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Aircraft Page 22

CFS2 De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito Pack - 4 aircraft - Mk.II Night Fighter, Mk.IV Bomber, and Mk.VI Fighter Bomber Visual Model, textures, panel, and DP by Gryphon Aviation. Air file by Jerry Beckwith of the Avhistory.org and the 714th 1% Flight Test Center Pilot Figure modified from the one by Dave Eckert, available at the Free Flight Design Shop Special thanks to HGHB Virtual Instruments for allowing us to use the gauge "hghb_spoil_light.gau" (see "hghb-readme.txt", included). Special Thanks (as always) to Joe Amodea of C.H.A.P.S., Graham (aka RPS Viper) of VB Planes and Martin Wright of MW Graphics for all their assistance with this project! 8.2MB
CFS2 Kawasaki Ki-147 missile! Secret Weapons of Japan 6. Radio guided anti-ship missile Ki-147 in a multi-res, highly detailed, animated version, with 3 effects and sound. A PAYLOAD VERSION is also included, to be used in your DP files! 1.7MB
CFS2 P39 D AIRACOBRA. This plane was used by a Squadron On New Guinea The Squadron Was the 67th Fight Squadron - o - NOTE MUST ADD PANEL AND SOUND File to make this plane work This plane Was Repainted By Wade Moseley. 1.6MB
CFS2 Mitsubishi Ki-15 I "Babs" pack! Highly detailed, multi-res model for Mitsubishi Ki 15 "Babs", with lights, two skins + 9 missions by four authors (scenery also included). Model by Carlos Magalhaes (Metal Dreams), missions by Yoshi Nagata, Larry Brown, Alessio and Eric Cretaz. DP file by Alexander Brenzinger. 1.7MB
CFS 2 Boeing F4B-4 Painted in the colours of VF-6 aboard the carrier USS Saratoga,1935. Original aircraft by Paul Clawson,Repaint,DP and Air file by Gary Wilson. Uses Mauro Giacomazzi's US_Pilot figure. 485K
CFS2 Japanese Weapons Pack 1 - Torpedoes 3 new airborne japanese torpedoes: 91m2 (early WW2), 91m2 Pearl Harbor (wooden fin), 91m7 (strongest of all). Designers are welcome to attach them as required in their model packs, in the terms of the copyright notice. By Carlos Magalhaes and Eric Cretaz, from Metal Dreams. 179K
CFS2 B-17E represents a B-17E Flying Fortress that would have been flying in the Pacific Theater at around June of 1942. This aircraft is similar to the type of B-17E which flew during the Battle of Midway and attacked the Japanese fleet from high altitude. No direct hits were scored, though some near misses were made. Bomb bay opens and full bomb loadouts are included. Includes moveable control surfaces and a detailed panel. Original design and .mdl file by HerbieG. Repaint by Paul Knuth. 1.8MB
CFS2 B-17E Flying Fortress. By HerbieG. Repainted by F4U_Chase aka Wade Moseley. 2.1MB
CFS2 Aichi M6A1 Seiran Combo! Secret Weapons of Japan 7. Highly detailed, multi-res model for Aichi M6A1 Seiran bomber, with panel and DVC (moveable stick, pedals and throttle control), lights, animated canopy and water rudders, foldable wings and tail, catapulted from a I400 submarine (included). Uses MD and Kawauso weapons (included). 5 missions included from Japanese and American sides. By Carlos Magalhaes, Greg Law, Bill Stacey, Eric Cretaz, Alexander Brenzinger, Alessio, Chris Colome and Larry Brown. 2.3MB

CFS2 Tachikawa Ki-94-II high altitude interceptor, ver. 1.0. Designed late in the war specifically to intercept B-29s, the Ki-94-II never flew. In fact, Japan surrendered on the very day it was scheduled for its maiden flight. Model features full animation, two sets of textures, and panel. Freeware. Model by Jerry Lindell, flight model by David C. Copley, textures by Anthony Sullenger (gramps). 2.3MB
CFS2 F4U-X Flak Corsair (add-on for default only) Like my previous P-38X the F4U-X is modified to fire flak shells. However i designed this more as a dogfighting weapon rather than an anit-bomber weapon as on the P-38X the shells range is now 200-400ft and the rate of fire greatly increased, 2 .50cal machine guns are also retained. Mark Walsh. 26K