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FS2004 > Misc > Page 25
                  Fiesler V1 Flying Bomb.
4.09Mb (8668 downloads)
FS2004 Fiesler V1 Flying Bomb.-- Features Made in Gmax- Highly detailed V1 Model, accurate to WWII diagrams. Fully Realistic sounds Unique and exciting Virtual Cockpit - Also features 2D panel Samantha Downes, TLUK Designs. 4.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Jaguar XK-120
                  Jaguar XK-120
2.75Mb (8207 downloads)
FS2004 Jaguar XK-120 Just for fun a classic personal sports car to explore all the beautiful scenery in fs2004!! Features fully animated virtual interior with working gauges and headlights. Fly to your favorite airport and switch to your Jag!! Brought to you by the Golden Eagles Squadron. Two versions: black and red. Assambled for 2004 by Alejandro Villa. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
0.05Mb (667 downloads)
FS2004 Flight PLan AL Extreme Flight 01 Flight plan for the flight Rio Amazonas in Ecuador to Simon Bolivar Intl Airport. Warning, Rio Amazonas is located to one old crater!. Use the default King-Air 350. By Jean-Jacques Parel. 54K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  and FS2002 FX: Nick's A-I JET Exhaust with Cointrol Gauge.
0.68Mb (12420 downloads)
FS2004 and FS2002 FX: Nick's A-I JET Exhaust with Cointrol Gauge. Hanging around the airport watching the A-I traffic and chasing A-I jet aircraft just got a little more interesting. Enjoy watching your entire A-I jet fleet as they display engine heat shimmer effects -after- push-back from the terminal and during taxi to the active runway. By Nick Needham. 693K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
0.07Mb (663 downloads)
FS2004 Flight Plan Santa-Claus Express 4 flight plans for the official City of Santa-Claus, Rovaniemii in Finland. Flight plan for the 747-400,Vega 5B,DC-3 & Learjet 45. By Jean-Jacques Parel. 69K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Mercedes-Benz SL600 FULL RELEASE
3.94Mb (12130 downloads)
1998 Mercedes-Benz SL600 FULL RELEASE. Finally, after 2 years of construction, the long-awaited car has now rolled off the assembly-line with new and improved features. After fixing bug after bug, I have finally achieved the most detailed car model since the Jaguar. It inlcudes full DVC with textures, reflections on the rim/surface/mirrors, 3 different rim variations, carefully made dynamics, and custom sounds. Full animations include steerable front wheels, suspension, opening doors, and movable steering wheel. Works for FS2004 and possibly FS2002. Happy Holidays to all of those at Simviation and to those who encouraged me to go on and finish this project. Jessy Corrales (Katahu). 4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  and FS2002 EFFECTS: Nick's Prop Dust with Control Gauges
0.84Mb (11394 downloads)
FS2004 and FS2002 EFFECTS: Nick's Prop Dust with Control Gauges.This gauge/effects package automatically senses the terrain the aircraft is in contact with or flying over and changes the dust and water effects for the aircrafts prop/rotor wash based on dirt, dry mud or clay, snow, rain, water, ice, sand, gravel and short grass. By Nick Needham. 857K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  Multi effect pack.
0.09Mb (12291 downloads)
FS2004 Multi effect pack. Includes: Shooting star, Aircraft tracker, Laser, & Sonic Boom. By Thomas Molger. 95K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
                  & FS2002 FX: Nick's MASSIVE CRASH FINAL
0.89Mb (36661 downloads)
FS2004 & FS2002 FX: Nick's MASSIVE CRASH FINAL All users of Massive Crash are urged to install this update. The files included address and fix video screen 'wash-out' issues on impact when using a high quality video adapter and/or when the effects quality slider in the simulator is set to maximum. It also fixes "wake visually renders above the water level when operating seaplanes or other water type aircraft." New water crash effects added. Improved frame rates with this release will allow those with slower video adapters to use higher effects detail settings. The effects have also been better tuned for smaller aircraft. If you are installing Massive Crash for the first time, this package is what you want to download. Enjoy! By Nick Needham. 915K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive
FS2004/2002                  MEA Flight Plans
0.07Mb (2259 downloads)
FS2004/2002 MEA Flight Plans. 100% accurate flight plans based on MEA's schedule running from October 26 to March 27. Compatible with both FS2002 and FS2004. Knowledge of Traffic Tools is needed to install these flight plans. Uses only two aircraft types, the A321 and A330. MEA's hub is in Beirut, Lebanon. Destinations in alphabetical order are: Abidjan, Abu Dhabi, Accra, Amman, Athens, Cairo, Dammam, Dubai, Frankfurt, Geneva, Istanbul, Jeddah, Kano, Kuwait City, Lagos, Larnaca, London Heathrow, Milan Malpensa, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Riyadh, and Rome Fiumicino. Please read the Read Me file for more information. 68K
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Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:27 by archive