0.32Mb (146 downloads)
2000 Lite FS2000 Utility. Can be used to create multi-monitor
virtual cockpits with panoramic outside views and large instrument's
panels using networked PCs. Requires FSUIPC.DLL.(here)
New version: looks like WidevieW 98 4.0 but it is fully compatible
with FS2000. Much more easy to configure and to use than the
previous 2000 "full" version. Freeware by Luciano Napolitano.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

5.28Mb (349 downloads)
Airport Facility Directory is a small database application
containing default FS98 airport data. (May be used with FS2K
as well). Browse or search the database for airport and runway
information. Runs in system tray for easy access - especially
when flying. Option to start application when Windows starts.
Complete HTML Help file included (may be opened through application
or alone). By Joseph M. Lovell. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
1.25Mb (59 downloads)
SID’s and STAR’s - are in The Netherlands MANDATED.
These ‘Set Outs’ are strictly used for a quick overview to make
a choice which route should be used for departures or arrivals.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.02Mb (87 downloads)
Utility - ACS-GPS to FSNav Flight Plan Converter This
application converts ACS-GPS flight plans for use with FSNav.
By Dennis Thompson. 25K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

3.99Mb (91 downloads)
diagram, SIDs, STARs, and all instrument approach procedures
for Los Angeles Int'l. In .JPG format. (42 files in
all) By IFR Plans. 4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.79Mb (372 downloads)
Runway-Database for EFIS98 Brand new and complete RWY-Database
for EFIS98-User. Over 50000 runways and over 2800 ILS. Based
on standard-scenery of FS2000. For further downloads, look at:
http://members.chello.at/richard.stefan August 2000. By Richard
Stefan. 809K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.03Mb (106 downloads)
(excel) 25.8kb FREEWARE! With more changeable options. Calculates
the fuel and the average climbing rate automatically. convert
the wight to volume (lbs/t to gal) It is exactly and easy to
serve. During impossible inputs funny remarks are displayed.
Must for long flights or the correct landing load. by Roy Hahmann.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

2.34Mb (232 downloads)
Map for FS2000. Sends pos of plane to real GPS MovingMap
SW a tool which grabs the current latitude/ longitude information
of any airplane you are flying anywhere on earth and which will
send this info to the COM1-Port using the NMEA Standard. A (commercial)
Moving Map Software -- which normally gets this info from real
GPS-devices -- will now display and update your position on
realistic map! by Marc Mooser. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive

0.01Mb (682 downloads)
Overspeed Modifier. Allows users to change the speed
at which the "overspeed" warning appears for aircraft in these
four simulators. Requires
Visual Basic 4.0 driver files. By Chuck Dome. 14K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.07Mb (155 downloads)
allows you to play randomly Wav Sound in a folder with an interval
defined by user. That allows you feel less alone during fly
if you put sound of Air traffic. It is totally integrated to
FS.what's new in this version : BSATC 2000 (2.0): Fully compatible
with FS2000. - Support for 6 different folders (Tower, Ground,
Departure, Approach, Center 1 & Center 2) - Gauge for manipulate
BSATC from the aircraft panel (not tested with FS98). - Not
really tested with FS98. By Nicolas "Bruce" SERVIAN. 69K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive