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Prepar3d > Payware > Page 8
Nemeth/Milviz CH-47D Coulson Fire Pack
44.00Mb (310 downloads)
Scorch of SATO has given me permission to add some liveries to his Coulson paint. So 6 new paints are included in this pack as well as a touched up version of his 0CU. Tested and working in P3D and FSX. Included in Orange County Fire, L.A. County Fire, NSW Fire, Victoria Fire, and 2 Chile contract liveries. Enjoy!
Posted Nov 24, 2022 10:22 by Delta
Carenado Cessna 337 (O-2A) Department of Forestry Texture Pack
29.07Mb (204 downloads)
This is the Department of Forestry pack I have compiled. They are the green liveries of the late 70s and early 80s. Tested and working in FSX and P3D. Requires the Carenado Cessna 337 payware to work. This pack covers all the Air Attacks and one FLIR I could find. Hopefully didn't miss any. Original base paint by Dirk Hueschelrath, modified by me, Delta, to be accurate of the old days. Included are A11, 12, 14, 21, 41, 51, 61, and FLIR, for a total of 8 liveries.
Posted Nov 23, 2022 00:21 by Delta
Carenado Cessna 337 (O-2A) CDF Air Attack Pack
39.23Mb (353 downloads)
I have compiled a pack of CDF Air Attack liveries for the Carenado Cessna 337. You will need the payware for these to work. Tested in FSX and P3D. Total of 10 liveries, A12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 41, 44, 46. Keep your eyes out for the Green flavor, coming soon! Original paint by Rick Bubier.
Posted Nov 22, 2022 03:29 by Delta
Aeroflot SkyTeam Boeing 737-800 - RA-73103
Aeroflot SkyTeam Boeing 737-800 - RA-73103
108.26Mb (122 downloads)
P3D PMDG Boeing 737-800NGXu in Aeroflot - SkyTeam livery. Textures in UHD format for PMDG model. Description and installation in Readme file. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Nov 9, 2022 02:50 by Sergey Gleba | PaintSim
FSX/P3D Cerasim UH-60 Fire Contract Pack
32.72Mb (247 downloads)
Repaint pack of 4 liveries for the Cerasim UH60. Will work in both FSX and P3D, basically anywhere the Cera works youre good to go. The liveries you get are 2 Northwest liveries, "Nemo" and "Dory". "Nemo" is also known as "The Flying Pumpkin". The 3rd livery you get is an older Helinet paint. Currently it sports a silver and yellow paint job but you get the Army green with dayglo orange in this pack. 4th and final paint is the Coulson-Unical ACU paint. Very unique livery!
Posted Oct 29, 2022 00:04 by Delta
Milviz Redux UH-1C Vigili del Fuoco Repaint
14.57Mb (150 downloads)
Repaint for the Milviz Redux Huey. This will only work on the UH-1C model. Vigili del Fuoco #31, these birds have now been retired and replaced by the Bell 412.
Posted Oct 23, 2022 09:27 by Delta
P3Dv4+ Milviz S-64/CH-54 Skycrane Firefighting Package v2.0
622.29Mb (313 downloads)
This expansion pack for the MilViz/Nemeth S-64/CH-54 Skycrane expands the version 1.0 release of mine some time ago with external tank model replacements for the v1.0 package as well as additional repaints, and several model configurations. The v1.0 package is required as well as the MilViz/Nemeth base product in order to get the full benefit of this package. The package could not have been possible without the original permissions I obtained from MilViz to modify their product, but as well as several members of the community that also assisted in the v1.0 as well as this v2.0 package. This pack as mentioned includes model overhauls of the external tank models, pond snorkels, several new model variations, new main rotor textures, rotor flex animations, and new repaints. New repaints have been included for Evergreen International, Heavy Lift Helicopters, HTS/Simplex, Canadian Air-Crane, Korea Forest Service, Vigili del Fuoco, and several repaint overhauls to Helicopter Transport Services and Siller Bros Fleet textures, and model tweaks from V1.0. Version 1.0 is not necessarily required, but certain repaints will not appear at all or properly, and the customs sounds/overhaul will also be missing without installation of v1.0. There are detailed readme files and tank configuration information for use in Lorby's FireFighterX Application. The file size is considerable due to the amount of models, overhauls, and additional textures. Pack also comes with a placeable scenery fuel tender for addon scenery or for placement with FFX. Despite the aircraft originally being compatible with FSX and P3D, this expansion package is ONLY compatible in P3Dv4+ sims due to FSX limitations of the new tanks and animations. Modifications and repaints for this pack done by Nicholas Mitchell "Scorch00" and SATO community member, "Delta."
Posted Oct 7, 2022 02:46 by Nicholas Mitchell
P3D Feelthere Embraer E175 - Air Canada textures
P3D Feelthere Embraer E175 - Air Canada textures
86.86Mb (134 downloads)
P3D FeelThere Wilco Embraer E175 in Air Canada new livery. Textures for payware FeelThere Wilco Embraer E175 V3 model. Description and instruction in the archive. Repaint by Sergey Gleba. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Posted Sep 30, 2022 10:53 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
Nemeth/Milviz CH-47 Rotak Helicopters Repaint Pack
22.33Mb (170 downloads)
Repaint pack for Rotak Helicopters for the CH-47. It includes a memorial livery for N388RA that crashed in Salmon River, ID this year. There are 2 other liveries as well for the other 2 Rotak chinooks. You will need the payware from Nemeth/Milviz CH-47 for these to work. P3D and FSX compatible.
Posted Sep 27, 2022 12:10 by Delta
5.65Mb (154 downloads)
*Fortunate Son intensifies* Repaint pack for the Area51 AH-1S Cobra, you will need the payware aircraft for these to work. Works in FSX and P3D, tested. Voodoo Lady, Voodoo Venom, and Widow Maker. I know these are not 100% accurate as it is an S model and not a G model, but there is no G model available for FSX/P3D.
Posted Sep 13, 2022 12:20 by Delta