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FS2004 > Scenery > Page 23
RPMO Ozamiz Labo Airport, Philippines, v1.0
3.11Mb (762 downloads)
FS2004 only. RPMO Ozamiz Labo Airport Philippines. Includes ground objects, vehicles, trees, buildings.
Posted Sep 14, 2013 16:47 by paulo zosa
Alternative Sunset Texture for Spike's Water Environment
0.40Mb (535 downloads)
Alternative sunset texture for Spike's Water Environment V3.3
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 21, 2013 05:57 by Spike
Spike's Wave FX
Spike's Wave FX
0.69Mb (1537 downloads)
More realistic waves for the shoreline in FS2004.
Posted Aug 18, 2013 03:12 by Spike
Spike's Water Environment  V3.3
Spike's Water Environment  V3.3
24.23Mb (2110 downloads)
More water fun! Includes 3 types of surface wave maps (High, medium and low resolution), crazy tropical texture mixes, blue to green fades for plankton waters, light to dark fades and textures for water depths. Reflections and colours designed to suit 'Spike's Total Sky'.
Posted Aug 18, 2013 03:05 by Spike
Ford India Project - Scenery Compilation
Ford India Project - Scenery Compilation
9.79Mb (497 downloads)
This zip contains the entire Ford India Project from the inception seed airfield of Pondicherry (Part1) through to the completion of Part4. A total of 24 historically rendered (1930's) airfields. This is the first 4 parts all rolled into one for a project that is planned to be 7 parts - to see detailed descriptions and images visit Contained in the pack is the historically rendered SCENERY Only for the following airfields:PONDICHERRY, COLOMBO, HYDERABAD, BOMBAY, AHMEDABAD, KARACHI, INDORE, MADRAS (Principle), MADRAS (Alternative), CALCUTTA, ALLAHABAD, CHITTAGONG, NAGPUR, DELHI, JODHPUR, CAWNPORE, BANGKOK, BASSEIN, AKYAH, RANGOON, KUALA LUMPUR (Principle), KUALA LUMPUR (Alternative), PENANG and SINGAPORE. There is also a comprehensive aircraft AI Pack available on the site that has a collection of historical aircraft using the above airfields for circuits and some transit between some of the airfields. Visit to get them for Free. For simmers that have parts of the Project this zip will ensure that they have the complete current components of the project, for new patrons this will install all of the project to date. It will be a couple of months before the remaining Parts,5,6 and 7 are completed. Project Manager - Edward C. Moore Project Developer- Garry J. Smith
Posted Aug 16, 2013 01:57 by Garry Smith and Edward Moore
FS2004  Sardinia Photoreal Scenery Pt 1
63.14Mb (2444 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery of the island of Sardinia (Italy),composed of seven parts. First of seven parts. The airports of Cagliari Elmas (ICAO code LIEE) and Decimomannu (LIED) are found inside the scenery.
Posted Aug 4, 2013 11:48 by Gianfranco Rosa
FS2004  Sardinia Photoreal Scenery Pt 2
81.65Mb (2128 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery of the island of Sardinia (Italy),composed of seven parts. Second of seven parts
Posted Aug 4, 2013 11:22 by Gianfranco Rosa
FS2004  Sardinia Photoreal Scenery Pt 3
66.69Mb (1779 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery of the island of Sardinia (Italy),composed of seven parts. Third of seven parts. The airport of Oristano Fenosu (ICAO code LIER) are found inside the scenery.
Posted Aug 4, 2013 10:49 by Gianfranco Rosa
FS2004  Sardinia Photoreal Scenery Pt 4
82.98Mb (1874 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery of the island of Sardinia (Italy),composed of seven parts. Fourth of seven parts. The airport of Arbatax (ICAO code LIET) are found inside the scenery.
Posted Aug 4, 2013 10:14 by Gianfranco Rosa
FS2004  Sardinia Photoreal Scenery Pt 5
98.13Mb (2126 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery of the island of Sardinia (Italy), composed of seven parts. Fifth of seven parts.
Posted Aug 4, 2013 09:39 by Gianfranco Rosa