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Scenery Page 25
CFS Scenery Add-On "Wilhelmshaven-Mariensiel" The "Wilhelmshaven-Mariensiel" scenery is totally fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Wilhelmshaven during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Wilhelmshaven scenery. This scenery is full compatible with Wilhelmshaven Harbour created by Wolfgang Grünewald. I include static FW-200 Condor, Junkers Ju-52/3m and FW-190. The scenery also shows searchlights placed on lookout towers and refuel area with moving fuel truck. By Edmundo Abad. 400K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Kiel-Holtenau" The "Kiel-Holtenau" scenery is totally fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Kiel during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Kiel scenery, for represent a wartime style of this German airport located near Baltic Sea. I include static FW-200 Condor, Junkers Ju-52/3m, Fiesler 156 Storch, Junkers Ju-87 Stuka and FW-190. Also, I have added new modified textures for German Light Truck, American weap car, American 6x6 truck and American Ford Truck, all with german markings. The scenery also shows searchlights placed on lookout towers and refuel area with moving fuel truck. Edmundo Abad. 538K
CFS Scenery "Taranto - Italian Fleet" .To install this scenery you must have installed the Cliff Burgess's CFS Italy v1.5 Scenery. This archive is a Demostration Scenery for use the CFS WWII Ships Api Macros developed from original Navy Macros for FS98 created by Dan Geis and Frank Foreman. Contains static ships located on Taranto Gulf, Italy. On Nov. 11 1940, the Italian Fleet anchored at Taranto, was striked by the Swordfish of British Fleet Air Arm. You can access the initial points by clicking GOTO Airport, select the airfield "Grottaglie", and take off. In a few second you will see a balloon's barrier, the Italian Fleet anchored on Taranto and a Axis convoy it being directed toward Lybia. Edmundo Abad. 103K
CFS Island of Wngerooge with German WW II airbase for CFS 1 created by Wolfgang Grünewald. 876K
CFS 6 x new 11 sector RAF specific CFS sceneries 2: Example Pici 3: Description: Description: Stock CFS Editor RAF BoB specific sceneries: 11 RAF Tangmere, 11 Manston Kent, 11 Redhill, 11 Rochester, 11 Westhampnet & 11 Lympne BAR with my RAF specific bitmaps. Jamie Walker. 1.4MB
CFS 19 Airfields Enhancement. CFS1. 19airfields ver.2.0 update Corrects missing scenery object bgl. Built with CFS scenery editor,places airfields in western France and England at locations no one usually builds scenery for. By David Sumners aka Ddave. 514K
CFS 15th BW USS Hancock Update. This update rescales the USS Hancock to 888 feet. It also gives it a wooden deck, and 2 center ship elevators. This is OK to load without any previous 15th BW scenery. If you have 15th BW scenery installed that includes the USS Hancock, see the READ ME file for installation directions. Rick Herring 57K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Babenhausen" To install this scenery you must have installed the Bill Potvin's Non-Directional Beacons For Cfs (Airfields_Ndb.zip) Scenery (included). This airport has a grass runways, and NBD Beacons of 283 khz. (original by Bill Potvin). I have added Buildings for the airfield and Babenhausen Kaeserne, for represent a wartime style of this Luftwaffe airfield in the WWII. I include static FW-200 Condor, Junkers Ju-52/3m, Messerschmitt Bf109e, FW 190-A and Messerschmitt Me 262-a. Also, I have added new modified textures for German Light Truck, American weap car, American 6x6 truck and American Ford Truck, all with german markings. The scenery also shows searchlights placed on lookout towers and refuel area with moving fuel truck. Edmundo Abad. 831K
CFS1 Münster-Loddenheide airfield, Germany. Scenery created by Wolfgang Grünewald. 670K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Schweinfurt" The "Schweinfurt" scenery is totally fictional but but is an effort to represent the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days, when Schweinfurt was called "The ball bearings city", being heavily damaged by the allied bombers. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Schweinfurt scenery. I don't know if this airfield was operated by the Luftwaffe in the WWII. But is a good fictional complement to nearby Kitzingen stock CFS scenery. I include static Messerschmitt Bf108 Taifun, Fiesler 156 Storch, and HE-219 Uhu. The scenery also shows searchlights, ball bearings factories on Schweinfurt downtown, and refuel area with moving fuel truck on the airfield. Edmundo Abad. 364K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Erfurt" The "Erfurt" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of this German airport located on Thuringia region, as a Luftwaffe airbase during WWII. I include static Junkers Ju-52/3m, Fiesler 156 Storch, Lufthansa DC-2, Focke Wulf FW-190 and FW-61 (twin rotor helicopter). The scenery also shows searchlights placed on lookout towers and refuel area with moving fuel truck. By Edmundo Abad. 577K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Dresden-Klotsche" The "Dresden-Klotsche" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Dresden during WWII. I have added a section of Elba river, the Frauenkirche and the bridge over Elba on Dresden downtown. I include static FW-200 Condor, Junkers Ju-52/3m, Fiesler 156 Storch, Junkers Ju-87 Stuka, Me-109, Lufthansa DC-2 and FW-190. By Edmundo Abad. 595K