"Day Of Infamy" Video:
A short film in memory of December 7, 1941. Dedicated to America's
Greatest Generation. Aircraft by Tom Kohler and Bob Chicilo.
Music by Washingtonian. By Marc Dantuma. 32MB |
"Zephyr Flight 2000"
Just a little video of a plane that has a great deal of sentimental
value to me...did a virtual Cross-country flight in this.
Hope you like the video! By Jeff Jordon (JordonJ). 40.4MB |
2004 Airbus A319-211 Video.
Take off from St. Barthelemys (2100 ft Runway) and flight
to Princess Juliana Runway 9 VOR Approach. No moving parts
in the video (I donīt know why). I hope you like it. This
is my first video. By Nacho Lillo. 31.4MB Nacho Lillo. 32.1MB |
F-5E Jambock. Short Video.
This and my first film of one serie that they capsize. With
intention to virtually give to homage one of the best aircraft
that pilot. The F-5E has particularitities which I appreciate
sufficiently, I wait that they like this small film. A small
video as first experience. Luis Alfonso. 40MB |
S. Strike Ops highlight Video This
is a highlight movie for the military VA, U.S. Strike Ops
known to most as the U.S.S.O. We are an up and comming VA
that is growing rapidly. We represent all five US military
branches. Jamie Clum. 32MB |
Flight Century Video:
This is a movie where I had put famous aircraft of aviation's
history, from the wright flyer to the space ship one. Music
from the opening credits of StarTrek Enterprise by Russel
Watson. By Stephen M-D. 48MB |
PANV, Virtual Italian National Aerobatic Team Video.
This video is made by mixing clips captured during the last
italian flight simulator show. It's the display of the PANV'group,
Frecce Tricolori Virtuali, the virtual italian national acrobatic
team. Enjoy! Regards, Egidio-PONY3. .WMV format -36mb- Egidio
Ricciardi. 35.3MB |
Margarita Air Club Video.
As requested, I made a video for Margarita Air Club...the
best flying club on the net! A laid-back atmosphere you can't
beat! My second video...again, I'm pleased with how it turned
out. As for the song...well, I prefer the Stephen Stills version
as it sounds more lonely, but then, as far as I know, Stephen
Stills is not a pilot, whereas Jimmy Buffet owns and flies
more planes than most countries! Jeff Jordon. 57MB |