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& Campaigns Page 12
Wilde Zau missions for CFS1 Defending the Reich from Mosquitoes
during the nights of 1944-45! Including 2 aircrafts: "Gelbe 1" from
3./JG300 and Karl Friedrich Mullerīs personal plane when he was
Kommandeur of I/NGJ11. You will need "Paderborn-Lippstadt" scenery
made by Edmundo Abad. You
can download it here. As these planes were used by air units
called "Mosquitoes destroyers", this pack includes a new air file
for Mosquito aircraft in order to make it more difficult to shoot
down; please read instructions how to replace it and its respective
copyrights. RICARDO RUBIO. 735K
Fight against British flying like you were dancing a "tango" Many
thanks to Richard John Steele for sending me the planes used for these
missions You can also download my previous set of missions Falklands
war - British side here RICARDO RUBIO. 1.2MB |
and Typhoon missions
for CFS 1 Two short (eight mission) campaigns featuring P. H. F. Burnage
and Carl-Olof Sandberg's Tempest and Typhoon pack. While this file
does contain one add on aircraft and some scenery, it basically consists
of mission files only. You will need to down load the above mentioned
Tempest and Typhoon pack (T-N-T zip) from this site. By Richard Steele.
413K |
Circus! 3 Mission about Jagdverband 44,
German elite unit organized by Adolf Galland during last days of WWII
and equipped with Me-262 Jet fighters. 2 missions flying for Germans,
1 for Allied. Both Me-262 and FW190D-9 from "Papagei Staffel" aircrafts
included. This pack also includes scenery "Ainring" which was the
last air base of this elite unit, then the unit had to fly from "autobahn"
(German Highways) to avoid Allied air strikes over Luftwaffe air bases.
I just modified missions made by other guys, please read respective
copyrights. Enjoy! Ricardo Rubio. 1.2MB |
Fly a Sopwith Camel against a flight of Fokker Dr.1 Triplanes and
a bunch of Albatrosses. Belgian Spad VIIs will assist in the dog fight.
By Ben Wright. 464K |
Duel Mission.
Duel to the death single mission where you fly the sopwith camel against
a richthofen in his fokker dr.I and three albatrosses on the way home.
made with cor dicklands mission editor v3.0.3 fokker by Tom Miller.
518K |
RFC Campaign. 12 mission campaign
for CFS made with Cor diklands mission editor v3.0.3. Includes all
required aircraft. Enlist in late 1917 and fight your way through
the Great War until the Armistice of Nov 11 1918. Progress from the
Bristol ScoutD to the Se5a and finaly the Sopwith Camel. Fly against
Albatrosses, Fokker Dr.1s, and Fokker DVII. Non-historic WW1 campain.
By Ben Wright. 1.7MB |
: 341 Squadron "Alsace" . Single Mission for CFS1.; I made
this mission in order to pay homage to the 341 Squadron "Alsace",
composed by French pilots. Mathieu Bilquey. 64K |
Depletion A
fictitious raid by the USSTAF and the 9th AF targeting German rail,road,naval,aeronautical
and industrial material resources that need eradicating, prior to
D-Day. Fly a P47d to make your attacks, and a Fw190 to defend. Never
a dull moment in these two busy missions. By Terry Baldwin. 102K |
WW1 Mission for CFS1 . "A taste" by A.F.Scrub. This is a
WW1 Belgian side mission for CFS1. It is just a taste to wet your
appetite for things to come. You'll soon be able to download a complete
Belgian WW1 campaign. All necessary aircraft and scenery files included.
jan 2003 A.F.Scrub. 659K
for Belgian WW1 Campaign "A Taste" Sorry for the trouble
to all you CFS1 , WW1 fans. If the campaign doesn't work, please
replace the SOUND file of the Gotha by this new one. A.F Scrub.