7.12Mb (569 downloads)
British Airways photoreal textures in 32 bit format for the payware Level-D 767-300 model. Repaint be Manuel Jose, Contact Ground. Happy flights.
Posted Nov 8, 2012 23:59 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

5.85Mb (99 downloads)
Fs2004/FSX textures for the payware Maam Sim DC-3 Aerojevas "El Gaban" YV-427C textures. Textures by Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S
Posted Nov 5, 2012 18:23 by Jose Armando Yanez

6.91Mb (670 downloads)
AeroMexico is the flag carrier airline of Mexico It operates scheduled domestic and international services to North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia. Its main base is Mexico City International Airport. AeroMexico photoreal textures in 32 bit format for the payware Level-D 767-300 model. Repaint be Manuel Jose, Contact Ground. Happy flights.
Posted Oct 5, 2012 01:17 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

7.67Mb (423 downloads)
Lloyd Aereo Bolivianio textures for the payware JetCity MD-83
Posted Sep 24, 2012 16:36 by LUIS CASTRO

8.03Mb (1304 downloads)
American Eagle textures for the payware Flight 1 ATR 72-500. Repaint be Manuel Jose Contact Ground.
Posted Sep 20, 2012 22:20 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

7.08Mb (1003 downloads)
Tame is the flag carrier of Ecuador with its headquarters located in Quito, Pichincha. Fictional ATR72-500 (Tame operate ATR42-500)textures in 32 bit format for the payware Flight 1 ATR 72-500. Textures by Manuel Jose Contact Ground.
Posted Sep 16, 2012 23:27 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos
0.01Mb (212 downloads)
Flight Dynamics files for the payware Wilco Embraer 190-100ECJ -LINEAGE1000.Just copy those two files(after backup indeed)in your aircraft directory, but do not forget that your aircraft.cfg is different.In general this files change the aircraft behavior and the results from the testing of this configuration are close to this in Aircraft Flying Manual. That is third version of FDE files and I think you gonna like it. Pay attention to the fact that you have to adjust every control parameter in the cockpit and as well weight and balance to achieve desirable results and satisfaction. Refer to the AFM which can be found in Internet.
Posted Sep 9, 2012 22:11 by Sergey Stoyanov

2.26Mb (217 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Eurocopter AS-355N from Charlie Victor. Repaint of the Heli and Co F-HACZ by Simon Iglesias "Heli3".
Posted Sep 9, 2012 19:46 by Simon Iglesias

2.28Mb (133 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Eurocopter AS-355N from Charlie Victor. Repaint of the F-GJSE with Cathelicopters stickers by Simon Iglesias "Heli3".
Posted Sep 9, 2012 19:43 by Simon Iglesias

2.29Mb (199 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Eurocopter AS355 from Charlie Victor. Repaint of the Sky Helicópteros EC-LCD as Cathelicopters by Simon Iglesias "Heli3".
Posted Sep 9, 2012 19:40 by Simon Iglesias