0.37Mb (1882 downloads)
Missing textures (ATR 42-300 and EMB-170) Fix for Polish AI Traffic Package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 25, 2009 18:21 by arras_pl

10.35Mb (1914 downloads)
Four new textures for Tim "Piglet" Conrad's N-1 Naboo Star Fighter. Contains Miller Lite Racing inspired scheme, US Navy, Tiger Meet, and a weird looking "Stingray" or "Tadpole" scheme. Repaints by Roy "Boikat" Altholz.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 23, 2009 17:40 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz

6.32Mb (1585 downloads)
Two repaint's for Tim "Piglet" Conrad's "N-1 Naboo Fighter". Inspired by Formula 1 race cars and Hydrojet speed boats, they have dash, flash and class. The "Compaq" has two options, 1024 sized BMP for the main body, or 2048 BMP for greater detail. Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!
P.S., the N-1 works perfectly in FSX.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 5, 2009 21:45 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz

50.88Mb (6139 downloads)
Centralwings, LOT, Eurolot, Star Alliance, Wizz Air, Ryan Air, Polish Airlines AI flights!
Contains AI Aircraft, and flight plans which adds more traffic to Polish airports.
Flight plans set up traffic from polish airports to the biggest cities in Europe, USA, Canada, Russia etc.
Most of the plans are taken from the Central Wings and lot.com.pl web pages.
Fictional plans add traffic to the airports which had no traffic - these are only charter flights or private flights by Cessna and Learjest 45!
Author: Artur Krause
Posted Nov 2, 2009 06:50 by arras_pl

0.28Mb (1843 downloads)
German Coast Guard (Küstenwache) Texture for the Japan & US Coast Guard Ship by Mitsuya Hamaguchi Painted by benimi
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 2, 2009 09:22 by benimix

0.21Mb (2005 downloads)
German Frigate Texture for the Japan & US Coast Guard Ship by Mitsuya Hamaguchi Painted by benimix
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 1, 2009 09:02 by benimix

0.24Mb (1445 downloads)
DGzRS Texture for the Japan & US Coast Guard Ship by Mitsuya Hamaguchi
Painted by benimix
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 1, 2009 04:55 by benimix

1.85Mb (4980 downloads)
UKMIL Boeing Ch47 AI model [FS2004 only]
this file includes the AI model for the Chinook. it comes in 1 different loads, inc Hc2. Use TTools to create flight plans for AI aircraft.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 28, 2009 11:19 by ukmil

6.11Mb (1718 downloads)
Zeppelin NT Spirit of Adventure textures only.
The Zeppelin NT (new technology) is a class of airships being manufactured since the 1990s by the German company Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH (ZLT) in Friedrichshafen. The Zeppelin NT is classified as a semi-rigid airship. Hand-drawn textures only, the Zeppelin NT model by Thomas Roehl is required. Repaint by Ingo Schwan.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 10, 2009 03:09 by Ingo Schwan

5.63Mb (2249 downloads)
The Zeppelin NT (new technology) is a class of airships being manufactured since the 1990s by the German company Zeppelin Luftschifftechnik GmbH (ZLT) in Friedrichshafen. The Zeppelin NT is classified as a semi-rigid airship. Hand-drawn textures only, the Zeppelin NT model by Thomas Roehl is required. Repaint by Ingo Schwan.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 5, 2009 02:14 by Ingo Schwan