F-22 Thunderbirds Video.
This is a short movie of what i think the future thunderbirds
might look like. The repaint was done by me. Jonathan Cerha.
10.7MB |
Rotor Party Video. : An air show of R22 from FS2004 with
smoke effects.. Ends with the Italian Flag. Author : Nicola
Piazzolla. 23.6MB |
Hunter Video.
This is a series of pics, that I made as preparation for The
SimV International Airshow January 2005. Hope you like the
video! The plane is a Hawker Hunter made by David Garwood
(here), and the RDAF textures
is by Jens-Ole Kjølberg Theis Thøgersen. 5.7MB |
Zaragoza Air base Video.
Another video about Zaragoza Air base with gun's and roses
sound. SAR, LAPES, patrols and a lot of adventure in our dayly
flighs. By Enrique Emperador Ric. 47.5MB |
Electronic Pleasure Video.
A video featuring FS9 electronic intelligence aircraft, put
to music by N-Trance. Features aircraft by Team FS KBT, Rok
Dolenec, Benoit Plamondon and Kazunori Ito. By Marc Dantuma.
21.5MB |