7.93Mb (226 downloads)
FS2004 China P.L.A. Air Force B-4025 textures for the payware
Level-D 767-300ER
Posted Jan 3, 2015 00:01 by Liao Yitong

9.14Mb (174 downloads)
This is a Texture-Set for the Payware Citabria offered by Real Air. It is inspired by a good friend and an actual flying aircraft, based on EDWN. Texture in DXT3-Format.
Posted Dec 27, 2014 01:46 by Hartmut Hekmann

8.31Mb (218 downloads)
FS2004 DHC-2 Beaver
These are German repaints for the payware Aerosoft DHC-2 Beaver model Wheel, Tundra, Float and Ski. Repaints by Ingo Schwan.
Posted Dec 20, 2014 09:54 by Ingo Schwan

6.88Mb (244 downloads)
Condor is a German leisure airline based in Frankfurt. It is operating scheduled flights to holiday destinations in the Mediterranean, Asia, Africa, North America, South America and the Caribbean. Photoreal textures in 32 bits format for the payware Level-D B767-300 model. Repaint by: Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos, Contact Ground. Happy flights.
Posted Dec 3, 2014 15:30 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

6.22Mb (197 downloads)
Textures for the payware Commerical Level Simulations Airbus A300-600R. Texture by YANKYVICTOR.
Posted Nov 8, 2014 23:45 by YANKYVICTOR

7.51Mb (422 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Fedex textures for the payware Capt Sim Boeing 707. Modified from the original textures by Eric McNett
Posted Nov 8, 2014 23:44 by Liao Yitong

12.02Mb (430 downloads)
Viasa textures for the payware Overland/SMS A380. Paint by YANKYVICTOR.
Posted Nov 7, 2014 15:31 by YANKYVICTOR

13.81Mb (1674 downloads)
DEMO VERSION ONLY: The Airbus A330 is a twin-engined wide-body Airbus A340 and is a four-engined wide-body aircraft produced by AirbusIndustries. Both models have many features and components, and differ essentially only by the number of trie works. You are designed as long-haul aircraft. Both aircraft have modern turbofan engines with high bypass ratio and are the first Flight course with a modern fly-by-wire controls in a two-man cockpit. The first flight of 4 four-engine A340-300 version took place on 25 October 1991 and the twin-engine A330-300 version took place on 2 November 1992. Final assembly of the Airbus A330 and A340 in Toulouse by place on a street clock. As of July 2010 from the Airbus A330 were a total of 710 of 1092 aircraft ordered and delivered from the Airbus A340 delivered a total of 374 of 380 of the aircraft ordered, 369 of which are still in service are. By Andreas Meyer - DEMO with banners in model
Posted Oct 23, 2014 03:30 by Andreas Meyer

8.75Mb (195 downloads)
Polish Air Force Textures for the payware Nemeth- MIL MI-24P "Hind F"
Posted Oct 12, 2014 00:04 by Voiteh

4.72Mb (147 downloads)
Mi-2 Polish Air Force Textures for the payware Nemeth Mi-2.
Posted Oct 6, 2014 00:26 by Voiteh