect of those who flew it, and those that opposed it. Textures by Gary J. Scott
Posted Mar 17, 2011 18:20 by Gary J. Scott
B-66 Destroyer Package
B-66 Destroyer Package
11.24Mb (6260 downloads)
B-66 Destroyer package for FS2004. Features opening crew entry hatch (shift-e) speed brakes (/-key, opening bomb bay on B-66B model only, (Concorde visor key), toggle pilot on/off - shift-W. Turbine Glow Effect - this is automatic and cuts it at a medium throttle setting Vapour Trails - as well as the usual wingtip vapour trails, this model also has flap vapour trails, these are only visible when airborne and when the flaps are on their first setting. Ex payware from Virtuavia.
Posted Mar 17, 2011 09:51 by virtuavia
Reworked Alphasim MiG 25
34.63Mb (8284 downloads)
This is a reworked version of the freeware Alphasim MiG 25 Foxbat. I changed the afterburner effects, the smoke and the sound. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Mar 14, 2011 10:04 by Kelly McKernan
Update for C-17 by Mike Stone
Update for C-17 by Mike Stone
0.96Mb (5325 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the C-17 by Mike Stone. I have updated the flight dynamics, added all the wheels, and added a cargo door switch to the panel. No virtual cockpit. This is the whole aircraft. This won't work correctly in FSX.
Posted Mar 11, 2011 19:30 by Bob Chicilo
Update for B-52H by Mike Stone
Update for B-52H by Mike Stone
1.02Mb (3644 downloads)
This is an update for FS2004 of the B-52H by Mike Stone. I have updated the flight dynamics, added the rest of the wheels, and added smoke. No VC. This will not work in FSX. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Mar 9, 2011 10:11 by Bob Chicilo
Texture for extra F-4J model works in FSX too.
2.59Mb (1005 downloads)
This is a texture, VMFA-333, for the Virtavia F-4J Phantom II extra model that I updated. It is a texture from pack 1 that works with the model. There are 4 textures that work with the extra model J. I am uploading them one at a time. It has been less than 2 years since I was using dial-up and remember how much I hated to download large files. No pack 3 textures work with this model. This will work in both FSX and FS9.
Posted Feb 19, 2011 15:29 by Bob Chicilo
Texture for extra F-4J model works in FSX too.
2.62Mb (567 downloads)
This is a texture, VF-114, for the Virtavia F-4J Phantom II extra model that I updated. It is a texture from pack 1 that works with the model. There are 4 textures that work with the extra model J. I am uploading them one at a time. It has been less than 2 years since I was using dial-up and remember how much I hated to download large files. No pack 3 textures work with this model. This will work in both FSX and FS9.
Posted Feb 19, 2011 15:25 by Bob Chicilo
Texture for extra F-4J model works in FSX too.
2.72Mb (515 downloads)
This is a texture, VF-51 CAG, for the Virtavia F-4J Phantom II extra model that I updated. It is a texture from pack 1 that works with the model. There are 4 textures that work with the extra model J. I am uploading them one at a time. It has been less than 2 years since I was using dial-up and remember how much I hated to download large files. No pack 3 textures work with this model. This will work in both FSX and FS9.
Posted Feb 19, 2011 15:22 by Bob Chicilo
Texture for extra F-4J model works in FSX too.
2.92Mb (550 downloads)
This is a texture, 45th TFS/2nd AD, for the Virtavia F-4J Phantom II extra model that I updated. It is a texture from pack 2 that works with the model. There are 4 textures that work with the extra model J. I am uploading them one at a time. It has been less than 2 years since I was using dial-up and remember how much I hated to download large files. No pack 3 textures work with this model. This will work in both FSX and FS9.
Posted Feb 19, 2011 15:18 by Bob Chicilo
Correction for Virtavia F-4J Pack1 Extra Model & VC fix
Correction for Virtavia F-4J Pack1 Extra Model & VC fix
12.43Mb (3330 downloads)
This is a correction of my update for FS9 of the Virtavia F-4 Phantom II extra J model that I found in pack 1. I found the reason for the VC not working correctly. The VC textures in the texture folder were wrong for pack 1 models. I am uploading this model because it is the only one that is truely clean; no bombs, tanks, or rockets, just the way I like it. This is the whole aircraft. Webmaster, please delete my original update for this aircraft.
Posted Feb 19, 2011 10:58 by Bob Chicilo