Minder - disconnects your dial up modem when download
is complete. Saves you time & money! Addware.(Free) File
size 347130 |
Great useable (non expiring) shareware that will take screen
shots & easy selection & copy to clipboard. Not for
3D. File size 464896 |
Display add-on. Monitor your frame rates with this useful
little utility. File size 4660 |
Detective. Utility will examine your programs &
report redundant or required drivers like DLL's etc. File size
19444816 |
v4.9 for AOL users: Prevents the annoying AOL habit
of disconnecting your line during long downloads. Instant set-up
& easy configuration. Sits in the system tray during connection.
by Christopher Bajgier. 76K |

4 RW: Ever tried switching IPs or Channels while flying
Microsoft Flight Simulator in 3D/Full Screen mode? Tired of
having to ALT-TAB to bring up Roger Wilco so you can switch
IP/Channels on hand-off? SwitchBox 4 RW is an external utility
for Roger Wilco to allow changing IPs and Channels easily and
quickly with a click of a button. SwitchBox 4 RW also integrates
with MS Flight Simulator 98 or 2000, or it can be ran in Stand
Alone mode.. 3MB |
(dap5.exe) improves the download speed by up to 300% (via
FTP and HTTP protocols) using more than one connection for
the same file (retrieving fragments of the file simultaneously
when available), while showing advertisements (GIF89) to the
user from a cache directory. "Download accelerator" is a software
that is plugged into the users default browsers (IE4, NETSCAPE
4 and above), on windows 95/98/NT4 platforms. The software
will be triggered automatically when the user is trying to
download a file from the net. It is NOT running all the time
and taking system resources. Idan Feigenbaum. 1MB
here to download direct from
Converter v1.10 A utility for Flight Simulator that
can converts various measurment units like kg to g, liters to
gallons, knots to mach, and many more. In full color and design.
By Jerome Olano. 300K |
NOVA v1.6 is an utility program to design 3D objects
for scenery design for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000, 2002
and Combat Flight Simulator 2. Build your custom hangars, control
towers, buildings, bridges, terminals, gates, houses, file libraries,
lamps and more in an easy way. This version includes two add-on
program files to make special and powerful macros with dynamic
effects, as dynamic windsocks, flags, sliding hangar doors controlled
by distance or frequencies, buildings with helipads, clocks
showing the real time in FS2K, special controllers and effects
files, and much more. A grand total of 42 different tools to
make a large variaty of shapes and special dynamics effects.
Shareware by Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 5.6MB |
V1.6 Help files.
This files contains the entire help files of NOVA. By Rafael
Garcia Sanchez 7.2MB |
OGL Plug in for Architect 2002
FS2000 and FS2002. This plug in available for NOVA users will
generate an OGL macro file that will allow you to preview your
3D objects created by Nova while working in your scenery designs
in Architect 2002. OGL files are created every time you save
your macro files. This update fixes previous scaling problems.
By Rafael Garcia Sanchez. 141K |
-FS98/2000 Utility--PolyFix 1.2 Utility to edit polygons within
aircraft MDL files - intended to repair visual models for FS2000.
Change co-ordinates, colours and texture filenames. Recommended
for use with Chuck Dome's MDLVUE(included). Requires Visual
Basic libraries. By Iain Murray. |