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FS2002 > Utilities > Page 9
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0.52Mb (201 downloads)
RWControl V1.1. FS2002 module that simplifies the selection of voice communication channels using Roger Wilco when flying online in the environment of either VATSIM ( or IVAO (, the most popular “virtual air traffic network” providers. Additionally, gauges are provide that can be integrated in your panel(s). By Stefan Gallmann. NEW in V1.1: -Airbus style gauge and BAe style gauge -Utility to have Roger Wilco remote controlled -bug fix: no change in ATC stations on some systems. By Stefan Gallmann. 528K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  FS Flight Log V1.1.0.
6.55Mb (149 downloads)
FS2002 FS Flight Log V1.1.0. More than a log, automatically record: aircraft type, aircraft reg number, origin and destination ICAO airport codes + names, Total Time. (Lite version of FS Flight Tracker) Shareware with ten use evaluation period ($7.00 US registration). By K. D. Lovell. 6.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.01Mb (339 downloads)
Dubai International airport FS2002 ILS Traffic help system. This file is for AFCAD in FS2002 (AFCAD here) . This adds markers on the approach to ILS 30R at dubai and this helps to keep aircraft a safe distance apart as they line up for the approach. The markers will be displayed on the GPS map, this means you no longer have to perform Go-arounds all the time, only sometimes depending on the air traffic. Enjoy! Allan Macmillan. 7K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  FS Flight Tracker V5.1.1.
7.76Mb (1768 downloads)
FS2002 FS Flight Tracker V5.1.1. More than a log, automatically record: aircraft type, aircraft reg number, airline + flight number , out, off, on, in times + fuel, aircraft weights. block time + fuel, flight time + fuel, origin and destination ICAO airport codes + names, weather. Report time in local or Zulu (GMT). Report fuel in lbs, gal or kg. Shareware with ten use evaluation period ($14.00 US registration). By K. D. Lovell. 8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
1.24Mb (226 downloads)
FStarToFS2K Version 1.0.4 September 2002 Jeppesen FliteStar to Microsoft Flight Simulator Flight Plan Conversion Program. This Program provides the possibility to convert Jeppesen FliteStar(R) 8.x Version Flight Plans to Microsoft Flight Simulator(R) Flight Plans, thereafter called MS FS Flight plans. Conrad F. Staeheli. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.00Mb (370 downloads)
Sid's for Manchester International Airport (egcc) UK Includes sids for runway 24r. These charts are for fs2002! So i havn't included the new runway as it doesn't have any taxi ways in fs2002! All charts give a detailed description of which route to follow and what speeds and altitudes to hold. Allan Macmillan. 4K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Airport's Chart Viewer v2.5
4.69Mb (1492 downloads)
FS2002 Airport's Chart Viewer v2.5 This program will generate and display a map of all taxiways (with ids), airspaces, gates, parkings, ILS and runways of any airport of the FS2002 world. Also, it displays the current altimeter setting. Allows chart printing, view two airports charts almost at same time. This version has new features. Compatible with Win95, 98, 2000, XP. By: Manuel Ambulo. 4.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.55Mb (1644 downloads)
Transatlantic Flight! Ready to get a full eight hours under you belt? Well join me as you learn to fly across the Atlantic in a b767. This route is a copy of an exact flight from which i compiled. Depart Manchester to Barbados and learn how the real guys do it up in the business end of the aircraft you fly in. This is from a flight onboard a b767 of air 2000, exact copy of flight plan and route, even uses real world weather. Also, download the Thomas Cook b767 from Simviation .com and use it for this flight. Thanks and enjoy Allan Macmillan. 568K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.13Mb (836 downloads)
Dubai international airport (OMDB) Flying and navigational charts! These charts have been compiled from info that i have researched from my own home, these charts are freeware and must not be used in any way to make profit. Contains: ILS, SID and star Allan Macmillan. 131K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
1.03Mb (1920 downloads)
ILS tutorial. This tutorial explains how to use ILS (Instrument Landing System). Word Document. The tutorial is in English. By Frank Elfert. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
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