6.11Mb (4745 downloads)
Old and new colour textures for the SGA DC-10-30 of the RNLAF and the T-235 60th anniversary of 334 Sqn. This includes all the upgrades uptill present with this RNLAF KDC-10-30. Includes the T-264 and T-235 in the old and new colours. Recommend the SGA panel. Based on the DC-10 model by SGA. Repaint by Sean Kneppers.
Posted Dec 21, 2009 17:23 by Sean Kneppers

1.93Mb (1351 downloads)
Belgian Air Force Fouga Magister CM-170. Textures only. Requires the original aircraft. By Niels De Ruyck.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2009 15:18 by Niels De Ruyck

0.22Mb (3260 downloads)
2nd version of my config update for freeware Tornado F3+GR4 by IRIS
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 16, 2009 06:54 by Michal Lubiscak

0.11Mb (1797 downloads)
Config update for SAAB J-35 Draken by Thomas Nilsson released as "j35bm_31.zip"
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 16, 2009 06:51 by Michal Lubiscak

0.57Mb (5535 downloads)
2nd version of my configuration update for F-16 Fighting Falcon by Kirk Olson (usviper.zip). - COG position
- weights (emty, max take off)
- position of weights (pilot, pylons, bullets)
- flight dynamics
- volume and position of tanks
- parameters of engines (position, fuel flow, time of reaktion, thrust)
- contact points (more exactly defined + added some more).
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 11, 2009 05:29 by Michal Lubiscak

0.11Mb (3724 downloads)
2nd version of my configuration update for F-15 Eagle by CORAL. - COG position (very important value for behavior of any airplane ...)
- weights (emty, max take off)
- position of weights (pilot, pylons, bullets)
- flight dynamics
- volume and position of tanks
- parameters of engines (position, fuel flow, time of reaktion, thrust)
- contact points (more exactly defined + added some more)
- "eye" position and few more details ...
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 11, 2009 05:26 by Michal Lubiscak

5.21Mb (4304 downloads)
This is an update for FS 9 of the Alphasim
Su-47 Berkut. I have updated the flight
dynamics, added switches and toggle icons to
the panel, removed the spoiler, and changed
the afterburner effects. This aircraft has
both a 2D and 3D cockpit. This is the whole
aircraft. The flight dynamics and the panel
will not work in FSX acceleration. This update is only
for those who did not already download my
previous update of this aircraft. This one
has my own afterburner burner effects,
instead of the burner effects in the previous
Posted Dec 7, 2009 08:18 by Bob Chicilo

1.90Mb (6328 downloads)
Photoreal Textures featuring the well know "Patrouille de France.
By Jonathan "Rooster" Hilaire . Requires the original model by LCO, JP Bourgeois, Jean-Pierre Langer, Jean-Pierre Bourgeois, Benoit M. Dube
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 23, 2009 08:30 by Jonathan Hilaire

1.72Mb (7316 downloads)
This an Alphajet Photoreal Repaint from the AJeTS (Advanced Jets Training School) where both French and Belgian Pilots Train. For Laurent Correia Alphajet.
By Jonathan "Rooster" Hilaire.
FS2004 Version:
Posted Nov 23, 2009 08:28 by Jonathan Hilaire

46.74Mb (24528 downloads)
FS2004 Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Package for FS2004.
The C-130J is the newest version of the Hercules and the only model still in production. Externally similar to the classic Hercules in general appearance, the J model is a very different aircraft. These differences include new Rolls-Royce AE 2100 D3 turboprops with Dowty R391 composite scimitar propellers, digital avionics (including Head-Up Displays (HUDs) for each pilot) and reduced crew requirements, two pilots, one load master, and one crew chief. The C-130J flies faster, higher and further than all previous C-130 models. Full package for FS2004, custom 2D and VC panels with HUD & Garmin avionics. Custom sound, fully animated parts, realistic flight model. Four liveries included - USAF, USCG, RAF and U.S. Marines Blue Angels support aircraft. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Nov 22, 2009 18:51 by bob.may@premaircraft.com