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Scenery Page 26
CFS Scenery Add-On "Bremerhaven" By Edmundo Abad, Santiago- Chile The "Bremerhaven" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Bremerhaven during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH flugplatkarte. All information are took through the net, for represent a wartime style of this airport located at the mouth of the Weser river near Bremerhaven harbor. I don't know if this was operated by the Luftwaffe in the WWII. But is a good fictional complement to my other sceneries of Baltic and North Sea area. I include a static Lufthansa DC-2, searchlights, zeppelin's hangars, a section of Weser mouth, rotating windmills, lighthouse, the waterwork neighbor at airport, ships, harbor facilities and refuel area with moving fuel truck. 774K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Moenchengladbach" by Edmundo Abad, July 2003 Santiago- Chile The "Moenchengladbach" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Moenchengladbach during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Moenchengladbach scenery. 495K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Wittmundhafen" by Edmundo Abad, July 2003 Santiago- Chile The "Wittmundhafen" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the german airport of Wittmundhafen during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Wittmundhafen scenery. 647K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Wismar" by Edmundo Abad, July 2003 Santiago- Chile The "Wismar" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the little german airport of Wismar during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Wismar scenery. 172K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Essen-Muelheim" The "Essen-Muelheim" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of this relatively small airport in the south of the two cities Muelheim and Essen in the Ruhr region during WWII. © Edmundo Abad. 436K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Koblenz-Winningen" The "Koblenz-Winningen" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the little german airport of Koblenz during WWII. All information are took through the net, from the Koblenz scenery for FS98 created by Thomas P. Vannauer, current aerial photos and DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH flugplatkarte, for represent a wartime style of this German airport located on Rhineland-Palatinate region.. © Edmundo Abad. 521K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Lubeck - Version2" The "Lubeck - Germany" scenery is totally fictional, but is an effort to represent the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days. Shows the current airfields layer took from the real maps and a supposed buildings distribution just as a German Airfield during WWII. This scenery places Runway, AFD menu entry, NDB beacon frequency, buildings, fields, trees, ground vehicles, static planes, searchlights and more to the airfield of Lubeck - Germany. © Edmundo Abad. 784K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Wurzburg" The "Wurzburg" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the little german airport of Wurzburg during WWII. © Edmundo Abad. 262K
CFS Scenery Add-On "Chemnitz-Jahnsdorf" The "Chemnitz-Jahnsdorf" scenery is roughly fictional but attempt to show a detailed depiction of the little german airport of Chemnitz during WWII. I am only based on current aerial photos and FS98 Chemnitz scenery. All information are took through the net, from the Chemnitz scenery for FS98 created by Thomas P. Vannauer,for represent a wartime style of this German airport located on Saxon region. I include static Fiesler 156 Storch, FW-189, Ju 52/3m and refuel area with moving fuel truck. © Edmundo Abad./ 197K
CFS add on scenery. Staplehurst updated Ver. 3.0 New texture files make this a stand alone scenery. No need for texture file add ons. USAAF station 413 in Kent, home of the 363rd FG of the 9th USAAF.Located south of West Malling UK,this was a P-51 base south of London. Standard USAAF "A" shaped airfield,also has modern ILS system. This scenery was built using Airport 2.60. By David Sumners aka Ddave. 845K
CFS Guines Airfield update Ver.3.0 Two runways and some night lights.Live action featuring exploding flak that kills,fire and smoke,firing AA guns,and search lights.Action macros by Martin "Wizard" Wright.Built with Airport 2.60 and CFS scenery editor. By David Sumners aka Ddave. 1.2MB