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            DECISIVE DAY
0.04Mb (545 downloads)
THE DECISIVE DAY Two three mission campaigns for CFS 1 dealing with the events of September 15th 1940. The day that would later be known as Battle of Britain Day. While one campaign gives you three British intercept missions, the other gives you their German counterparts. As these are an attempt to reproduce some measure of the historical events, the number of aircraft involved is quite high, therefore this may not be suitable for some slower machines. RICHARD STEELE. 45K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Jabo Hunters (Revised) - CFS1 Mission
0.74Mb (521 downloads)
The Jabo Hunters (Revised) - CFS1 Mission Pak In late 1942 Luftwaffe had found a way of attacking the English War effort without running the risks of the high losses encountered in the Battle of Britain, their answer was the Jabo. Racing across the Channel at wave top height to deposit their bombs on coastal targets they sent English workers scattering from their workbenches into air raid shelters. The Spits and Hurricanes were left helpless to defend against this new threat, then came Sidney Camm's Seven-Ton Brute they called the Typhoon. This package contains three missions about the No 609 Sqn's fight against the Von Plonk. One simple mission concerning the first Jabo Hunts, a recreation of the biggest Jabo Hunt of all, 20 Jan. 43 and a mission that takes random flight paths to a new level. "Crazy Jabos" has 40 random flight paths for your enemies to take; you must lead your patrol in an effort to stop them. See the Read Me file for more details. Typhoon PRG/PRD by PHF Burnage Required. By G.K. Bond. 782K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.86Mb (389 downloads)
LADY IN THE DARK Five CFS 1 missions for Bruno Duffort's P61 Black Widow (P61 included) Also includes alternate files to fly the same missions with Chris Lampard's F7F Tigercat. Additional download of the Tigercat from this site required. RICHARD STEELE. 878K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.36Mb (353 downloads)
All Night Long Mission.This misson is fictional ,but produced from some inspirations in 'the Battle of a Brige "Too far"!' after "D-Day"s following the end of the war.Unusual many attacks in the night come out on the add-on scenery of "Arnhem Airport 1938" by Ralf _J Trieble.You will remind of pains and the division between winners and losers while searchlights on aircrafts of friends or enemies crashed and destroyed beam to you at the same time in the battle.But don't worry about it.If you are in successful, you will continue battles for a quarter of an hour without stopping, so that this is the light version. This mission was created with CFS Mission Editor Version 3.0.0 by : Cor Dikland. Special thanks to him.made by Katsumi Kimura(JI3HIY) in Japa. Katsumi Kimura. 364K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.77Mb (500 downloads)
INVASION 48 The science fiction `B' movie comes to CFS, as invaders from the sky drop in on post war Europe. Invasion 48 attempts to cover the entire of a short (ten month) war in the 38 mission of this less than serious campaign. Will the Tempest's, Venom's, and P47's be so much laser fodder, or will snappy maneuvering and low cunning save the day? It's up to you, the fate of the world is in your hands! All "aircraft" included. Richard Steele. 2.8MB Fix file for "Invasion 48" - adds missing Mig. 66K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.02Mb (295 downloads)
Jeep Attack under USSAF in your missions section. Enjoy. -Bruce Note:this requires the jeep by Andrew Tremblay found in the CFS Utilities and Misc section. 16K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.01Mb (276 downloads)
AIR TEST So, you have down loaded that new add on aircraft and flown it in free flight. But what about the acid test of combat. "Air test," gives you the chance to try out your new acquisition before going to all the bother of writing missions for it. Includes a simple two on two dogfight mission, and an extensive readme file explaining it's use. Richard Steele. 6K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.30Mb (485 downloads)
Jet Attack mission. You are a P51 pilot flying escort for a formation of B-17s attacking oil refineries in central Germany. You are attacked by three 109ks, two 190s and three Me 262s while dodging VERY heavy flak. There is also a 60% chance of meeting two more 190s on the way home. The mission comes with a 109k and a correctly scaled Me 262. By Chris Amon. 310K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            missions set for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 1
1.52Mb (1211 downloads)
20 missions set for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 1 All required elements includedThis is a 20-missions-set located around northern-france in the time from May 1944 until the end of war in Germany in 1945, flown by axis-side. I didn´t build a truly historical campaign, but there´s a headline: The march back of the german forces from France to the "Defense of the Reich", the fall of the "Third Reich". The Luftwaffe has been in a defense role. Airfields and key positions of the Wehrmacht have been under permanent attack. The Luftwaffe started operating from improvised airfields. A reflection of "like it could have been" is what you get with this campaign. You will suffer under multiple attacker-waves, high altitude dogfights, difficult take-offs and landings from a road, heavy-to-master ground attacks,Bomber-raids at night and of course you will fly that great Fw190´s and Me262a1 included into the package!!! By Mathias Pommerien. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.04Mb (410 downloads)
Seed Files for CFSItaly and CFSItalyN (CFS scenery files for Italy, available at this site). These files flatten the default terrain below the add-on Italy sceneries, and eliminate invisible crashes and propstrikes which were happening at low altitudes. Now feel free to barrel through the alps at high speed at treetop height... By C Burgess. 37K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive