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FS2004 > Props > Page 60
DAHS 7-103 Arkia livery "Club Hotel" Reg. 4X-AHA
14.71Mb (3107 downloads)
Dash7-103 of Arkia with special livery "Club Hotel , reg. 4X-AHA. Model by Milton Shupe, texture by Gustavo La Cruz (Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid)
Posted Jun 13, 2010 22:03 by Gustavo La Cruz
 Dash-7 Spantax Textures
 Dash-7 Spantax Textures
5.00Mb (1505 downloads)
Dash-7 Spantax Textures for the DASH-7 by Milton Shupe. By Enrique Medal.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 4, 2010 18:48 by Enrique Medal
Cessna 150/2 Aerobat V2
5.92Mb (19895 downloads)
FS2004 Cessna 150/2 Aerobat V2. An updated version of the RanchoJEN 150 with five models. This version fixes some bugs and add support to more flexible texturing works. 3D model by J.E.Narcizo - 2d Panel by Horst Paetzold (not VC) - RanchoJEN.
Posted Jun 4, 2010 04:31 by RanchoJEN
Sadler Vampire Ultralight Fly St. Barth
Sadler Vampire Ultralight Fly St. Barth
8.78Mb (4237 downloads)
FS2004 Sadler Vampire Ultralight "Fly St. Barth". This is the complete aircarft. Original of the excellent model Vampire Ultralight by Byron Warwick. Repaint by Ingo Schwan.
Posted Jun 2, 2010 02:07 by Ingo Schwan
Cessna 150L N1472Q Textures
Cessna 150L N1472Q Textures
11.73Mb (1182 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Cessna 150L N1472Q real world freeware repaint textures only for the Fravin Cessna 150L available at A light blue/dark blue/black on white depiction of a real world Cessna 150 known to lolligag around Georgia USA, as well as other regions too numerous to list throughout her long and storied life of bringing joy to all who have flown her. Restoration underway by her current owner includes new upholstery and carpet among other things. 72 Queenie enjoys long walks on the beach, curling up on the sofa with a good book, and most of all... punchin' holes through clouds! Repaint by Tom Tiedman (External link - please report if broken)
Required files:
required file
Posted May 14, 2010 04:08 by Tom Tiedman
FS2004 Beech C45F Carribean Package
FS2004 Beech C45F Carribean Package
15.91Mb (1862 downloads)
The Expeditor in two liveries: Island Hopper Airways, a small Passenger/Cargo carrier based in the Bahamas, and Corsair Airways "Princess Alice". Also included is a set of blank textures for your own repaints. Original aircraft by F. Giuli, Sound and repaints by Don Brynelsen.
Posted May 10, 2010 11:53 by Don Brynelsen
Convair 580 of Mango Airlines
84.47Mb (3611 downloads)
Convair 580 of Mango Airlines. Model by Tom Gibson, sound pack by Cielo simulation, texture by Gustavo La Cruz
Note: requires a zip utility such as Izarc - default Windows will report as invalid
Posted May 10, 2010 04:40 by Gustavo La Cruz
Next Generation Aircraft Design Javelin
0.66Mb (4174 downloads)
This is the single-engine Javelin by Next Generation Aircraft Design. Not to be confused with its sibling, the twin-Javelin. It can cruise at 255 knots while flying across the United States. It seats four, and plenty of baggage. It is one slick customer! It is one of several models I have built. More aircraft are coming soon!
Posted May 6, 2010 19:17 by David Sommerfeld
Next Generation Aircraft Design Twin Javelin
11.42Mb (1468 downloads)
This is the twin-engine Javelin by Next Generation Aircraft Design. It can cruise at 315 knots while flying across the United States. It seats four, and plenty of baggage. It is one slick customer! It is one of several models I have built. More aircraft are coming soon!
Posted May 5, 2010 16:47 by David Sommerfeld
FS2002/2004 Beech C45F Executive Transport
FS2002/2004 Beech C45F Executive Transport
13.35Mb (1356 downloads)
Like many other surplused out military aircraft, the Beech Expeditor saw service in the private sector after the war. This represents a C45F converted for use as a corporate aircraft in the days before business jets. Original aircraft model by F. Giuli, repaint and sound package by Don Brynelsen.
Posted May 3, 2010 12:14 by Don Brynelsen