FS Gauges > Page 14
0.44Mb (11261 downloads)
Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc.
This archive contains version 5.0 of my "groundhandling"
gauges, like automated pushback with conversation
sounds, a Taxispeed controller using throttle
AND brake settings, and more; it can added
to any aircraft.
New in V5.0: 1. Only for FSX !! 2. Accurate
interworking with the new FSX pushback tugs.
YES, finally :-) !!! 3. Reworked Brakes gauge.
4. Taxispeed gauge now has a built-in ARM
Easy to install, and fully documented. By
Rob Barendregt. 447K
Gauges: Pushback, Taxispeed control, etc Optional
Addon. This package is an optional addon
to archive rcbgh-50.zip, and contains a solution
to Open/Close the Groundhandling window via
a permanently visible Icon. Prior installation
of rcbgh-50.zip is required ! By Rob Barendregt.
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.61Mb (1308 downloads)
Mouse Throttle Gauge v1.0 This
is a throttle gauge controled by your mouse
wheel, alowing users to change the thrust settings
with more ease. Especially designed for Boeing
737-400. Ending of the colored scale correspondes
to the 95% N1 power setting. By asasino. 627K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.57Mb (921 downloads)
Bendix/King KY196/197 TSO Gauge.
By Aleksandr N. Petrochenko (SibWings lab).
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.09Mb (5418 downloads)
Gauge: VTOL/Hover for Adam Preece' GR7 Harrier
This freeware gauge adds a whole new flightmodel
and new VTOL & Hover features to Adam Preece'
freeware Harrier. Besides true vertical takeoff&landing,
it allows you to fly forward, backward, sideways
and turn, while in a hover. This solution is
based on overriding the normal FS flightdynamics
while in a hover, simular to the implementation
of catapult launch / cable arrest in my Carrier
Operation Package; in short, it's a VTOL&Hover
FDE coded in a gauge. Special thanks to Doug
Dawson, who created a gauge that provides for
overriding FS2004 variables from an XML gauge.
Besides a VTOL controller, it also contains
an effects controller plus visual effects, for
things like wingtip vortex, directional engine
smoke and a cannon. Requires FSUIPC (registered
or unregistered). The README includes extensive
installation and flying instructions. By Rob
Barendregt. 89K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.26Mb (2220 downloads)
This gauge has a dual timer and a clock that
displays both Zulu or Local time in a 24-hour
format. Each timer operates independently with
reset, start, and stop features. Both record
to 9:59:59. All eight buttons give a positive
visual feedback when pressed. You can record
total flight time on one timer and use the other
timer for all other timing needs, plus keep
the Zulu or Local time visible continously.
Two installation options, panel or window. By
Glenn Copeland. 268K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.81Mb (1595 downloads)
KillDrift gauge v1.
The video screen graphically displays the effect
of wind on the track of an aircraft. This allows
the drift error to be eliminated. Wind speed
and wind direction are also shown. Two separate
course headings can be stored into this gauge.
Included is an icon gauge for installing KillDrift
into separate window, but can also be placed
on a panel. The gauge can be helpful for hovering/landing
helicopters because of its 360-degree display
capability. By Glenn Copeland. 827K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.24Mb (10633 downloads)
GPS Map View v2.0 The
ultimate gauge. The Map will show: Airports
details (Runways ID's, length & ILS), VOR's
and NDB's frequencies, Intersections and waypoints,
Airspaces, Approaches and flight routes. You
can toggle the view you require for your flight.
Also you can zoom in/out to see the nearest
airports, vor's and ndb's. The map will indicate
A/C heading flightplan title and waypoints ID's.
Version 2 includes more enhancements such as
the ability to input the ICAO code of any airport
and the map will show all the frequencies of
that airport including ATIS, ILS, AND COM. In
addition, the map will show the active runway
designations, length and width. The Desert Jockey
Copyright 2005, Talal A Alhaj. 249K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive

0.24Mb (6548 downloads)
Gauges: GPWS gauge V3.3
This freeware Ground Proximity Warning System
gauge for FS2004 can be added to any aircraft
that has retractable gear and flaps, and offers
the following features: - Clickable switch,
with Test/Inhibit function and warning light.
- 8 different warning modes, with all the usual
aural warnings, like "Pullup", "Sinkrate", "TerrainTerrain",
"Windshear" and normal Altitude callouts. -
Fully customiseable per aircraft type, by just
editing the gauge parameters with Notepad. See
README for extensive description. By Rob Barendregt.
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.17Mb (1113 downloads)
SRCsim Icom IC-A200 Communications Transceiver.
Introduction This radio gauge consists of two
Icom IC-A200 communications radios, configured
as COM 1 and COM 2. The operation of these gauges
is modeled on the real-world Icom radios. They
feature standby frequencies, selectable by switch.
They keep one frequency ready at all times as
the standby frequency and this can be changed
at any time; when the standby frequency is called
into use, the currently active frequency then
becomes the standby. Ric Ryburn. 171K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive
0.01Mb (2394 downloads)
Working wipers in xml-gauge format.
Guy De Smet. 10K
Posted Nov 16, 2008 06:09 by archive