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FS2004 > Props > Page 47
FS2002/2004 Skylane Textures
FS2002/2004 Skylane Textures
0.90Mb (239 downloads)
Repaint textures for the default Cessna 182s. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Andrew van Sickle
Posted Sep 10, 2011 13:16 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Barbie's Pink Skyhawk Textures
0.99Mb (178 downloads)
New Textures for use with the default Cessna 172. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Mark Rooks
Posted Sep 10, 2011 13:13 by Don Brynelsen
FS2002/2004 Barbies Pink Skylane Textures
0.92Mb (89 downloads)
Now you can be a Barbie girl (or guy), in a flight simulator world with these textures for the default Cessna 182s. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Andrew van Sickle
Posted Sep 10, 2011 13:10 by Don Brynelsen
FS 2004 Taylorcraft Auster 5 Aeroleshi Kerkiras (Corfu Air Club) Package in 4 Liveries.
FS 2004 Taylorcraft Auster 5 Aeroleshi Kerkiras (Corfu Air Club) Package in 4 Liveries.
14.71Mb (2884 downloads)
One the best trainers you can get. Take off at about 70 meters and glide to approach as low as 30 mph . This repaint of Kerkira Air Club was created especially for my Kerkira and Othonoi (LGOT)Scenery due to Fanari Airport Short runway (1100 ft with overrun of 250 ft). This Scenery will be released soon. Many thanks to Bjorn Bucher for the model. There are four repaints of Red, Sky Blue, Orange and Yellow with Numbers 1-4 in this package. This is a Complete freeware package including fully animated parts VC and 2d Panel and Sound. Textures Repaint for 2004 1n 16 bit bmp Format by: Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Posted Sep 3, 2011 01:20 by One the best trainers you can get. Take off at about 70 meters and glide to approach as low as 30 mph .
Beechcraft -C90B-Airborne-Critical-Care
6.10Mb (2181 downloads)
Airborne Critical Care was from Smithfield, NC located at KJNX. This business was a medical transport from about 2005 till 2007. Model by Dee Waldron. Panel by Michael Verlin. Textures by J.B. Barbour
Posted Sep 1, 2011 21:12 by J.B. Barbour
Rans S-12 Package
Rans S-12 Package
23.46Mb (2212 downloads)
After I looked all over the net to find the perfect LSA for FS I decided that I was gonna need to make one of my own, one that represents the real world, low and slow flying. The Rans S12 is a gorgeous aircraft, with excellent view from the cockpit, but because of the massive wing and tail surfaces, she does handle like a ultralight.With are over a thousand sold and god knows how many flying the S12 is a very successful aircraft. To bring more realism to the model, I recalibrated the gauges and made a pair of Becker comm and XPDR, it has both VC an 2D panels but I never used the 2D for anything. The Sound Package if from Diego Furlan, (give the man the credit he deserves!!!) It's a two stoke sound but because of the high revs of the 912 the 2T is a lot closer to the real thing then the lycommings'
Posted Aug 30, 2011 07:06 by Ralph Wishart
Default Cessna 172SP N531PC Texture
Default Cessna 172SP N531PC Texture
3.32Mb (755 downloads)
This texture has a tiny sea green stripe over a big gold stripe ontop of a sea green one. It comes in a regular and IFR version, with custom 2D panels for both. Also includes a custom 3D cockpit. Club 508
Posted Aug 22, 2011 18:27 by Club508
Dornier DO28 YV-676C Avior
Dornier DO28 YV-676C Avior
12.95Mb (2464 downloads)
FS2004 Dornier 128-6 "the unfinished" - in it's current TU Braunschweig layout. Detailed Gmax rebuild with completely instrumented flyable VC though with FS2002-style levers and unfinished interior. Just about all that moves on the real thing moves accordingly here. Further improved flight characteristics using the FS9 turboprop model now featuring properly flat-rated PT6A-110 engines. Treat this bird nicely and it will treat you well also. Disregard it's few limitations, gmax design by Antonis "Anthony" Konstantinidis Panel,most gauge programming, soundset and flight dynamics by Mathias Elsaesser. Texture by Gustavo La Cruz.
Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid
Posted Jul 2, 2011 19:11 by Gustavo La Cruz
FS2004/FSX Additional VC Views for Milton Shupe's Beechcraft AT-11  Package
FS2004/FSX Additional VC Views for Milton Shupe's Beechcraft AT-11  Package
0.81Mb (856 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX panel option to display virtual cabin views for the twin-engine bomber Beechcraft AT-11 from Milton Shupe (Requires at11pkg2.zip). There are no changes to the fantastic original panel but 5 additional views of the datailed inner fuselage, showing the bomb storage room, the bombardiers seat and the turret gunners place plus 3 fixed external views. Just use key 5 as shiftkey at the numpad. Configuration from Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 30, 2011 05:14 by Erwin Welker
FSX/Fs2004 Embraer E120 Avior Airlines YV-667C
FSX/Fs2004 Embraer E120 Avior Airlines YV-667C
8.15Mb (3352 downloads)
This is the Embraer E120 Of Avior Airlines, Reg. YV-667C, freeware Embraer 120 model by Erick Cantu, 2d panel by Horst Paetzold (no VC), Texture by Gustavo La Cruz
Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid
Posted Jun 28, 2011 23:52 by Gustavo La Cruz