CFS1 > Missions & Campaigns > Page 20

1.77Mb (675 downloads)
Mission Pack for CFS: Italy Mission Pack for CFS (repost):
A set of missions designed for the CFS Italy scenery CFSItaly and
CFSItalyN. All other required scenery and airplanes are included.
The repost replaces an anonymous swordfish with Steve Lovass-Nagy's
CFS classic, which I'd originally meant to include. By C Burgess (UPDATED)
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.10Mb (427 downloads)
CFS1 Oboe Recovery. My tribute to Wg/Cdr Barton CBE,OBE, who flew an unbelievably true mission involving flying a Pathfinder Mosquito to occupied France to retrieve the very secret 'OBOE' radar from a shot down allied aircraft under the noses of the enemy. A mission of cunning, tactics, and stealth. Where you should achieve TOTAL SUCCESS without firing a round. Stock CFS 1 aircraft plus Mosquito included. By Terry Baldwin.
Posted Jun 3, 2008 03:35 by Terry Baldwin