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Aircraft Page 23
CFS2 F4U-X Flak Corsair (add-on for default only) Like my previous P-38X the F4U-X is modified to fire flak shells. However i designed this more as a dogfighting weapon rather than an anit-bomber weapon as on the P-38X the shells range is now 200-400ft and the rate of fire greatly increased, 2 .50cal machine guns are also retained. Mark Walsh. 26K
A1-H Douglas Skyraider for FS2002/CFS2. GMAX model features include,tail hook, folding wings, sliding canopy, rolling wheels, and working suspension. Dynamic virtual Cockpit with working gauges. Four liveries are included for the USAF, USN, VA-176n and VNAF. A total of 3,180 aircraft were produced between 1945 and 1957. Skyraider saw combat in both Korea and Vietnam. By Ed Wilson and J-P Demmerle. 3.9MB


Ickies,(CFS2 only),Black Zero, weapons/airfile/texture Upgrade Just put these files into your A6M2_Zero folder and overwrite the exsisting files This will make your A6M2_Zero kick butt enjoy Ickie. 329K
CFS2 Spitfire Mk XIV Features : Sliding canopy - activated by using the spoiler key. Blinking strobe lights (need to assign a key in the keyboard assignment section, I used "shift s" for mine). User paintable gunsight (you can use the one in the TEXTURE subdirectory - GUNSIGHT64.BMP). Aircraft : Andrew C. Wai. Paintscheme Alessandro Biagi 933K

CFS2 Junkers Ju-52 Floatplane Includes 2 FSDS models: Luftwaffe or civilian; 2 accurate paint schemes (skins); adapted aircraft.cfg and config.air files; panel & gauges; dp file, virtual cockpit. by Pierino Primavesi. 2.4MB
CFS2 Bf 109 G-6 Erich Hartmann, Staffelkapitän 7./JG52, fall 1944. Bf 109 G-6 with Erla Haube canopy. SCASM version, multires model with breaking parts and full AI animations. Animations include rolling wheels, opening canopy and radiator flaps. Model by Paul Rebuffat, textures by Dan Swart. Dp, panel by Bruno Duffort /Philippe Méhard. 1.5MB
CFS 2 Fiat G.59B Two plane pack containing fictional repaints in Fleet air arm colours 1943 World War 2 and 1953 Korean War.Uses CFSArea51 guntubes(included) and Mauro Giacomazzi's pilot figures(not included).Framerate friendly and featuring the original CFS 1 P-51 panel,requires Martin Wright's weapons library and spitpak addon.Original aircraft by Massimo Taccoli,repaint,DP and air file by Gary Wilson. 1.1MB
CFS/CFS2 Messerschmitt BF-109 G-6 JG 52. This aircraft represents the aircraft that the Top Ace Of All Time (Erich Hartmann with 352 kills) flew over Russia in October of 1943. Full moving parts and detailed textures. Model By: Pentti Kurkinen Textures and all other modifications by: Steve Gandy Uploaded by: Steve Gandy. 3.8MB
CFS2 XP-55 Curtiss Ascender. Full moving parts, multires with 7 LOD models. Thank's to Dave Eckert, for the textures, and Gregory P. over at 714th Flight Test Center for the 1% Airfile and 1% Dp file. What an awesome looking fighter! Made with FSDS by Mike Wholaver. 1.9MB
Updated CFS2 Hawker Tempest II, ver. 1.0. This was the last model of the Tempest series and preceded the Fury and Sea Fury. There were 450 built very late in the war. Full animation, including canopy, lights and pilot head. Working gauges in vc. Freeware. Model and flight model by Gerald Lindell, textures by Anthony Sullenger (gramps). 511K