USS Freedom Bell & Statue Of Liberty Scenery.
The USS Freedom Bell is making it's Port-of-Call in the Hudson
River, New York City, New York. The USS Bell is just passing
the Statue of Liberty @ N40* 41.00' / W74* 2.30'. "SOL" by Daniel
Büchter(C) & Tatu Kantomaa for the (SOL) Statue Of Liberty addon
mesh scenery. I have tried to reach him, he left no email. I
thank him so much for his great talent in rendering this object.
Check it out at night! Added MEATBALL VASI: TCRV. Complete CL-II
ILS/NAV system. Planner Airport ID: "BELL". Use MAP for Nav.
Info. Flight plan capable using ILS, VFR, & GPS. 100% functional
COMM's. ArresterCables.dat file for FS9 included. Trap & Cat
Zones map included. MUST HAVE RCBCO-20 INSTALLED IN FS9 (available
in the Carrier opps package here)
& Aircraft cinfigured for this type of carrier ops. Will work
on Flight Deck 3/4. Assembled by Steve Hinson. 4.8MB |
USS Carrier Independence.
The USS Independence is making it's Port- of-Call" in of coast
of LAX. N33* 30.00' / W108* 00.00'. Added MEATBALL VASI: TCRV.
Complete CL-II ILS/NAV system. Included is the "Carrier Zone"
data for the "Cat's" and the "Trap". Planner Airport ID: "INDY".
Use MAP for Nav. Info. Flight plan capable using ILS, VFR,
& GPS. 100% functional COMM's. ArresterCables.dat file for
FS9 included. Presented by Steve Hinson. 3.5MB
Independance Zone Map Fix. Old Cat / Arrester Zone MAP:
DELETE from folder, do not use! There are two spots where
the GPS location is off target due to my keypad numeric typo.
This map from this download is the one to use. Do not change
USS Independence Update 2: Carrier ID TAG for Island Tower:
The REAL ID #62
Los Angeles Southern Scenery, California (CA).
This package includes photoreal ground scenery for the area
of southern Los Angeles, including KLAX, KTOA, KHHR and KLGB,
in 4.7 m/pixel resolution. For more information about the California
Freeware Scenery Project please visit http://n330dg.batcave.net.
By Gottfried Razek. 22.4MB |
Los Angeles Northern Scenery, California (CA).
This package includes photoreal ground scenery for the area
of central and northern Los Angeles including KSMO, KBUR and
KVNY, in 4.7 m/pixel resolution. For more information about
the California Freeware Scenery Project please visit http://n330dg.batcave.net.
By Gottfried Razek. 40.5MB |
VYYY Yangon Mingaladon Airport V2.0
Yangon International Airport "MINGALADON" in Burma (Myanmar)
will be able to accommodate bigger aircrafts and handle more
passengers when work on extending its runway and upgrading its
facilities is completed. The completion of the runway extension
will enable Boeing 747 and Airbus 380 airplanes to use the airport.
The work on extending the runway from 8100 feet to 11,200 feet
began October 2004. Version 2.0 with northward corrected and
extended runway, taxiways and new taxisign. With Myanmar Air
Force area, Helipads and even more parkings for civilian airplanes.
This scenery was produced based on pictures of satellites. The
ILS-correction is already contained here. Indstructions in Deutsch
and English. By HOUSE-RP, Switzerland HOUSE-RP. 27K |
Santa Monica, California, High Resolution Airport Area Ground
This scenery contains high resolution ground scenery for the
airport area of Santa Monica (SMO). Intended as part of the
California sceneries above. It has a resolution approx. 1.2m/pixel
(4.7m/pixel is standard). Coverage is the traffic pattern area
around SMO. For more information about my California Freeware
Scenery Project please visit http://n330dg.batcave.net. Gottfried
Razek. 18.4MB |
Australian Outback Cargo Pilot Sceneries & Hops..
In this add-on that I have created there is 12 different legs
of hopping around airports in the Australian outback using a
wide variety of default FS2004 aircraft from the new to the
old. Each airport has been fictionally modified. In the word
document called "Flight Plans" has information on each leg of
the job as an outback cargo pilot including the cargo being
carried, the aircraft and a briefing / description. Kurtis Green.
15MB |
'"DREAMLAND" - Area-51, Bald Mount. Radar site, Basecamp (Updated).
(dreamland) Bald Mountain Radar site (N.E. of Area-51) Basecamp
(Another facility N. of area-51) Nevada. Added AFCADD Files.
All Parking marked "J" at KLAS and KGLK IS Janet Aircraft and
terminals. This is an on-going project which will include the
INTIRE Tonopah test range when finished. Includes Scenery Design
API's. Update: Added: Hanger numbers Janet terminal, Security
Bldg, and Fire Station #2 Signs Corrected some mistakes Credits:
Mike Wallace Al Simms Rafael Garcia Sanchez Andrej Urosevic
Lars Hoyer David Rawlins AI_AARDVARK Bob Familton for his beta
testing and excellent insight. This scenery was created using
FSSC and EOD and AFCAD. Gerry Parks. 100MB |