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FS2004 > Panels > Page 41
9.32Mb (2922 downloads)
FS2004 BAe 146 Panel v4.0 Completely new panel and system trainer for the British Aerospace BAe 146. This new version contents now all working systems like electric, hydraulic, fuel, pressurization and many other. Those systems based very close on the real BAe 146 systems and were programmed close to the manual and with the information and description of real world pilots. Version 4.0 contents now a full working TMS (thrust Modulation System), and all modes of the AFGS (Automatic Flight Guidance System), including AP SYNC. Completely new is the possibility now to save the complete cockpit state. A 160 pages manual which is necessary to handle all the complex functions is included together with a set of flight dynamics for all available models to bring them to work with the panel. By Matthias Lieberecht - The BAe Panel Project. 9.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Embraer 120 2D panel v 2.0
1.24Mb (3049 downloads)
FS2004 Embraer 120 2D panel v 2.0. Upgraded with new engine gauges more accurate, better centered needles, new instruments as timer, OAT, digital fuel indicator , ... and some other improvements. For the really beautiful "Brazilia" designed by Eric Cantu. By Pierre Fasseaux. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Aero L29c Delfin Panel
13.09Mb (1625 downloads)
FS2004 Aero L29c Delfin Panel. This is a 2d- high visibility Delfin panel made from an actual photo of the Delfin with near actual gauges (gauges included) as close to real thing as possible. The height of the eyeview is same as would be seen by a 5'7" pilot in a delfin cockpit. The Gun sight has been removed as it may not be required in FS. Made from all freeware available gauges and Bitmap. Col Sanjay Bajpai. 14.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Piper Seminole photoreal panel.
4.23Mb (1330 downloads)
FS2004 Piper Seminole photoreal panel. High visibility 2D panel using Piper Seminole actual photo. Suitable for single/ twin (with modification) engine piston trainers as cessna aerobat, 172,Piper Arrow, Seminole, Aztac etc using default and freeware tailormade gauges.Col Sanjay Bajpai. File size 4.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FS2004                   IRIS Tornado GR4 2d Panel upgrade
1.77Mb (2683 downloads)
FS2004 IRIS Tornado GR4 2d Panel upgrade. this pack from UKMIL will upgrade the 2d panel in the freeware IRIS tornado GR4 (here). original aircraft from IRIS, upgrade panel inc bitmap by UKMIL. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Dornier Do-17M/P panel
15.31Mb (1136 downloads)
FS2004 Dornier Do-17M/P panel This panel has been done to fit to the nice Dornier Do-17 M/P's from Thicko.The original panel was done by Lobo da Silva. I just did some little detail and repaint work and fitted gauges to match as far as possible my original docs about the plane and to use it in fs2004 By: Michael "Pappi" Vader. 15.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Boeing 747-400 Photoreal Panel
5.80Mb (12525 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 747-400 Photoreal Panel with full internal views incl. 3 animated wingviews for Project Opensky B747-400 and prepared for TCAS and RADAR, usable for any other B747-400 without wingviews / by Horst Paetzold. 5.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                  Boeing 757-200 Photoreal Panel
5.73Mb (9845 downloads)
FS2004 Boeing 757-200 Photoreal Panel with wingviews and TCAS made for Project Opensky Boeing 757-200 model. Horst Paetzold. 5.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
                    GARversion 737-200 panel version 2
13.05Mb (7504 downloads)
FS2004 GARversion 737-200 panel version 2. If you had problems with the 737-200adv panel v.1, now it is time to try out v.2! GARversion 737-200adv panel v.2 is a dual panel with a full overhead and realistic procedures. It is perfect for any virtual airine that has a 737-200adv in their fleet. This panel fits well with any 737-200 with or without wingviews. Enjoy flying in the 737-200adv with this fully realistic panel. Gauges by Tinmouse Panel by Gareth Scott Not FSX compatible Panel based from the 737-205adv Cayman Airways. 13.3MB Upgrade & revision in addition to the above panel. 6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:26 by archive
FSX Pilatus PC-12  2D panel
2.05Mb (5007 downloads)
Based on the PC-12 by AFG with MSFS modified or original new XML gauges (EADI, EHSI, RMI, KAS-297 Altimeter Selector, KMA24H Audio and a whole engine digital panel). Pierre Fasseaux
Posted Jun 17, 2008 10:05 by archive